to all the close frnds of kyoma ; reply to ths thread pliz . This s shin and i was askd to tll his frendz smthing . Rply plz .
latest #24
13 years ago
Uhm.. Yes? What is it?
hi . Snce yu're a close frnd of kyoma , i suppose that u know tht he has this kind of sikness ryt ?
13 years ago
Well, yes. Has something happened?
unfrtunately, yes . He has bn confined in a clnc just near our house & has bn transfrred to a btter equipped hspital .
he had sum trouble in breathng .
13 years ago
What?! Then how is he doing now?! :-(
he jst went to sleep . He askd me to accss hs account here & talk to u . He wll be fyne soon . U dont nd to wrry , thats what he said .
i am crntly besyd him . Its just me & hm in this rum . Obachan wnt to ftch shun niichan .
13 years ago
Oh, please do take care of him. I haven't talked to him for ages.
13 years ago
Once he wakes up, please do tell him that me and him are going to RP so he needs to get well very, very soon!
13 years ago
Ah! Shun-kun is going? Oh please tell him that I want to talk to him too.
ys . It looks lyk he didnt use this account fr a long tym . But he's alwys online on his mssngrs .
ah . Hahahaha .. Ok . I'll tll hm that !
yes . He's cming . Actlly , kyoma is cnfined for 3 dys now ..
13 years ago
Really? I barely use my messengers nowadays. I never had the chance to go online because I only use my phone.
13 years ago
3 days?! Oh my god. He has to be better soon! QAQ
13 years ago
Why didn't you guys inform me earlier?
hah ! Bcozz i knoww you'll be hysterical .
And I'm alreadyy okay ~ hehehe .
13 years ago
Even though! Dx
13 years ago
Take care of your fucking self! D:
Of coursee I will . I won'tt want you to go all crazyy thinkingg about mehhh ~ (troll)
13 years ago
Tch. You're so full of yourself! (haha)
i noee, rite ?
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