Had an appt with the drill seargent this morning at SNAP.
while working out she had me doing some exercises that included "dips". Hard to explain, however something between my ribcage and sternum..
hyper-extended and down I went. Knocked the wind out of me and I laid there grabbing my chest..
to the on-looker...it would appear I was having a massive heart-attack.
so, I'm not sure exactly what I did..but that was not a good feeling and it still hurts...alot.
S was not happy. Thinks I should go into Tria or something...have it checked to make sure.
I asked SvenR..former college-pro athlete...probably nothing they can do for me.
is it any better today? if it doesn't hurt, a little gentle stretch of the pecs may help
yeah, a little better. picking up a watermelon almost killed me. Advil is good.