13 years ago
(yay) More hair and make-up today. Josh is thinking about dying his hair dark. What's the consensus? Say goodbye to the silver locks or no?
latest #11
13 years ago
much as i love the meaning behind the silver locks and etc re: josh, i think dark hair would look really really good on him, holy shit
13 years ago
Yeah, I think so too. And we're seriously frying his hair over the course of a year and a half, ya know? ;3;
13 years ago
yeahhhhh 8( makes sense; bleaching takes a lot out of it
13 years ago
I love the silver. It's is my color. But I want to try something new, and with Ash doing the Ruki thing, I kind of want to do the Aoi thing.
13 years ago
13 years ago
Dark hair would look seriously great on you, Raye, it'd make your eyes hella intense. i think it'd look great
13 years ago
just make sure you're positive before you do, because it's hella easy to go light to dark, obviously, but dark to light is. -.-
13 years ago
Yeah, we've discussed it. And honestly, I'm naturally auburn, I hate being blond, and I have a job interview on Saturday...
13 years ago
So dark brown or black is the only way to go. We're doing natural black, though, not Asian black. Otherwise I'd look. ...Idk, scene.
13 years ago
Heh. Scene Josh.
13 years ago
I'm gonna miss that hair D: but dark hair would probably suit you well
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