13 years ago
need ideas on how to help students take ownership of their learning!
tillmanartist says
13 years ago
Let me know... I looking for those ideas too.
MrP_tchr says
13 years ago
On Friday I looked at a couple students who have completed all the "required" work and asked, "What do you want to do?"
MrP_tchr says
13 years ago
They wanted to cook, so I had them find a recipe and convert all measurements to ounces, today they are cooking! (hungry)
GingerLewman says
13 years ago
SarahLKentner: What do you mean, take ownership? Make their own rules? Meet deadlines? Take initiative? Something else?
SarahLKentner says
13 years ago
when I say ownership I mean that they want to learn and are asking questions- take part and want to do well in class