WOOOTS ♥ says
13 years ago
dont being silly chewhuiping, dont expect the unexpected! you're just as tiny as bacteria for him.
latest #17
Issac L.s.K says
13 years ago
0.0 tiny as bacteria
WOOOTS ♥ says
13 years ago
Issac L.s.K says
13 years ago
for andy koh?? XD
WOOOTS ♥ says
13 years ago
for my ex --;'
Issac L.s.K says
13 years ago
owh cheh haha u find him back?
WOOOTS ♥ says
13 years ago
er.. can say that? lol half year ago... and im still like...arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~
Issac L.s.K says
13 years ago
lolz still can't forget him huh??
WOOOTS ♥ says
13 years ago
maybe? damn, half year ad! still cant forget but much more better ad la
Issac L.s.K says
13 years ago
haha aiya i oso same like u nia but i 1 year d still like some time miss her @@
WOOOTS ♥ says
13 years ago
i think same nia la! hahhahahahaha
WOOOTS ♥ says
13 years ago
fuck up!
Issac L.s.K says
13 years ago
same only la haha chill la
Issac L.s.K says
13 years ago
maybe ur find some 1 better than him in the future le
WOOOTS ♥ says
13 years ago
aww~ god bless me
Issac L.s.K says
13 years ago
may god bless u (LOL)
WOOOTS ♥ says
13 years ago
Issac L.s.K says
13 years ago
thx but i've been trying to forget her d u still haven xD
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