when he stays up to revive a song and gets distracted
latest #35
what are you trying to revive?
that was part of the problem
i remembered at 11:59 to put a bid in and i didn't have a good song handy
it's a little tricky to find old songs you like right now
without the old playlists
i think i'll revive the broken west
now that i've had time to queue one up for next time
maybe a song by the reason
its been an odd enough transition for bumping songs...i can only imagine trying to find a good revive
the ones that i thought of as gems i've all revived
not that there aren't tons more
but i had a selection that i wanted to go through and they've all been posted
alicson no like broken west?
no no, I mean it's sucky when you stay up late to do one little thing, and then you miss out for any reason (especially distraction).
oh oh cool
and some potential revives:
last one is pretty amazing - 2300 bumps and it's never been revived
I'd go with either The Ellen or The New Pornographers.
bleeding heart show is one of my fav songs ever
could play it on repeat for forever\
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