Hellatus says
15 years ago
and BDaBR begins NOW!
latest #119
15 years ago
can you hear me now?
Positively B
15 years ago
it's crazy Gordon!
Positively B
15 years ago
and yes, Dean, we know you're Sam's weakness
Positively B
15 years ago
look, Sam, there's a plot point in the glove box!
WhimsyWooooo says
15 years ago
ugh! Hellatus is not showing up on my timeline now!
WhimsyWooooo says
15 years ago
WhimsyWooooo says
15 years ago
OK, here now
Positively B
15 years ago
Whims, it almost never shows up on my timeline right away, I have to go to the page first
15 years ago
me too! Weird!
15 years ago
"Don't touch my Jesus." (LOL)
Positively B
15 years ago
John was a paranoid bastard, wasn't he? Oddly sentimental, though, too
15 years ago
So father-like. Sentimental but won't show it. It's a nice moment for the boys.
WhimsyWooooo says
15 years ago
it's not even updating for me on the Hellatus page. Grrrr. And this is one of my favorites from last season.
15 years ago
So does Dean now have land mines in the trunk?
Positively B
15 years ago
oooooh, I like the idea of Dean with land mines at his disposal
Positively B
15 years ago
Also, grenades. They come in handy, ya know
15 years ago
I can't see him leaving all that behind.
15 years ago
Too bad the Truckzilla wasn't in the storage unit.
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
Yeah but grenades against ghosts??
15 years ago
They'd help with other more corporeal things though.
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
Unless they were packed with rock salt.
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
Good point O....
Ophe loves
15 years ago
Dean's authoritative voice here.
Positively B
15 years ago
What's in the box?!
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
Me too!
Positively B
15 years ago
cue the wacky music
15 years ago
"You opened it!!" All sexy and deep. (mmm)
Positively B
15 years ago
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
15 years ago
They do comedy so well!
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
I wonder if it hurt Jensen crashing into Jared like that.
Positively B is
15 years ago
sure he was just fine
15 years ago
"My gun don't jam."
15 years ago
is so sad to be missing this episode. waiting for food so I can go home.
Positively B
15 years ago
aw, Anna, I'm sorry. I'll watch it with you later if you want, after you get home
15 years ago
So, where are we?
Positively B
15 years ago
the Final Destination death scene
Positively B
15 years ago
man, their kitchen is *gross*
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
:'-( yeah...eeeww to the kitchen.
Positively B loves
15 years ago
how Dean mouths "awesome"
15 years ago
I want Bobby's trucker hat collection!
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
Me too B!
15 years ago
Drunk!Jensen face!
Positively B
15 years ago
it's the McNugget face!
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
15 years ago
I'm gonna have to bow out of this one, y'all. I got some stuff to deal with here.
15 years ago
brain freeze!
Positively B
15 years ago
that's too bad, Katy, but we'll see you later!
15 years ago
bye Katy
Ophe loves
15 years ago
that Sam actually considers Dean's "if you were ever gonna get lucky" comment.
Positively B loves
15 years ago
Sam's face!
Ophe wonders
15 years ago
if luck is going your way then how could you lose the rabbit's foot?
Positively B
15 years ago
I wondered about that too, Ophe
Positively B
15 years ago
(LOL) "Yeah, I'm good."
Positively B
15 years ago
oh, SRS Dean is so SRS
Positively B loves
15 years ago
Bobby's pig!hat!
15 years ago
"idget" (rofl)
Positively B
15 years ago
"I lost my shoe." PRICELESS
15 years ago
Sam is SO the little annoying brother in this epi.
Positively B
15 years ago
15 years ago
Bela's cat is creepy!!
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
Love Dean's exasperated look at Sam's shoe comment.
Positively B
15 years ago
me too, Zo!
15 years ago
Here's a tip: don't get into a gunfight with Dean Winchester.
Positively B
15 years ago
the knees of Sam's jeans are seriously dirty here, but not ripped. Do we take that to mean he's fallen down again, or patched them up?
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
Or they haven't done laundry in a while?
Positively B
15 years ago
Dean is so suave in this scene, I LOVE it
15 years ago
i got it B, maybe the foot is like The Precious and is always trying to get to the next person.\
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
Thanks B...now I have that stupid Rico Suave song in my head!!
Positively B
15 years ago
doesn't know that song
15 years ago
I bet that song was in VH1s 2009 video selection.
Positively B
15 years ago
and Ophe, that makes sense. Since it was designed to be evil and all
Positively B loves
15 years ago
Dean's "See ya!"
15 years ago
poor Sammy! All tied up and wet and bleeding. Poor, poor hot Sammy.
Panns says
15 years ago
Did I miss the shoe? I missed the shoe, didn't I. :-(
Positively B
15 years ago
he's so exasperated, too. Sammy's had a long day.
Positively B
15 years ago
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
For B: Gerardo - Rico Suave
15 years ago
God save us from half the people who think they're doing God's work
15 years ago
No you didn't ZO!!!!!
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
(devil) Of course I did.
Panns says
15 years ago
Oh Zo, did you have to?
15 years ago
Dean would SO kill her for shooting Sam.
15 years ago
He wouldn't let that go
15 years ago
even if it is just a flesh wound
Positively B
15 years ago
well, she is a chick, and human. It's not like he could just shoot her in the head
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
Panns...yes...I had to. Someone's gotta educate the young ones!
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
B's right...she's still human.
15 years ago
no but he could kick her ass
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
And Dean don't kill humans.
15 years ago
or at least threaten her
Positively B is
15 years ago
all for threatening
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
She gets her comeuppance in the end.
Positively B
15 years ago
oh, Gordon. I'm so glad you end up getting decapitated
15 years ago
Love how crazy Gordon thinks the other guy is batshit.
Positively B wishes
15 years ago
she would've gone away sooner. She was hella annoying
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
(LOL) Yeah..that's like the pot calling the kettle black.
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
I agree B...she did not add anything to the storyline.
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
Though Sammy's dream of her was amusing...
Positively B
15 years ago
no, Zo, and that was the problem. Ruby I could appreciate as part of the ongoing mytharc, but all Bela did was show up randomly
Panns says
15 years ago
I kind of hate the way they try and make it OK that she shot Sam in RSaM. Where she says it was a flesh wound, and Dean kind of has an
Panns says
15 years ago
agreement look.
Positively B
15 years ago
and make the boys look stupid.
Panns says
15 years ago
Kripke said in LA that they managed Bella wrong by not putting her in the mytharc earlier.
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
I know...it's almost like they were going to take the Bela story down a different path before the writer's strike. Like making her a
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
partner or something with the boys.
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
I thought Bela was forced on Kripke by the CW PTB.
Positively B thinks
15 years ago
that's partially true, in that the network wanted more young females on the show
15 years ago
she was a Ben Edlund creation right?
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
I hadn't heard that.
15 years ago
Seems like they may have said that at a Comic Con panel
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
Could be. Did he create her as a one-shot initially?
Panns says
15 years ago
for some reason I think she was more than a one shot when she was cast.
Positively B
15 years ago
yeah, I think she was recurring from the get-go
15 years ago
but it seemed like they did have larger plans for her.
15 years ago
sin city in a few? my dvr says 9:57, but my computer says 9:53?!?!
Jared'sB-Girl says
15 years ago
okay B! You (rockl)
15 years ago
(rock) even
Positively B
15 years ago
okay, Anna, just let me know when you wanna do it!
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