dislp38 says
13 years ago
howdy. I haven't been on here in a year. :-D
latest #8
HowieG says
13 years ago
Hola Deb!
dislp38 says
13 years ago
Hi Howie!
13 years ago
Hey! I remember you. At least I think I do…
HowieG says
13 years ago
dislp38: whatcha been upto? Working for the mouse?
dislp38 says
13 years ago
lol gangga
dislp38 says
13 years ago
not really working that hard, I am going to disney in an hour just hangout for a bit
HowieG says
13 years ago
dislp38: find me a job down there, will ya?!
Greg Lizolile
13 years ago
(wave) howdy
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