that weather description just makes me think of the documentary I watched on london's sewer system...
XDDD Playing dead just doesn't work with bears, period
I find the lack of zombies rather ominous
Psh. Zombies need vacations from us too, you know. You're not the only one working hard here. =|
I imagined zombies tanning and having fun in the sun. Getting tired of chasing people.
And somehow, all I heard was the "There's a zombie on the lawn." song. Dancing ensued.
now Thriller is stuck in my head again...
hey guys remember to tag your posts
I think all of mine are properly tagged...I tagged our log, btw...
i know yours are tagged. but there are a lot of others that i have been tagging XD
also i can't reply until i'm at a computer
i have it sitting in my inbox, not ignoring
I know you wouldn't ignore it
that one became more morbid than I thought it would...
zombies are so much fun to work with