Belgium feels
13 years ago
like she needs a bit of motivating today.
latest #93
Thora feels
13 years ago
like she needs a bit of motivating every day, though most of the other nations weren't as lazy or procrastinative as she was.
13 years ago
looks at her resisting the urge to pinch cheeks. "Are you the other Iceland?" She asks thinking that would explain the lazy part.
Thora has
13 years ago
a bad feeling about this woman and takes an uneasy step back. "Yes… Who are you?" She liked her cheeks un-pinched thank-you-very-much.
Belgium is
13 years ago
happy that her assumption was correct. "I'm Belgium!" She holds her hand out quickly in greeting.
13 years ago
cautiously reaches out to shake her hand. She wasn't very familiar with the male Belgium… But this one seemed very cheerful. "It is nice to_
13 years ago
meet you." She responded politely.
13 years ago
shakes her hand excitedly. "Nice to meet you too!" She is impressed, this one is rather polite for one of the younger nations.
13 years ago
doesn't think she is that young, and she didn't go out of her way to piss anyone off. "So you're related to the Netherlands?"
Belgium likes
13 years ago
to tease people in general, especially if they are younger then her, not that it matters how much younger. "Yes, He's my brother."
13 years ago
"Ah…" So much for making conversation.
13 years ago
isn't about to be stifled by a lack of words from the other. "And your siblings with Dorthe right? I've met her."
13 years ago
wanted to say 'unfortunately', but she bit her tongue. "Yes."
13 years ago
smiles. "Oh how wonderful."
13 years ago
holds back a cringe. "Do you *like* her?" Did anyone like Denmark?
13 years ago
tilts her head as if mystified by the question. "She was lovely to be around and very nice." She replies.
13 years ago
nods slowly. This woman must be insane.
Belgium wonders
13 years ago
why she seems to be looking at her like that.
Thora wonders
13 years ago
how someone could possibly think that… unless… She took a step back, suddenly worried that this woman was as obnoxious as Dorthe and
13 years ago
13 years ago
continues to look at the other girl slightly worried at how she was backing away."..I'm not going to hurt you if that's what your thinking."
13 years ago
"I don't expect that you would." She said with a frown. She was more worried that she'd *annoy* her to death.
13 years ago
brings her hands up to twiddle her fingers a bit awkwardly. "Oh, well, that's good."
13 years ago
rolls on the balls of her feet and looks around.
13 years ago
makes a face determined to get some kind of reaction out of the girl. "Would you like some chocolate?"
13 years ago
shrugs. "I don't eat much chocolate; Only Swiss."
13 years ago
seems to pout. "Aw come on, mine's just as good as his."
13 years ago
doesn't believe her; not that she had ever tried Belgian chocolate, but she was quite biased. "I prefer Swiss."
13 years ago
looks a little miffed but isn't mad. "Well, alright, if you ever change your mind though~"
13 years ago
nods slowly. She hadn't ever actually *tried* Belgian chocolate, but she doubted it was better than Basch's.
Belgium is
13 years ago
thinking perhaps she had a thing for Basch then~
13 years ago
doesn't think that there is anything wrong it she did! Basch was a very nice and charming person!
Belgium is
13 years ago
nosy. She gives her a smile with an eyebrow raised. "Oh, I see~"
Thora says
13 years ago
nothing and looks around. There was nothing wrong with preferring Swiss chocolate! Plenty of people did, and she didn't think it revealed_
13 years ago
13 years ago
reaches over and pats her on the shoulder. 'Alright then, You don't have to eat my chocolate."
13 years ago
glares at the hand on her shoulder. What was that for?!
Belgium has
13 years ago
no idea why she looks so unhappy.
Thora feels
13 years ago
like she is being patronized.
13 years ago
frowns. That wasn't her intention at all.
13 years ago
looks around. She had never really been to Belgium before; At least not that she could remember. She usually avoided it to stay away from_
13 years ago
Holland. "What is there to do here?"
Belgium thinks
13 years ago
for a moment. "Well, whatever you want to do really."
13 years ago
nods. "Oh…"
Belgium thinks
13 years ago
that she doesn't sound too impressed.
Thora thinks
13 years ago
that she could do whatever she wanted anywhere; that wasn't very descriptive and made it sound very normal.
13 years ago
isn't sure what else so say that might appeal to her.
13 years ago
isn't sure what else to say either.
13 years ago
goes with something more obvious. "Do you like waffles?"
13 years ago
blinks. "I don't think I've tried waffles before…" They were the weird shaped pancakes, right?
13 years ago
shakes her head, "They are totally different then pancakes! Much better."
13 years ago
"Ah…" She wasn't quite sure she believed that, but she was intrigued. "What are they like then?"
13 years ago
"They're yummy and delicious and you can put all kinds of things on them! Like chocolate!" She says excitedly.
Thora is
13 years ago
more than a little intrigued now… and she was feeling a little hungry. "I see…"
13 years ago
"I could make you some while your here?" She offers.
13 years ago
doesn't need any more of an invitation! She nodded. "If you don't mind."
13 years ago
grins and goes to start making the treats.
13 years ago
watches her as she makes them.
13 years ago
goes about making the waffle mix in a bowl.
13 years ago
takes mental notes on what she does and steps a bit closer to watch.
13 years ago
pours the mix into the waffle iron once she is done putting it together. She has made them so many times she does this rather quickly.
13 years ago
hasn't seen a waffle iron used before and is intrigued by it even more.
13 years ago
notices her interest and smiles. "Curious much?"
13 years ago
frowns and quickly takes a step back. "No." She huffed defensively.
13 years ago
didn't intend to make her defensive. "It sure looked like were."
13 years ago
gets defensive quite easily… Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "I've just never seen waffles made before."
13 years ago
smiles at her. "Well, now you have." She says before turning back to her cooking.
Thora says
13 years ago
nothing and continues to watch.
13 years ago
opens the waffles iron up and carefully pulls out the near finished things. 'Do you want anything special on yours?" She asks.
13 years ago
frowns. "Like what?"
13 years ago
gasps a little. "Like chocolate, or fruit or anything really."
13 years ago
"Oh…" She frowned, unsure of what she would want on it. "I'm not that picky…" She had no idea.
13 years ago
tilts her head. "Don't you have anything you like?"
13 years ago
shrugged. "Not particularly." She liked most food.
13 years ago
looks at her. "If it's left up to me there will be chocolate on it."
13 years ago
dwells on it for a second. "I don't mind chocolate…" It couldn't be *that* horrible…
13 years ago
nods sharply then and dips some chocolate onto it then.
Thora is
13 years ago
actually a little excited to try it… not that she would admit that. Basch might get upset if he knew she had tried Belgian chocolate and_
13 years ago
didn't mind it.
13 years ago
hands some over to her. "Here!" She is just as excited to see if she likes it.
13 years ago
took it from her trepidatiously and took a small nibble from it. It was still warm, but the taste was actually…good… "It's good. Thank you."
13 years ago
smiles. "I'm glad you like it."
13 years ago
nodded and took another bite. It was really good... She was never admitting that to anyone.
13 years ago
smiles a bit coyly. She knew very few people disliked her cooking.
13 years ago
ignores the smile purposefully. She was trying to be nice, and she didn't want to snap at her.
Belgium is
13 years ago
glad for the politeness then.
Thora was
13 years ago
sad when her waffle and chocolate was gone, not that she would have said that out loud. "Your chocolate wasn't horrible."
13 years ago
just smiles at her. "I'll take that as a compliment from you."
13 years ago
huffs, despite the fact that it may as well have been a compliment. "Take it however you want."
13 years ago
"I intend to, I assure you." She says.
13 years ago
rolled her eyes. "So, what's your name?" She seemed nice, and this was an attempt at being 'friendly' with her.
13 years ago
"Emma." She replies happily. "And yours?"
13 years ago
makes a mental note to remember that. "Thora."
13 years ago
"What a pretty name~" She says.
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