septydelyana wonders
13 years ago
Setting dimana? Notifikasi dimana? Respon please :'-(
latest #7
13 years ago
`thx to adding me... :-D met kenal ya...` (evil_grin)
13 years ago
Boost (music) Boost (dance) Boost (music) Boost (dance) Boost (music) Boost (dance) Boost (music) Boost (dance)
septydelyana says
13 years ago
Oke . Slm knal jg y :-)
12 years ago
yeah! Like the song :-D
12 years ago
yeah! Like the song :-D
BIsmashAZA shares
12 years ago
gk tau pdhl ad yg prlu d setting nih. Yg komentku diatas (kalau ada) abaikan aja d bajak. :-D
septydelyana says
12 years ago
Ahahaha :-P
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