just followed beside him... If this movie was in Spanish, she was fucked.
looks up at the board with all the movies listed "hmm most of these movies have subtitles if they're in spanish..." There were a lot
of tourists around this area.
nods to him, breathing a silent sigh of relief. "Okay,"
keeps staring at the board "hmm.. what do you feel like watching?"
"I don't care. Pick." He home, his money, his choice.
pouts and keeps staring. He finally decided on one. He went to go buy the tickets and came back "Here~ Uh.... it's a romanitc comedy! "
nods to him. "Okay." Who knew that was what he would pick..
smiles "Do you want any popcorn?"
nods a little. "Chocolate?"
nods also "So, popcorn and some chocolate? We can share a drink~"
gets in line for the snacks, it was somewhat long. He waited patiently to get up to the cashier before ordering their snacks.
wasn't as patient, she shifted and wiggled slightly, she was bored and sore.
looks at her through the corner of his eye and smiles a little. He finally ordered their food "Okay, now lets go get some seats." He
took her hand and led the way
notices him look and smile at her, she flushed and looked down and nods.
finally finds the door to their movie and walks in, the previews had started already. "Do you want to sit by the screen, in the middle, or
nods and leads the way, he chose some seats down a ways in the back row.
follows after him, cursing the fact she chose the back.
lets her into the aisle first "You first, mi amor~"
"Grazie." She went and sat down.
sits down next to her, handing her the drink they ordered.
puts the drink in the drink holder and pushes the arm rest between them up so she could get closer.
smiles and lets his arm rest over her shoulders "Do you want some popcorn?" The previews were almost oer.
shakes her head, she would wait for the movie to start.
nods and eats a little bit of popcorn himself. He leaned his head on hers.
shifts a bit so her head leans on his shoulder.
watches the screen, the first bits of the movie now playing.
smiles at that a little, he keeps most of his attention to the movie. He wondered how she would react.
watches the movie laughing a little at the funny parts.
laughs at the funny parts too, he was enjoying this moment. He unwrapped the chocolate and held a small piece of it to her mouth.
opens her mouth taking the chocolate in her mouth, absent mindedly licking the tips of his fingers.
blushes a little when she licked his fingers. "I-is it good? "
nods to him. "Mhmm." She raised an eyebrow at his stutter.
starts to break off a piece for himself, he tried to shake off the blush.
stares at him. "Why did you stutter?"
tries to play dumb " Huh? I did? Are you sure?"
nods to him. "Si. I'm not stupid.."
looks back to the screen, away from her eyes "I-it was nothing. Don't worry about it."
frowns and reaches up making him look at her. "What was it?"
stares at her for a moment before sighing "You... " he started whispering "you licked my fingers, it was really cute.."
flushes. "I did?! I didn't mean to."
shakes his head "i-it wasn't anythin bad. It was just really cute is all..." He glanced at the screen from the corner of his eye, a kissy
flushes still. "Why was it cute?" She didn't even notice the kissing scene."
shrugs slightly, leaning closer to her face "I don't know, you always do cute things~" He hoped she wouldn't notice how close he was.
didn't notice. "I-I don't do cute things..!"
nods and finally takes hold of her face "You do~" He leaned in and put his lips on her's, testing the waters. He hoped she'd kiss him back,
it was dark in the theatre after all, so she wouldn't feel so embarassed.
's eyes go slightly wide when he kissed her. I-it was dark, so no one could see right?! So she kissed him back.
smiles agianst her lips. He deepened it and sucked lightly on her lower lip.
exhales a bit, parting her lips slightly when he did that.
lets his tongue explore her mouth, he closed his eyes.
closes her eyes, and lets him explore.
hums a little, he let go of her face to hold her against him while he kissed her.
flushes extremely darkly but stays against him while not breaking the kiss.
finally stops the kiss, he smiled at her.
makes a sound as he broke the kiss and hid her face.
rubs her back a little "How cute...."
flushes and hits his face. "Shut up.."
leans against her and turns his attention back to the movie. Much to his surprise, it was almost over.
didn't even realize how much of the movie they had missed.
nudges her a little bit "looks like it's almost over. "
nods to him. "Fuck. We missed most of it.."
laughs softly "/you/ were a lot more intresting than that movie though."
flushes and laughs a little. "Grazie.. Stupido."
smiles and blinks when the lights in the theatre turn back on.
groans a bit and covers her eyes. "Light..."
laughs at her reaction "We should get going now~"
nods to him. "Mhmm." She huffed at his reaction.
picks up their trash "What do you want to do next? if you're not to tired."
blinks and looks at him. "Why the hell would I be tired?"
looks down "E-eh well... I did go a bit rough on you this morning...." he blushed at the memory.
flushes at this. "But.. It was so damn good..."
"I don't want you to somehow get hurt though..."
shakes her head. "I don't think you could hurt me."
her a somewhat weak smile "I still can't help but worry though."
pulls the collar of his shirt kissing him. "Well stop worrying, I'm a big girl."
taken back a bit from the kiss, but kisses her back. He sighed when he pulled away "Okay. But the moment you feel too sore, tell me."
nods to him. "I'm fine, idiot." She was sore, but she would live.
nods to her "Then what do you want to do next?"
tries to think. "Food." She didn't know why she was always hungry...
smiles, "okay then~ what do you feel like eating?"
nods " okay then~ " They finally stepped out of the movie theatre. He threw away their trash and started to think " Hm... I think the
closest pizza place is in the mall near here."
nods to him. "Alright.. Where the hell is that?"
starts leading her "Just a block away, it's not too bad of a walk."
nods to him and follows him.
takes hold of her hand, hoping she wouldn't mind it if they held hands.
normally would pull away, but she was still sore, so she held onto his hand.
smiles and keeps walking, they'd be at the mall soon.
walks with him, looking around a little.
walks into the mall with her "Let's see, ah, if you want, we can look at the stores too~"
shakes her head, not unless she noticed something she liked.
hums "Oh~ okay then~" he walked her closer to the food court.
follows him looking around, there were some really pretty clothes...
notices she keeps glancing into some of the store windows "Is there anything you want to buy?"
curses and shakes her head, she knew she could get him to buy her anything, but she didn't want to feel like she was using him.
frowns "Are you sure?" She seemed so intrested in the things in the shop a moment ago...
shakes her head. "I don't want you wasting your damn money.."
shakes his head a little " I wouldn't be wasting it~ You never buy things that you don't neeed~ "
buys things that she doesn't need all the time.
hasn't noticed that then " are you sure you don't want anything?"
about to shake her head, when she noticed an outfit on a store dummy, and had to quickly look away.
looks to where she had her attention for a moment "... do you want that?" He smiled and pointed.

*curses zerochan*)
thought the outfit was cute too. He nudged her a bit " I'll get it for you if you really want it~ "
flushes a little more and meekly nods. She didn't have many summer clothes anymore.
smiles and takes her hand, walking into the store.
follows him into the store trying not to fidget.
an employee about the outfit before nodding. "They'll prepare a fitting room for you~"
nods to him. "Okay." She found the pieces of the out fit in her size and put them over her arm.
leads her to the fitting room. He would stay out here though.
follows him to the fitting room. "I'll be back, okay?" She walked into the fitting room, changing, and coming back out to show him. "So?"
looks at her. He smiled, the summer green shirt looked very good on her. "You look amazing~"
flushes and tucks a bit of hair behind her ear, she tried to look annoyed, but couldn't! So she nodded to him.
smiles even more at the blush. "Beautifull~"
"S-shut up...!" She said quickly and turned back into the fitting room to change. Her face was tomato red.
chuckled a little as she stormed into the fitting room again.
changes quickly and comes back out holding the clothes.
keeps smiling "Do you want me to buy them for you?"
takes the clothes from her and goes to the cash register, he paid for the clothing and handed the bag back to her "It looked really good~"
flushes and takes the bag. "Grazie.."
nods "Now let's go get some pizza~" He took her free hand.
nods to him. "Si." She couldn't seem angry after this.. There was no way.
hurries to the pizza place, it didnt sem too busy yet.
follows after him, looking at the pizza place.
looks over some of the pizza they had out " Do you just want a slice? or Two?"
"Just one." She didn't want to seem like a pig, especially out in public.
nods and orders three pizza slices. He figured they could split the third one of she wanted to.
doesn't really care if they split the third piece or not..
picks up their slices and gets two medium sized drinks. He balanced them on a tray "You choose a place to sit."
nods and looks around spotting a table and heading to it.
follows her, making sure not to drop the drinks and their food.
would feel kind of bad if he dropped the food. She sat at the table and waited for him to sit.
places their food on the table and hands her a drink. "Finally~food~"
nods. "About damn time." Her automatic response.
laughs a little and hands her the plate with her slice. He began to eat his own pizza.
takes her plate and begins to munch on her pizza.
smiles at her a little "This is a nice date~ "
nods a bit, flushing at that. "Si.."
keeps smiling at her "You always look so cute when you blush~"
gets flustered. "I-I'm not blushing!"
stares at her "Of course you are~ your cheecks are teh same color as the tomatoes you like~"
looks at the table and shakes her head. "No."
laughs " Okay okay~" He decided not to push it any further.
"Good." She pouted and looked at the table.
smiles and reaches for the second slice of pizza "Do you want more?"
bites her lip. "A bit more.."
smiles and cuts the slice, he still wanted some too. He handed half to her.
takes the half. "Grazie." She secretly felt like a pig, but said nothing.
starts eating his own half of the slice. "It's a pretty good pizza~ "
nods. "Mines better.." She just meant Italian pizza in general.
smiles "Pizza from Italia is always best~ of course~"
flushes up and nods. "E-exactly."
finishes his half "Next time, you'll take me to a good pizzeria in Italia yes?"
nods to him. "Of course."
smiles again, he couldn't wait till then!
could make him Italian style pizza too if he wanted.
hums a little "do you want to look around the mall again? Maybe we can go buy something sweet in one of the shops."
"If you want to." Which really meant she didn't mind, and would like to look around.
smiles and nods "Okay~ Maybe we can find a place that sells chocolate~"
hoping to find a nice chocolate box for her.
would probably act like she didn't want it.
would keep insisting on it until she accepted it.
would still act like he was an idiot and that she didn't want it, even if she accepted it.
would probably find that cute~
would probably try and hit him.
would try to avoid her hits the best he can.
"Okay~ Let's go then." he cleaned up the trash that was left over from their lunch and led her out into the mall.
nods to him and stands up looking at him.
looks around the stores in the mall "Hmm... I think there was a small chocolate shop this way..." He held her hand and started walking.
nods to him. "Okay." She stated and follows after him.
keeps walking, trying to remember where he saw that store.
looks at him and then looks around, she pointed at the store. "Here."
stops "oh! I almost didn't see it there..."
rolls her eyes. "You don't notice much, do you?"
scratches at his head "Haha, I guess not. But i'm glad to have you here to help me~"
nods to him. "Stupid.." She sighed quietly.
walks inside, looking at all the candy boxes.
looks at all of the candies and things around.
goes up to the cakes that are displayed there too. "wow! These look amazing~"
follows him and looks on nodding. "Mhmm, they are."
smiles at her "what do you want?~"
looks at him and then looks around again, she saw chocolate covered strawberries. "Those..?"
nods and asks the clerk for a box of those. He asked for a small chocolate tart too. "Anything else, mi amor?"
shakes her head. "No, that's all." She didn't want anything else.
nods again and pays for the desserts. He picked up the bags "Are you ready to go home now?
"Okay then~ We can eat these when we get there." He put the bags in one of his hands and held out his other hand to her, hoping she'd want
stares at his hand and takes it with a small huff like it's a huge deal.
smiles and holds her hand tightly. "Did you like our date today?"
nods to her. "It was fun..."
pouts a bit at how her voice trailed off "Are you okay?"
nods to him. "Si? Fine?" She was confused. (OTL I MEANT HIM)
( XD it's okay xD ) shakes his head "Nevermind, you seemed a bit distracted for a second there." He walked out of the mall, holding her hand
and humming a little song.
listens to him hum, trying to see if she could place the tune he was humming.
keeps humming his tune, he was making it up as he walked.
swings their hands softly to the beat of the song.
looks at her "Why don't you try a song too?"
"But you can sing well! "
shrugs a little. "No I can't."
frowns, "I think you can~ I'll sing for you if you do it for me~"
flushes. "Don't sing. You'll look like more of an idiot."
chuckles a little, "I thought you liked my singing?"
pouts and gives him a look. "It's like how you don't want people to see me in my underwear. I don't want people to hear your singing
voice. I want it kept to myself." Sh huffed and looked away.
stares at her for a moment, taking in what she said "Chi, I had no idea you felt that way too." He smiled and reached over to hug her.
"That's cute of you." he teased.
flails at the hug. "D-dammit! Shut up! It isn't cute, idiot!"
(.... Are you on your phone..?)
(uugghh phone why) hugs her tighter, "hmm~ you're adorable. "
struggles a little. "I'm not dammit!"