Hellatus says
15 years ago
ready for The Kids Are Alright?
latest #190
Hellatus says
15 years ago
the title always makes me think of Dark Angel
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
15 years ago
WhimsyWooooo says
15 years ago
there was an ep in the first season with a similar title
WhimsyWooooo asks
15 years ago
must they always show Sam slipping on pie?
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
I should know this since I have the DVDs.
Ophe hates
15 years ago
the first scene with the saw. One of my biggest fears for my own father.
Positively B
15 years ago
Whims, I hear you. I hate having to watch Sam fall on pie in all the recaps
Sarie is
15 years ago
annoyed that they focused so much of the ep on random lady and her daughter, and then didn't show their reunion at the end
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
Whims...Sam on pie means AngstyDean!
15 years ago
I love watching Sam fall on pie, as long as I know he washes it off after
Positively B
15 years ago
15 years ago
Positively B is
15 years ago
sure Kripke got *very* excited about this scene. He is the unabashed King of Gore
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
Oh. Yuck. That saw...
Panns says
15 years ago
I'm putting the paninis to bed. I'll be here as soon as I can!
15 years ago
hated it!
WhimsyWooooo says
15 years ago
yes, Dean, you are Pokey
15 years ago
Weirdy McWierderson!!!!!!!!!!! \o/
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
Can I be Gumby Girl????
WhimsyWooooo says
15 years ago
I swear that's the same development from Bugs
15 years ago
Are you a yoga instructor, Zo?
15 years ago
Ok, the "squeeze out" comment is kinda dirty.
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
Not and instructor...I do yoga though. ;-)
15 years ago
even the balloons look the same Whimsy :-)
Positively B
15 years ago
Whims, they all look the same to me, it's all suburban hell
WhimsyWooooo says
15 years ago
The Dean (evil_grin)
Ophe thinks
15 years ago
Lisa is Dean's Sarah.
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
Back off cougars!!
15 years ago
AC-DC used to rule until the sold out to suckle at the corporate teat.
WhimsyWooooo says
15 years ago
Ophe wonders
15 years ago
what was semi-illegal about their weekend?
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
I'll never tell. ;-)
Frenchy says
15 years ago
Ophe I agree Lisa is Dean's Sarah.
15 years ago
Damn skippy, she is. She needs to come back.
Positively B
15 years ago
maybe it wasn't *really* illegal, but some things are so good, they should be illegal
WhimsyWooooo likes
15 years ago
her way better than Cassie, but not as much as I liked Sarah for Sam
WhimsyWooooo says
15 years ago
deep fried crack now makes me think of Toady
Frenchy says
15 years ago
Toady where are you ?
15 years ago
I like her for Dean only because of Ben. I don't think they really had much chemistry.
Ophe likes
15 years ago
her as much as Sarah. And Ben is SO Dean's kid!
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
He has to be when he says things like "Excuse me ladies, here comes trouble!"
WhimsyWooooo wonders
15 years ago
how demons stay caught up on pop culture references?
Positively B
15 years ago
there was this theory floating around a while back that Ben was actually John's kid, which I find both hilarious and gross
Ophe thinks
15 years ago
with Dean its not about chemistry, its about security and comfort.
WhimsyWooooo says
15 years ago
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
John's kid? Really?
WhimsyWooooo says
15 years ago
Toady's on LJ, Frenchie
Frenchy says
15 years ago
I like Lisa and Ben. But I think Dean had a lot of chemistry with Anna the angel.
Ophe wonders
15 years ago
if Jensen has ever had great chemistry with any of his romantic co-stars?
15 years ago
Besides Jared I mean :-)
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
Frenchy says
15 years ago
I know Whimsy. But I'm here way more than on LJ. Your fault.
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
I thought Jensen and Lisa were good.
Positively B
15 years ago
well, he's got great chemistry with Misha
Frenchy says
15 years ago
Ophe (LOL)
Frenchy says
15 years ago
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
+B...you're as bad as Ophe!
Positively B
15 years ago
thanks, Zo, I'll take that as a compliment!
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
I like Sammy's hair all combed back like that.
15 years ago
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
I'm not surprised B!
15 years ago
It looks HORRIBLE!! So smarmy.
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
and O.
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
Smarmy? He doesn't look smarmy...I think it's cute on him.
Positively B
15 years ago
those damn kids are SO CREEPY *shudder*
Frenchy says
15 years ago
I like his hair more unruly ?is that a word?
Just Liz says
15 years ago
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
IKR!! She reminds me of that Dr. Who episode. The Empty Child.
15 years ago
aren't all kids? ;-)
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
truefax O!
Positively B
15 years ago
"Are you my mummy?"
15 years ago
Unruly is good ( both as a word and for Sammy's hair)
15 years ago
Dude, you have a massive hickey!!
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
B! Stop scaring me!! (unsure)
Frenchy says
15 years ago
thanks Sari
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
And I like it unruly too....Sam's hair I mean.
15 years ago
but they need the gas masks to be truly frightening
15 years ago
I like the lady who plays the mom with the creepy girl
Positively B
15 years ago
dunno, those sucker mouths are plenty creepy enough for me
sarahlou says
15 years ago
is this the last one, tonight?
WhimsyWooooo loves
15 years ago
the entire bully bit
Frenchy says
15 years ago
'I want ice cream, Mummy ice cream please' has never been so creepy!!
15 years ago
I think she played a new werewolf on the Dresden Files
WhimsyWooooo says
15 years ago
I think so, Sarah
Positively B
15 years ago
"Only bitches send a grownup."
WhimsyWooooo wonders
15 years ago
what Kripke has against kid, little girls in particular
15 years ago
they did a damn good job making the kids creepy, both as monsters and as fake kids
sarahlou says
15 years ago
k, maybe i can play tomorrow. but i saw this one fairly recently... ;-)
Frenchy says
15 years ago
Whimsy I love it too. It's so like Dean to help
WhimsyWooooo says
15 years ago
thanks for stoppin' by!
Ophe loves
15 years ago
that Dean is so proud!
Frenchy says
15 years ago
without helping.
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
I love Dean's chagrined look when Lisa yells at him.
15 years ago
+1 Zo
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
And Ben hugging him! So sweet!
Positively B
15 years ago
Frenchy says
15 years ago
what I love more is the hug. Then the creepy kids.
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
OK..the girl petting her mom's hair and saying she loves her most of all? Creepy. As. Hell.
Positively B
15 years ago
aaaaaand we're back to super creepy
15 years ago
ack! Lamprey mouth!!
WhimsyWooooo loves
15 years ago
the girl's mom. She did so well. Sarie's right. It sucks that we didn't see their reunion.
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
Frenchy says
15 years ago
the actress did an amazing job. Yep I would have loved to see the reunion too.
Positively B
15 years ago
"Damn, now I need a new car."
Ophe shares
15 years ago
could rename this epi "When Lampreys Sttack"https://images.plurk.com/3189020_14efef4bd98e6bd02e3681afee9abf25.jpg
WhimsyWooooo says
15 years ago
awww! The boys get to play with fire again
15 years ago
and a good lawyer.
Ophe shares
15 years ago
Just Liz says
15 years ago
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
Just Liz says
15 years ago
that makes me think of the movie Teeth.
Positively B
15 years ago
how did Sam know about the kids?
Ophe has
15 years ago
never heard of Teeth.
15 years ago
'cuz he's wicked smaht.
15 years ago
creepy staring children + weird hickeys on mom, B ( I guess)
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
Ziegfried Houdini? Really Dean??
Positively B
15 years ago
that may be the lamest alias EVER
WhimsyWooooo says
15 years ago
they used Elmore and Lenard on this week's Leverage. Totally made me think of SN's version of aliases.
15 years ago
isn't the one mom reading "The Historian?"
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
Yup...that's what she's reading.
Just Liz
15 years ago
Teeth is about a girl with well, teeth in her Lady bits.
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
I heard about that movie.
Frenchy says
15 years ago
Ben'S one of them !!
Positively B
15 years ago
me too, though I was too scared to watch it
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
+2 B
15 years ago
Ew, Liz! That would be ...uh...unfortuante.
WhimsyWooooo says
15 years ago
that totally raises my fememinest hackles, Liz
15 years ago
didn't the prostitutes in Vietnam use razor blades?
Positively B
15 years ago
doesn't she, like, um, bite a guy who's trying to rape her?
Ophe loves
15 years ago
that Ben is so helpful. Yup, totally Dean's kid!
Just Liz says
15 years ago
she bites several. Sorry, I didn't mean to plurkjack hellatus...
15 years ago
"I don't wanna go to bed...I vant to suck your blood."
Panns says
15 years ago
Uh, so where are we?
WhimsyWooooo says
15 years ago
oh, look! The boys are getting beat up by a woman again.
Positively B
15 years ago
yeah, he's so mini-Dean here helping out the other kids
Frenchy says
15 years ago
Sam and fire... I like.
Panns says
15 years ago
Ah, there! Yeah, Ben rocked! He would have made a great Winchester.
WhimsyWooooo says
15 years ago
you and Pengy
Panns wonders
15 years ago
if Ben may become a next generation hunter?
WhimsyWooooo asks
15 years ago
OK, how'd it get to be daylight so quick? They were just down the street, right?
Positively B has
15 years ago
read some great fic about teenage Ben
Frenchy says
15 years ago
Panns that would be great. And trained by Dean
15 years ago
um, they took them out for pancakes? Maybe it took a while to drop the other kids off.
15 years ago
What are you talking about "would have made a great Winchester," Panns? He IS a Winchester!
Panns says
15 years ago
All the other kids are gone, Whimsy. They must have taken them home?
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
Sam got to play with fire again!
Panns says
15 years ago
Oh, you beat me to it, Sarie! :-)
Panns says
15 years ago
+B, is Ben a hunter in those fics?
Frenchy says
15 years ago
Dean is getting beat up by a girl again..
Frenchy says
15 years ago
B where is that fic.
15 years ago
There are lampreys as children in this epi and we're worried about the sunlight not being realistic?
WhimsyWooooo thinks
15 years ago
Dean totally deserved to get kissed for that line
WhimsyWooooo says
15 years ago
Ophe, now it not a time to be practical
WhimsyWooooo says
15 years ago
pot to kettle
Positively B
15 years ago
see? That description, coulda been John, too
15 years ago
can't see it.
WhimsyWooooo says
15 years ago
OK, do the names Sam is checking appear in the flashback episode?
Ophe will
15 years ago
watch for that.
15 years ago
Girl, take your time with that kiss. No need to rush it.
Panns says
15 years ago
Oh, good question Whims!
15 years ago
I think Lisa uses the same hair color I do.
15 years ago
Robert Campbell? Mrs. Wallace? Ed Campbell?
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
Some of the names are "Campbell"...
15 years ago
Don't ring any bells for me
Positively B
15 years ago
none of those names are ringing any bells
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
Mary's maiden name.
15 years ago
he did say it was her uncle
WhimsyWooooo says
15 years ago
oooo. Good catch, Zo!!
Ophe is
15 years ago
that the uncle from the comic book
Panns says
15 years ago
Robert and Ed could be uncles . . .
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
I didn't read the comic..yet.
Panns asks
15 years ago
was the uncle from the comic book Mary's or John's?
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
Do you think the Campbell's that got killed were hunters?
Positively B
15 years ago
it's possible
15 years ago
there was a heart surgeon in there. Maybe that uncle was a doc
Panns says
15 years ago
I got the feeling hunting "ran in the family" for Mary's family.
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
Did Mary have siblings?
Positively B
15 years ago
so why would YED wanna kill all those people? And they were recent deaths, too, as recent as 2006
Panns asks
15 years ago
was the YED trying to cover something up?
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
I don't know. Mary died long ago. John, Sam, & Dean didn't know Mary's family were hunters. They didn't stay in touch with family either.
Positively B
15 years ago
notice that Sam said "tell me who you are" three times. Three's a number of power.
Panns says
15 years ago
Positively B
15 years ago
don't know if that means anything, but it's interesting.
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
And Ruby did reveal demon self to Sam.
Positively B
15 years ago
that was when she became cool for me.
Positively B
15 years ago
pretty much liked her from the get-go
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
I didn't mind her. She grew on me.
15 years ago
I thought she held her own against the boys which is no small feat.
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