Turkey is
13 years ago
outside throwing books into a fire.
latest #82
13 years ago
w-wonders why he's doing that..!
Elizabeta thinks
13 years ago
he's snapped...
Spain thinks
13 years ago
the Turk's strange. O.o
Turkey thinks
13 years ago
that both Antonio and Elizabeta should mind their own buisness....if he snapped or if he's strange it's none of their concern. D<
13 years ago
tries to grab his wrist and make him stop!
13 years ago
jerks his hand away and throws another one in. "Why are you trying to stop me?!"
13 years ago
tries to grab the book from his hand. "Why are you burning books??"
13 years ago
grows quiet and grabs another one flipping through the pages before tossing it in. "It's none of your buisness...I didn't realize your
13 years ago
brother was rubbing off on you so much."
13 years ago
blinks at this and frowns. >n< "H-he's not! I just don't approve of burning books!" Now he's trying to gather up the books and pull them
13 years ago
away from Turkey's reach.
13 years ago
had managed to grab one more and chucks it hard into the fire before turning around to glower at the Canadian. "These are my books I can do
13 years ago
as I wish with them."
13 years ago
shrinks back a bit at the look, taking a step back. "B-but why are you burning them?" he asks, trying to read the cover of one.
13 years ago
manages to snatch his really really old and favourite copy of Arabian Nights and brings his arm back winding up to throw it in the
13 years ago
fire. "Because I'm stupid!" He growls as he throws it in anger.
13 years ago
flusters worse at the reason and the anger, dropping the books and trying to move between Turkey and them, putting his arms up. "S-stop
13 years ago
please, you're not stupid..!"
13 years ago
glances down at the Canadian and lets his hands drop to his side. "Why do you care so much?"
Matthew is
13 years ago
a bit of a bookworm, he doesn't have very many good condition books that aren't new. "B-because, there's not reason to be burning such
13 years ago
nice looking books eh.... it seems like a rather large waste too..."
Turkey was
13 years ago
upset and these books seemed to make him even more so. "So that's the reason." He mutters before he side steps the Canadian grabs another
13 years ago
one and throws it into the fire.
13 years ago
flusters again when he's side stepped. "S-Sadiq why are you burning them?? Won't you regret this later??"
13 years ago
probably will regret it and especially regret burning the only reminder of his younger days; the copy of Arabian Nights. However, he stays
13 years ago
silent and pathetically throws another one in.
13 years ago
tries to grab his wrist again, giving him a pleading look. If he had known the significance of that book, he would have been extra
13 years ago
careful of it.
13 years ago
finally stops and sighs. "Fine...I'll stop."
13 years ago
"I-if you want to talk about something, I'm here eh...." he says, unsure.
13 years ago
sits back on a log and runs his hand through his hair in frustration. "You're a nice kid Matthew but you already have enough to listen too."
13 years ago
fidgets a little, shaking his head. "No, I mean it.... I'll do anything to help if I can, too...."
13 years ago
rests his elbows on his knees and his face in his hands in frustration. "I'll be fine...." He was being stubborn.
13 years ago
hesitates, but sits down in front of him in the dirt. "...y-you don't look fine...." he says reluctantly.
13 years ago
closes his eyes and inhales deeply. "I don't think I have in a while." He admits.
13 years ago
bites his lip a little. "I'll listen...." he offers again, wanting to help but not sure what he could do.
13 years ago
looks up and smiles or at leas tries too. "It's just some history shit....it's really impossible to fix."
13 years ago
can tell his heart's not in his smile at all. "Well... the past is the past right? We keep improving and we keep moving on and hope that
13 years ago
things are better now than before..?"
13 years ago
chuckles darkly at that. "If only it were that. You're past is not nearly as bloody as that of mine and..." He pauses and sighs. "Your
13 years ago
government is a lot smarter than mine as well."
13 years ago
hums softly. "Well yeah... I'm not as old as you.." He looks up at him. "...t-there's always hope though eh?"
13 years ago
can't help but laugh at that. He was old...much to old. "Sometimes I wonder about that too."
13 years ago
smiles a little at the laugh. "Well....if we don't hope then the future is lost?"
13 years ago
loses the smile. "But what if you hope for too long and don't recieve any change or improvement?"
13 years ago
hums. "Then you have to... take action and make it happen yourself?"
13 years ago
shakes his head. "Matthew, you do realize that we are merely nations. What our people do is completely out of our control. I couldn't
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possibly step into my government and take control. I can only guide from the sidelines or watch. And it all depends if they even want to
13 years ago
take my advice in the first place."
13 years ago
sighs, rubbing the back of his neck. "I know, I know.... I just like to think sometimes we have more control over ourselves than that."
13 years ago
He brings his knees up and rests his chin on them. "But still, even a single human can start a big change, if they get enough people
13 years ago
behind them...."
13 years ago
nods as he thinks back on a certain human he was really fond of. "Yes, that is true too. Maybe I need a time machine or something." He
13 years ago
laughs lightly. "Could help."
13 years ago
chuckles softly. "Yes well that's true. Someone really needs to invent one of those soon."
13 years ago
nods. "I'm surprised no ones tried." He pauses to think for a second. "If you could go back in time to change something what would it be?"
13 years ago
hums, considering this a moment."I'm not sure... I mean, there are good and bad things in the past, things that would have been better off
13 years ago
without... but everything happens for a reason, right? Those things that don't kill us make us stronger, and all that....."
13 years ago
"Yes, yes, but if you could. What would you change?"
13 years ago
considers it for a moment and just shrugs. "Not sure. Recently? Probably 9/11... it just seems a gain-less war from both sides... and
13 years ago
affected Al so much.." He sighs, looking up at him. "Why, what would you take back?"
13 years ago
nods. "The day my stupid Prime Minister...no my government refused EU membership so that I'm not in this shit situation right now."
13 years ago
blinks. "...yeah, that would do it," he nods, resting his chin on his knees again.
13 years ago
leans back. "I'm sure there are a ton of other things I would change but I think this one is the dominant one in my mind right now."
13 years ago
hums. "That's what had you burning all those books?"
13 years ago
tenses and goes silent for a few seconds before speaking up. "I guess you could say it was one thing...."
13 years ago
frowns at the reaction, staring up at him. "Ah...."
13 years ago
grows quiet again. He hated showing weakness.
13 years ago
stays quiet for a moment too, before innocently asking, "do you want to talk about the other reasons?"
13 years ago
sighs. "I'm tired of being discriminated against."
13 years ago
's expression falls. "O-oh, I'm sorry eh...."
Turkey gives
13 years ago
him a sad smile. "It's not your fault."
13 years ago
"Eh...still...." he replies a bit sadly.
13 years ago
pats his head again. "If it counts. I'm feeling a lot better thanks to you."
13 years ago
flusters a little at the pat, looking up at him. "Well, I'm glad for that at least..."
13 years ago
smiles. "Maybe you should start charging. You could make a living out of it."
13 years ago
chuckles softly at that. "Turkey, barely anyone knows I'm there most of the time, I don't think anyone would come to me for that.."
13 years ago
"Are you one hundred percent sure about that. Think about it."
13 years ago
shrugs. "It's either that or they mistake me for Al...."
13 years ago
"I'm sure it will be like that at the start but once they know that it's you listening then they'll start remembering because you'll
13 years ago
end up helping them psychologically."
13 years ago
hums. "Eh, maybe... I dunno though."
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