13 years ago
found some chocolate but thinks it tastes funny. She looks at the wrapper. "Hershey?"
latest #70
Gilbert thinks
13 years ago
she should put that down and have a beer instead.
Belgium thinks
13 years ago
that sounds like a lovely idea.
Gilbert will
13 years ago
crash her house in hopes of taking part in this beer.
13 years ago
would just invite him over if it would safe her house from being broken into.
Gilbert thinks
13 years ago
she should invite him then!
13 years ago
looks at him amused. "Would you like to come over for some beer, Gilbert?" She asks.
Gilbert was
13 years ago
staring at her until she caught his drift. He puffs up happily whens he caught on. "Of course~!" Belgian beer wasn't German beer, but it_
Gilbert was
13 years ago
pretty damn good. He liked a woman who could make good beer and even better if she could hold it~
13 years ago
resists giggling at the look he was giving her. " I thought so~." She thinks it would be better to drink with some company anyways, rather-
13 years ago
then all alone.
Gilbert is
13 years ago
eager to get free beer. "Lead the way then~"
Belgium gives
13 years ago
a mock salute and starts off towards her house.
13 years ago
follows behind her like a little chick, oh so excited.
13 years ago
opens the door and walks inside once she gets there, turning around to make sure he is still following and hasn't wondered off on the way.
Gilbert is
13 years ago
of course, still there. He would have found her again at all costs.
13 years ago
goes to her fridge and takes out two beers before coming back to the living room and handing one to him. "There ya go~"
13 years ago
eagerly takes it and goes about popping the cap off. "Danke~ Lookin' forward to this!"
Belgium is
13 years ago
popping the tab on her's as well. "Your welcome." She hums happily before raising the can up to take a drink.
13 years ago
happily joins her, delighting in the taste. "So what were you doing before I came?"
13 years ago
takes another drink before sitting the can done on the coffee table. She puts a finger to her chin in thought. " I was looking for some-
13 years ago
chocolate but all I could find was that cheap stuff."
13 years ago
blinks at that. "Cheap stuff?"
13 years ago
nods. "I think it was American chocolate." She tries to be polite and note make a face at the thought.
13 years ago
snorts at that. "Well there's the problem! You should make some of your own~ Or were you just wanting a quick fix?"
13 years ago
grins at his reaction. "I was out and just wanted to pick some up. I'll know better next time." She moves to grab her beer again.
Gilbert likes
13 years ago
her chocolates. They were good in his opinion, much better than Swiss chocolates. "Live and learn~"
13 years ago
agrees. "That's a good motto to live by." She nods, of course her chocolate was the best.
13 years ago
wouldn't mind getting his paws on some of it. "Ja~ It is! I learned a lot by it." He pauses before nodding. "I did. But besides that, how _
13 years ago
have ya been? It has been a while!"
13 years ago
would be more then happy to give him some sometime."I've been busy, things get rather complicated when you suddenly don't have a government"
Gilbert thinks
13 years ago
that sounds terribly confusing. "You're doing pretty awesome to still be okay though."
13 years ago
grins happily. "I know right! I'm rather proud of myself."
13 years ago
pats her on the head since she is being rather cute. "Keep it up!"
13 years ago
takes the patting in stride and nods. "I will!"
Gilbert is
13 years ago
happy she didn't fuss like others. "Come to me if ya need help~"
13 years ago
looks a little surprised at the gesture. "Oh? Really?"
13 years ago
waves it off. "Sure, sure. I don't mind." Besides, he rather liked her house. Partially because she had pieces of his old home.
13 years ago
steps forwards and gives the Prussian an hug because he is being so nice. "How thoughtful of you~!"
Gilbert is
13 years ago
shocked by the hug. He is too used to women hitting him. It was a nice change and he happily gives her a bear hug. "Kesese~ Well I am_
13 years ago
awesome and I have to look out for pretty ladies!"
Belgium is
13 years ago
happy to receive a hug back and pokes his teasingly when she is released. "Oh, not your just trying to be flattering~" Although the smile-
13 years ago
on her face might mean she doesn't mind .
13 years ago
puffs out his cheeks. "I say what I mean~"
Belgium thinks
13 years ago
he looks rather funny like that. "Well, alright if you insist."
Gilbert is
13 years ago
here to amuse. "I do! You believe me?"
13 years ago
nods her head. "I have no reason not to."
13 years ago
seems quite pleased with himself. By now he would have been hit with a pan if it were Hungary. He happily lifts the can of beer to his lips_
13 years ago
and takes a swig before grinning at her. It was nice to have company. "I'll have to come over more and see ya."
13 years ago
taps her fingers against her own beer. "Well, your welcome anytime." She says with a friendly smile.
Gilbert will
13 years ago
take advantage of this invitation. He was lonely, honestly and he liked that she was nice to him. "I'll bring beer~"
13 years ago
giggles a bit. "That makes you even more welcome then." She is a very social person after all, and loved to entertain.
Gilbert likes
13 years ago
that she likes company because he liked it too. "Kesese~ We should have a picnic or something."
13 years ago
's eyes light up briefly. "Picnic? Oh that sound nice!"
13 years ago
perks up at her enthusiasm. "Then we should definitely do it!"
13 years ago
"Oh yes!" She says hands in front of her like an excited puppy. "There could be beer and food and enjoying being outside."
Gilbert is
13 years ago
every bit as exciting. "And it's the perfect weather,"
13 years ago
nods. "Yes, I do love it when it's sunny. That way you can sit in the shade were it's nice."
Gilbert likes
13 years ago
to nap in the shade. "Then I think all that is left is to pick a place!"
13 years ago
nods. "Well, your house or mine?" She asks thinking that would be the simplest decision to go with.
Gilbert thinks
13 years ago
about this for a moment. "How about yours?"
13 years ago
smiles fine with the decision. "Alright."
Gilbert likes
13 years ago
her house and they had less of a chance of their picnic being crashed here. "How about tomorrow?"
13 years ago
seems to think on for a moment. "That sound fine. I'll be expecting you, then."
13 years ago
nods! "I'll bring some wurst and potatoes~!"
Belgium thinks
13 years ago
that would be yummy. "And I'll make some waffles?" She asks hopefully.
13 years ago
nods to this. "Waffles, of course."
13 years ago
wiggles happily. "Alright then!"
13 years ago
stands up and dusts himself off. "I'll go home and prepare then!"
Belgium gives
13 years ago
him a friendly wave. "I'll see you tomorrow then!"
13 years ago
waves back and rushes off to prepare.
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