Tino is
13 years ago
making sure everything is just perfect in the first class section of the cabin, trying to ignore the nerves of this being his first
latest #354
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international flight making his stomach twist up unpleasantly. And his first time dealing with first class customers too. It could certainly
13 years ago
be an interesting flight... [Airtalia. For Germany and whoever else was joining in? idk]
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goes through the last check-ups with his co-pilots for the long-distance flights back to Munich. Finally he was going home again after two
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long weeks of flying all over the world. He loved his job, but sometimes he just wanted to sit on his balcony, drink beer and watch soccer.
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He got the OK that boarding had finished, that all freight was on board as well. Check-ups were also done, so he opened up the intercom to
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Welcome the passengers, tell them a few facts of their flight, the weather and all these little things while his co-pilot directed the jumbo
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onto the take-off lane. It was a rather long transit, which left the personnel enough time to show the passengers the safety instructions.
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fumbles a bit with showing the passengers how to work the seatbelts, but manages to get though the rest of the safety information without a
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problem. He double checks that all seatbacks and trays are up, luggage is stowed, electronics are off, and passengers are buckled in,
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checking with the other attendants everything was good before opening the door to the cockpit. "Cabin is prepared for take off, sir!"
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turns his head to smile at the newcomer in the team. "Understood. Everybody to their seats please, we're ready for take off." And indeed,
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they had just reached their current destination. Flicking a few switches he got ready for the acceleration, and then a few seconds later,
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they had left the solid ground.
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smiles and nods, trying to hide the fact that he felt like he might puke as he closes the cockpit door, quickly buckling himself into his
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own seat. He closed his eyes, drawing in a deep breath and bracing himself. He could handle being up in the air, but take off and landing
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scared him sometimes. Especially with a huge plane like this one!
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So far so good.No problems yet, nothing to worry about, everything went according to plan. About one hour after take-off they were perfectly
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on their way, so he told his copilot to take over. He kept on checking the controls for about half an hour more, then excused himself for a
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Drink and a snack. And a way to the toilet. He knew that dinner was about to be served, so he was looking forward to that as well. Peeking
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his head into the plane's kitchen, he tried to find out what it was. "Hello ladies," he greeted the attendants mischievously.
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The girl attendants giggled, and Tino blushed a little, smiling a bit awkwardly. He had calmed down now, and everything was going well so
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far! "Hello captain! Anything we can do for you?" His grin was radiant, trying to hide his slight nerves still.
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feels a little flashed by that radiant smile and just stares at him for second, then chuckles. "I was wondering how you guys are. Everything
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okay here? No complaints so far?" he asked, since it was his duty that they arrived safe and sound at their destination.
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shakes his head with a grin. "No complaints! Everything is fine so far." Breathes a small sigh, turning to take a drink of his glass of
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water. "Well, nothing we can control anyways. There are a few fussy babies in the back..."
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"Oh yeah, you always have them, don't you, no matter where you go? Wailing little bundles. How are the passengers around them doing?" he
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asks, sipping on his water.
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"Always! Most of the customers are fine. We offered the few complainers free drinks and that worked like a charm!" He checked on something
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in one of the little ovens, another attendant coming back with a list of dinner orders. "I take it you're not a fan of children...?"
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"Not so much, no," he admits with a sheepish smile. "They seem to be scared of me and to be honest, I'm a little scared of them as well."
Tino thinks
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that sounds....adorable! Such a huge man, scared of children? "Well! Good thing you're a captain and not an attendant then!"
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chuckles at that. "Seems so doesn't it. By the way... what is this delicious smell?"
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"Ah, it's just the Berlin-style currywurst we're serving for dinner!" He grinned again, rolling the sausages over. "Are you hungry?"
13 years ago
[Hnnng now I want currywurst ;A;]
13 years ago
(( asndaösdfaö, why currywurst??? ))
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drools at the explanation, but tries to cover it up by hiding a cough behind his hand. "I didn't know we were serving currywurst? Is that
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dinner for the first class?" he asks, incredulously, since he doubts that this is the case. Currywurst was cheap, so he assumed that it was
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for the customers of the economy class... not that this stopped him from drooling over those at all.
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(( .... ))
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quickly shakes his head. "Ah, no, this is for business class! First class gets an herb crusted pork loin stuffed with spinach and ricotta
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cheese! Both come with potatoes. We can make you whatever you'd like, though!"
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pork loin sounded good, but the ricotta kinda appalled him, when he could have currywurst. "I see. Well, um, I'd rather have the Currywurst,
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if that's possible in any way," he said, trying not to sound too keen on the currywurst.
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nods, even a more a little enthusiastic now, since he's the one preparing the currywurst! "Of course! I'll have some made for you right
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away!' And he hurried to make an extra portion.
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smiles at the young man, the prospect of *currywurst* after spending the last two weeks all over places where there was no decent sausage
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whatsoever just made him completely happy. "Thanks. I will be in the cockpit in the meanwhile, drinking this."
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nods again, still grinning. "I'll bring it to you when it's ready, sir!" Once Ludwig leaves one of the other attendants pointed out how much
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he's blushing. He tries to ignore it. He's just flattered is all!
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sits down in the cockpit again, waiting until the official end of his shift and starts chatting with his co-pilot, giving them the good news
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that they will have currywurst tonight.
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knocks on the cabin door a short while later with their food, grinning as he stepped inside. "Dinner is served!"
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"Finally!" he can't help but exclaim, accepting the tray impatiently. "Looks good," he says as he sees the sausage cut into pieces, covered
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with ketchup and under a layer of curry spice. He unpacks the fork impatiently and digs in even more impatiently. One bite later he grunts
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in pleasure. "Just like it's supposed to be." His co-pilot is chuckling at him, amused by his joy over something simple as a sausage. "You
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sure like your sausages, Ludwig, don't you?" His answer is a simple happy nod.
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blushes a little, grinning a little wider if it's even possible. "Ah! I'm so glad you approve, sirs! If it were legal I'd get you a beer to
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go with your meal. Ah, is there anything else I can do for either of you?"
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the co-pilot asks for some coffee, but Ludwig shakes his head, happy for his sausage. "I'll have one later, after my half-shift is over.
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I'll tell let you know when that is," he grunts around the plastic fork.
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slips out of the pit and returns with coffee for the copilot. "Of course! If either of you need anything just let me know!" And he went to
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serve the first class passengers their dinner.
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finishing his currywurst with almost lightspeed, Ludwig sighs as he's finished, feeling way too happy on this flight. And such a cute flight
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attendant, too... Waitasec, that was the wrong thing to think, he reprimanded himself as his eyes flickered over the controls again. He
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frowned as he saw a field of turbulences in front of them and had made a call to warn the passengers about them. He hoped that the personnel
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would be able to cope with them though.
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tends to his passengers and then buckles himself into his own seat, closing his eyes tightly. God he hates turbulence! Just...try not to
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think of the cabin losing pressure and the plane going down into the ocean and and and. Okay, maybe a little deep breathing will help.
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takes control of the yoke again, holding on tightly to it as the whole plane starts shaking, careful not to loose any height as he navigates
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through the field. Two minutes later they have passed the field and he sighs in relief, turning of the lights for buckling in again.
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stays buckled in, however. At least until he has to start passing out the blankets and pillows, making an announcement they would be dimming
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the lights, and to use their overhead light if needed.
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(( And tug them in and give them a good night kiss... at least that's my impression of first class. xD ))
13 years ago
(( tuck* ))
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watches the clock, nodding when his shift is over. "Alright... we'll be leaving control over to you now. You know where to find us," he says
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to the second shift as he and his co-pilot hand over the controls. And while his co-pilot - tired from the day before - decided to sleep as
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soon as he could, he goes looking for the cute flight attendant.
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returns to the front of the cabin after closing the curtain that separates first and economy. He grins when he sees Ludwig out of the pit.
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"Good evening! Is your shift over now?"
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nods, smiling back at the other. "Yes, indeed. And I'm craving that beer... just a small one though, please, I don't want to stress my luck
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too badly," he chuckles. "Scratch that, get me one without alcohol, A Clausthaler, please." He really didn't want to stress his luck.
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"Of course! Anything, sir!" He grinned as he looked through the beverages, pulling out the one he requested, handing it to him. "Sorry we
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don't have a mug or anything for it....'
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shaking his head, he answers, "Some of these are better out of the bottle anyway." He takes a bit gulp and sighs happily. Honestly, this was
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the best flight in a long while. "So, this is your first long-haul?"
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"That obvious?" He asks, blushing a little from embarrassment. "I've done some across the US, but never across the Atlantic...
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" Well, never been an attendant, anyways.
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"Well, I check the history of everybody before I board the plane, so that's why I know. "How is it?"
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"Ah..." He wasn't about to admit it was a bit...scary. "A little daunting, but manageable!"
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chuckles. "You can say it's scary. It is pretty scary to be flying over such a big ocean, with no land in sight."
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swallows a bit of a lump in his throat. "Ah...yeah. It is.." He admits. "Especially turbulence...'
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"Surely you must have experienced turbulences before," he says, sipping on his alcohol-free beer. "I once talked to somebody that they had
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lulled him to sleep, much like a rocking crib with a baby."
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"Really? Ah, I don't mind it so much, just...being over the ocean with it is a little...unnerving.."
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"Well, I will promise you that nothing will happen today. You are completely safe here," he smiles.
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smiles, a bit softer than before. "Good to know! I trust you and your whole team, you all seem very capable!"
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"Thanks," he smiles back, cheeks slightly pink from the other's smile. "Are you busy right now? I know the First class can be quite...
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stressful, or not stressful at all."
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shakes his head. "Nah, I think all the fancy suits are asleep now." He gives a small laugh. "No one is jamming their stewardess button
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for the moment, anyways."
13 years ago
smiles at the laugh, wondering why he feels so dizzy, he DID have alcohol-free beer, didn't he? "That's good... How do you feel about being
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called a 'stewardess' though?"
Tino gives
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a little bit of a shrug. "It's not too big of a deal, really. I'm not offended or anything."
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"So, if I called you Mr. Stewardess from now on, it wouldn't be a problem?" he teases, alightly amused by this.
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laughs and sticks his tongue out at that. "If you really wanted to!"
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"I'd have to make sure to do that only in private though," he smirks. Why is that guy so cute?
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blushes a bit at that. In private? O-oh. "Is that so, captain~?"
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nods with a wink, not quite realizing how this could be taken. "Anything official could have me sacked, even if I have your permission."
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"Well we can't have that!" He grins slowly. ""Not when you look so nice in that uniform!" Oh god, was he flirting with the captain?
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"No, I really can't," he smirks, "Not when I can meet cute flight attendants like you." ...okay, that was definitely going too far. "I'm
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sorry, that... I mean..." Even if he had said it without thinking, he was reluctant to take it back.
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goes from faintly pink to very red. 'I-it's okay." Was he stuttering? Really? "I don't mind..."
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frowns a little, but also looks a little hopeful underneath it. "...Really?"
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nods, looking off to the side, still blushing furiously. "Really!"
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"O-okay," he says, hiding his embarrassment with a large gulp of his beer.
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shifts a little from foot-to-foot, feeling a bit awkward, not sure of what to say. "Uhm..."
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clears his throat, coughing a little because he drank his beer too quickly. "So, er, where are you going after we land in Munich?"
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"Ah, well, I'm spending a week in Munich before I head north for a little bit...Meeting up with a friend over in Estonia..."
13 years ago
"What a coincidence... I'll be spending some time at home as well, a short vacation after two weeks of constantly being around. The jet lag
Germany has
13 years ago
been killing me," he explains, "So, er, I would like to invite you over for a beer if you don't mind..."
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looks to him a bit timidly, biting his bottom lip for a moment. "Yeah..? I'd...that's be nice."
Germany gives
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him an insecure little smile. "Nice... Let's talk about it once we've landed, okay?" And he told himself that this was not a date.
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grins, wide, again and nods. "Sure!"
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smiles softly at that wide smile. There was something about it that just made him relax.
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"You should turn in though, get plenty of rest!" He glances around and quickly kisses his cheek.
Germany feels
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his eyes widen in shock, holding his cheek. How the hell was he supposed to sleep after that. "...What... what was that for?" he mumbled,
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face as red as that of a tomato.
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blushes again. "A goodnight kiss, of course!"
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"D-do you give one to every of your passengers?" he jokes, never wanting to assume such a thing and likes to think he's special.
Tino gives
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a little laugh. "Of course not! Only very certain special people get a goodnight kiss."
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"I see," he smiles, cheeks still red as he empties his bottle of beer. "Thanks for the beer..." He wants to add that he's welcome to join
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him in his hammock if he wants to, but that would be inappropriate. Damn, when had he become such a flirt?
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"You're welcome!" Beams at seeing the other's smile. So charming! "I'll see you in the morning then? We're serving waffles!"
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"Uh, waffles," he makes, excitedly, wriggling his fingers in quotes to something he saw on the TV once, but doesn't remember what exactly it
Germany was
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. "Please wake me if I'm not awake by then, will you?" With that, he winks again, disappearing to the crew's bunks.
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watches him go, giving a little excited dance, grinning as he pours himself a cup of coffee. Best. Flight. Ever!
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(( /can't help but thinking: LOOK SWEDEN! IF YOU'D TALK TO HIM, HE'D BE A NICE WAIFU TO YOU TOO! XDD *cough* ))
13 years ago
stares at the bunk bed above him, having problems falling asleep. And how is he supposed to when his heart is thumping so loudly?
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sighing, he turns around a little, pulling the mask over his face and tries to drown out every unwanted and unhelpful thought.
13 years ago
13 years ago
(( XDD LIKE, TOTALLY! *lol* ))
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waits until his shift if over before heading into his bed as well, eying Ludwig for a moment, wondering if he's asleep... He quickly shakes
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away the thought of climbing in bed with him. He strips down for bed and climbs into his own bunk until the next morning.
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hears somebody enter in his half-asleep state and lifts his mask a little, just to see Mr. Stewardess undress. He blushes and quickly turns
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to the side, but the image of soft skin is already branded into his brain.
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notices him shift, but figures it's just sleep movement. He falls asleep easily enough and wakes up early, redressing, and going to help the
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other staff prepare breakfast.
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doesn't think he has slept at all during this flight, tossing and turning. He would have to tell the other's that he couldn't do the landing
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but he was confident that the other pilots could do it just find. Lying on his back with a groan, he stares at the ceiling and doesn't know
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what to do.
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slips into the bunks, holding a little tray with waffles and juice. Peeking to see if he's still asleep first. "Ah...Guten...morgen?"
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blinks, the smell is waking him up, the soft voice of the other has him awake. Pushing up the mask he sees that cute round face... Ah, damn
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it. No risk, no fun. "Where's my morning kiss?" he chuckles, even though his voice is hoarse from not having slept properly.
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laughs lightly, leaning down and kissing his forehead. "Right there! Ah...are you okay? You don't sound well.."
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catches him as he tries to straighten up again and redirects his lips to his own, kissing him soundly. Those lips that he had felt on his
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cheek and now his forehead first were as soft as he had imagined him for the better of the past 20 minutes when he had allowed himself to
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dwell on thoughts that he shouldn't have. "I didn't sleep well," he mumbles as he draws away.
Tino is
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a bit shocked, feeling his face go rather red, heart pounding in his ears. "Ah...Well if I had known you were awake...." He cuts himself off
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blushing even more. "Er... B-breakfast is ready though!"
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"What," he says silently. "If you had known I was awake, then what?" he elaborates, keeping a firm hold on the other's arm so that he could
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not run away on him, also scared that he could get turned in for sexual harassment.
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winces slightly at that tight grip, glancing away. "I...I dunno...I guess..I would have gotten in beside you.."
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loosens his grip slightly, rubbing the abused arm in apology. "That... that would have been nice," he admits, before he lets go of the
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other's arm completely and sits up. He rubs his face, trying to get the fatigue out of his eyes, smelling strong coffee. "Sit with me?"
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smiles a little, relaxing, and nods, sitting beside him and balancing the small tray in his lap.
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smiles back at him. "Thanks," he mumbles, grabbing the coffee before anything, almost downing the whole cup. "I will need a lot of these...
13 years ago
Sorry about... about just now," he mumbles.
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"It's okay." He insists, glancing down for a moment. "I've, ah, had a lot worse before." He'd had his share of unpleasant partners in the
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past, not that he'd bring something up with the guy he'd just met, so he quick covered it with, "My family roughhouses a lot, friends too.'
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"..." he's not sure if he's reassured by that. "I... I also... I also meant... you know..."
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.....oh! Oh! The kiss? "Oh that. I don't mind at all..."
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For some reason that's not exactly the answer he had wanted to hear. "You don't mind a lot of things," he noted, sounding a little bitter
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and mostly confused.
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bites his lip, moving the tray to the other's lap. "Excuse me." He abruptly stood up and left.
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bites his lip, too slow to hold him back. He stares at the heart-shaped pancakes and grits his teeth. Way to kill the mood, Ludwig. What
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would your brother tell you now? He would laugh at you and tell you you were and idiot. Frustrated at himself, he shoves the pancake into
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mouth, almost tearing up at the taste. Why were they so good? They NEVER were THIS good on any flight he'd been on.
Tino is
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relieved most of first class is still asleep, since he can't bring himself to smile as he serves those who are awake. He feels so stupid
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for being too awkward. Just when he was ready to start seeing someone again and he thought he'd gotten lucky finding Ludwig. Way to fail,
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Tino. Way. To. Fail.
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returns his empty plate to the kitchen and gets himself another cup of strong coffee that he downs almost as quickly as the first one, and
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then another, secretly hoping that Tino would turn up while he was there.
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He would, collecting the garbage` and bringing it back to the kitchen. "Ah..." And here came the awkwardness again.
Germany gives
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him what could be described as a puppy look. "I'm sorry about what I said. I must have hit a sore note with that," he said silently, making
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sure that Tino was the only one to hear.
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waits for another attendant to leave before. "I'm just...not used to..you know...flirting and stuff. I don't really know what to say.."
13 years ago
pushed himself off from where he was leaning against the counted and stepped a little closer to the smaller man. "Well, 'I don't mind' makes
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me feel like you didn't like it. If that's the case... please tell me clearly, Mr. Stewardess," he mumbled.
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shakes his head, taking a breath, trying to steady himself. "I did like it. I do like it. I'd...really like to get to know you better...and
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maybe...if things go well we could...maybe..." He fumbled, blushing vibrantly.
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breakes out into an involuntary smile at that, raising a hand to gently tuck a stray strand behind the other's ear. "I'm glad to hear that..
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Please... do tell me if you like or dislike something I do, don't be afraid," he mumbled, pressing his lips to the other's forehead. "I'm
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looking forward to... what we could do... maybe."
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smiles, nodding, fiddling with the hem of his jacket. "Okay! I'll be sure to--" is suddenly interrupted by a chiming. "Oh it's that fat
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bastard by the back. Sorry!" He has to hurry off to see what his most annoying passenger wanted now.
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smiles at his antics, downing his coffee again before he went back into the cockpit, informing the others that he was too tired to land the
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Jumbo himself, so he would stay in the back.
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returns after a few moment, looking a little stressed. Oh man these rich people...
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sitting in the back of the cockpit, he watches the other's do their work, before he excuses himself again until they were starting the
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descend to Munich for real. More time to talk to that cute Mr. Stewardess, he thought just a little too happily.
Tino has
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another attendant cover for him as he ducks into the crew cabins for a few moments of peace, sighing as he sits on his bunk. Man! People
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were so rude and angry after sleeping on a plane! Even in first class!
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(( especially in first class. ))
13 years ago
looks around, but doesn't find Tino in the first class, nor the kitchen, so he tries the crew cabins at last. "Ah, found you!"
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looks up and smiles a bit sheepishly. 'Oh! Hey, I just needed a little bit of a break from passengers.."
13 years ago
"That bad?" he asked, sitting down on a bed with his coffee in his hands.
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nods. "Small flights are not so bad, but overnight...people are monsters." He leans a little against him.
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smiles softly at that sign of affection. "They're like children... throwing tantrums whenever something doesn't go the way they want it."
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"And their babysitter just needs a bit of a break." He sighed, closing his eyes for a moment. "Hm..."
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chuckles softly. "And that is why I dislike kids and sit in front there, flying this plane most of the time."
13 years ago
"Lucky." He gave a bit of a pout. "...You're father....firm under this uniform...*
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"Hm?" he asked, not quite getting what he meant with this at first. "Oh, er, yeah... I like to work out when I have the time to."
13 years ago
opens his eyes to look up to him. "Ah...you know...I find fit men very attractive..."
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raises his eyebrows at that, both amused and a little embarrassed. "Do you now?" he asked, thinking it would be wise to keep to himself that
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his soft curves were what he liked about him.
13 years ago
blushes a bit, embarrassed now. "Yes! I mean... I'm not really fit myself..."
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chuckles, "Nothing to worry about, I like you the way you are," he admits, thinking this is the safest way to say what he was thinking.
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blushes even more, shifting a little to lean up and kiss the other's cheek. "You're sweet, you know. Despite being a bit..intimidating."
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Blushes at that and rubs the back of his head sheepishly. "Ahaha, being intimidating is good sometimes..." way to go, saying the most
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unintelligent thing you can think of, Ludwig.
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"Nice to know you're soft inside though!" He grins then, straightening up a little. "Man. I'll need a good drink after this flight."
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snorts, cheeks slightly pink from the compliment. "I am only looking forward to seeing my dogs again right now. And my bed, actually."
13 years ago
"Dogs?" He looks to the other, curious. "And yes, you need a bed for sure! Poor thing"
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"I've got three, but my cousin takes care of them most of the time for me while I'm away," he explains, wondering if he coud coax the other
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to stay with him, bu that would be moving too fast, so he keeps that to himself.
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smiles, nodding. "Sounds nice! Where is your place at in Munich...?" He's wondering if his hotel is close by.
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"It's a little on the countryside, I like my peace and quiet when I'm not at work," he said sheepishly.
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sighs, trying to picture it. "It sounds really nice... My hotel's right in the middle of the city..."
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"Mhm, of course." They always got these kinds of hotels from the airline, since it provided them with a good connection to the airport.
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"It's a shame really. Your house sounds so peaceful." He sighed. "What's you family like?"
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"My brother is also a pilot. And he doesn't like Bavaria a lot so he rather spends his nights at his apartment in Berlin than in Munich," he
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explains. "Other than that, I only live with my dogs..." He wonders how would be a nice way to ask for the other's family without sounding
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intruding, but he just can't think of a way right then.
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nods, listening to the other. Sounds nice to him. "Ah, I have four other brothers. We're a bit dysfunctional though..."
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"Do you? Do you live together?" He asks, mentally sighing for that opening.
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shakes his head. "No, we're all scattered now. We used to, but that was a long time ago."
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"I see," he mumbled. "Do you miss them?" he asked silently, knowing that siblings were always a touchy subject.
Tino gives
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a bit of a shrug. "Some. I'm only really close to the second oldest...And the one just older than me."
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"Mhm," he nodded, feeling like he was treading on dangerous waters for some reason.
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"Ah, we're all pretty boring anyways." He laughed a little, trying to get rid of the tense feeling in the air.
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falls silent, sipping his coffee as he just enjoys the other resting on his shoulder. Soon though, the descend starts and he has to go back
13 years ago
to the cockpit.
13 years ago
sighs as he has to tend to his passengers before buckling in. He quickly steals a brief kiss from the other before leaving the crew cabin.
13 years ago
floats into the cockpit with a goofy grin on his face. "Oh? Did you have fun with one of the stewardesses?" one of the copilots asks
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jokingly, but receives no reply. "Make sure you land her softly," he says instead, buckling in in the second row.
13 years ago
begins his deep and careful breathing as soon as he buckles himself in. The descent was okay, but the actual touchdown...he always got a
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little scared, tensing up and closing his eyes.
13 years ago
(( I love that, it's so exciting ^^;; ))
13 years ago
((/pessimist, always imagines the plane crashing))
13 years ago
could almost feel the ground under the Jumbo's wheels before he touched down and when they did, he mentally breaks with the pilot doing the
13 years ago
13 years ago
(( me too. XD That's what makes it so exciting. /masochist ))
13 years ago
breathes a small sigh of relief as the plane slows and begins to taxi to the gate, unbuckling and getting ready to say goodbye to his pain
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in the ass passengers as they leave. Finally.
13 years ago
goes through the final check-ups with the other pilots, putting down the protocol perfectly as required before they call it a day an hour
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and a half after the last passenger had left.
Tino is
13 years ago
very relieved to gather his things to get off his flight, looking forward to his break. But he needed to find Ludwig first...
13 years ago
stretches once they're done, happy to leave for the taxi that would take him home. He gathered his suitcases then looked out for the blond
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young man he had taken such a liking to.
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spots him and hurries over, dragging his suitcase behind him, beaming. "Hi! Uhm. So.....we should trade numbers?"
13 years ago
"Right!" he fumbles out his phone and turns it on, actually really really wanting the other to just come with him. Suddenly he frowned. His
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Phone had given a flicker, but didn't turn on properly. Obviously he had forgotten to turn it off properly when they went on board and now
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it had uncharged itself. "Damn."
13 years ago
frowned a little, but then hurriedly was working on something on his little nokia. "Here, just gimme your's and I'll call you then!"
13 years ago
"I can never remember my phone number, that's why I have everything stored in here," he admits sheepishly. "And I'm prone to losing notes as
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well," he sighs, frowining deep in thought. "I know what, you come to my house, I plug in my phone and then I'll get you a taxi to the hotel
13 years ago
once we did that." subtleness was awesome.
13 years ago
considers it for a moment and then nods with a smile. "Sounds like a good plan to me!" Probably easier than setting up a time and place to
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meet later. They could exchange numbers and he could see the lovely house in the countryside that sounded so nice! He liked this idea!
13 years ago
"I have to warn you thought that there will be dust bunnies everywhere," he chuckles, giddy that the other agreed.
13 years ago
"Probably cleaner than my apartment back at home!" He grinned a little more. "I don't mind a little mess!
13 years ago
"Right. Now, let's get going then," he says and leads the other to the taxi stand and gets on one of the beige mercedes around. He helps
13 years ago
Tino and the taxi driver with his luggage, sitting down in the backseat after they are done with that.
13 years ago
slides into the backseat beside Ludwig, sighing contently and folding his hands in his lap. "Ah...finally free for a bit!"
13 years ago
nods, telling the driver their goal, knowing it will be about a 20 minutes drive. After watching the first lights of the airport disappear
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Behind them, he turns back to the other, smiling. "Do you have any plans for the week you're off?"
13 years ago
shakes his head a little. "Not for the first week. I haven't planned anything for my time here in Germany.'
13 years ago
"Oh, but you should, there's so much to see here," he says. "I can take you around... once I've slept off the lack of sleep, that is," he
13 years ago
admits sheepishly.
13 years ago
grins, blushing a little. "I'd like that!" Though he'd really like anything that left him spend more time about Ludwig.
13 years ago
smiles at the other, his hand creeping over a little as the taxi driver decides to chime in and asks them about their occupation, where they
13 years ago
have been and all these kinds of things. Ludwig explains it patiently, making a joke now and then.
13 years ago
's hand creeps over as well as Ludwig explains to the driver resting his hand on top of the German's.
13 years ago
turns his hand and unnoticely curls it against the other's as he laughs with the driver. Soon, they reach a forest-area and the driver drops
13 years ago
them off a little into that forest, a rather spacious, old-looking house hidden in the woods.
13 years ago
"It's like a fairy tale!" He says with a grin, a little taken aback at how beautiful this place is. "You're so lucky..."
13 years ago
"I sometimes wish I had more time to look after it," he says as he kicks away some plants that had started to grow on the doorstep during
13 years ago
his absence. "It was actually pretty cheap to buy it, but maintining it is a bit... well, difficult for someone who's only home every other
13 years ago
13 years ago
nods, understanding. "I have an old family cabin that's the same way." He was getting a bit anxious he wanted to meet the other's dogs!
13 years ago
"Do you? That must be nice, too! And I apologize for my dogs' absence, they're still at my cousins', I was going to collect them tomorrow,"
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he said as he unlocked the door, plunging in some fuses before he turned on the lights in the corridor. He moves to open up a few windows as
13 years ago
soon as he can, trying to get the old, muddy air out of the house.
13 years ago
tries not to look a little disappointed at that but.. He still smiles as he follows the other into the house, looking around. "Wow....this
Tino is
13 years ago
a really old house!" Almost everything looked liked it came from the 40s or earlier. "Cool!"
Germany gives
13 years ago
him a small smile. "I like old furniture... it tells a story." Taking a photograph from a nearby coffee table, he shows him is dogs. "These
13 years ago
are my dogs... and me on a walk, photo taken by my brother."
13 years ago
takes the photo with a smile. "Aw! THey look so sweet! And so do you." He adds, blushing a little bit.
13 years ago
"Yeah, brother says I look like a completely different person when I'm with them," he says with a fond little smile. "But ah, house tour
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first: This is the living room," he pointed to a large sofa, a sitting chair and a mantlepiece, "Kitchen is over there, right behind the
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dining area. Bedroom and bathroom are upstairs, but there's a toilet just next to the entrance.
13 years ago
13 years ago
nods, taking it all in. "You have a beautiful house, Ludwig. You're so lucky!"
13 years ago
"I worked hard enough for it, it's a pity I can only enjoy it such a little time," he admits, inviting him to sit down on the couch as he
13 years ago
goes to get the recharger for his phone.
13 years ago
[lol my computer is starting to hate how long this thread is]
13 years ago
leaves his luggage by the door plopping down on the couch and stretching out a bit, getting comfy.
13 years ago
(( already? My phone started hating stuff at 400. ))
13 years ago
(( XD ))
13 years ago
gets the cable and plugs the phone in, waiting a moment before he turns it on. "Can I get you anything to drink? I fear I only have beer,
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wine and tap water though."
13 years ago
[It's finicky. xD]
13 years ago
grins a little at this options. "A beer is /more/ than fine! I haven't had any alcohol in so long.."
13 years ago
"Oh? So you have to be careful not getting drunk too quickly," he chuckles and ventures into the kitchen to get some chilled beer from the
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fridge and two glasses to go with it, uncapping them once he returned to the living room.
13 years ago
laughs a bit at that. "I'm amazed I still have a liver sometimes! One beer won't get me drunk." Not with the way he usually partied on the
13 years ago
weekends. Or holidays.
13 years ago
"Really? So you like to drink a lot, huh? How've been the last weeks to you then? Cold turkey?" he asks, pouring the beers into the glasses.
13 years ago
"Hard." He admits. "I'm most a social drinker though. So not being around my friends makes it a bit easier." He beams when he gets his mug,
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taking a long sip, foam stuck to his upper lip when he pulls back. "German beer is the /best/ beer."
13 years ago
smiles as if he had just received a personal praise. "Czech beer isn't too bad either," he admits as he sits down next to him and takes a
13 years ago
sip himself.
13 years ago
licks the foam off of his lip and sighs happily before taking another sip. "Mm. Thank you, Ludwig. This is the best way to end a flight."
13 years ago
"Always," he chuckles, putting his legs onto the coffee table as he enjoys the silence between the two of them.
13 years ago
leans a little against the other, just enjoying this until he's about half-way done with his beer. "Ah, well, I don't want to keep you from
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your sleep though. Poor tired thing.'
13 years ago
"Mhm," he mumbles, sleepy already. "I still have to give you my phone number..."
13 years ago
nods. "Yes, of course! And we can meet up when you're well rested." Though he wouldn't mind...Ah, no, staying here would be moving WAY too
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fast, right? He didn't want to seem like a slut...
13 years ago
"Could you get me my phone?" he asked, having found a way that may work.
13 years ago
looks too tired to be able to get up.
13 years ago
nods and sets his mug down on the coffee table, standing and getting the phone from where Ludwig plugged it in quickly returning to the
13 years ago
couch. "Here you go!"
13 years ago
takes the phone and tries to navigate to where his number is saved, but his vision is getting a little blurry now and then. He frowns,
13 years ago
squints, then finally finds the number hands it back. "There you are... you can send it to yourself if you want..."
13 years ago
does send it to himself and then adds himself into the other's phone as well. "...Are you alright?"
13 years ago
"Just tired," he yawns. "I should sleep." mumbling to himself he tries to get to his feet, wobbling a little back and forth.
13 years ago
quickly moves to support him, not wanting him to fall over! "Here, let me help you upstairs."
13 years ago
this part worked, yes! He leans heavily on the other, swaying a little more as they walk up the stairs. Thankfully his bed is still made,
13 years ago
hidden under a duvet. He pulls Tino with him as he pulls it back, then drops down on his own bed.
Tino gives
13 years ago
a bit of a squeak as he's pulled down onto the bed with the other, going bright red. "Uhm....Ludwig...?"
13 years ago
hugs him, almost like you would hug a stuffed teddybear, all this is part of the plan. "You could stay the night, if you want..." he mumbles
13 years ago
against his chest.
13 years ago
continues to blush, gently biting his lip. '...I would like that." Quite a lot.
Germany feels
13 years ago
a big smile spread over his lips and while he knows this is a little too fast... he doesn't mind. "Nice... thanks." He nuzzles against his
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chest, purring like a big cat. "You're so softt..."
13 years ago
bites his lip, but doesn't say anything in response. He's rather...uncomfortable with his own body but he wasn't going to let that ruin such
13 years ago
a good night. He sighed. "Go to sleep. You're tired.."
13 years ago
"Mhm, I'm glad you're here," he mumbles, out cold in a few.
13 years ago
soon falls asleep as well, happy in the other's arms.
13 years ago
(( do you want to continue in another plurk? Since your computer doesn't like the length of this one... ))
13 years ago
((Sure. And we're gonna hit 400 soon and your phone won't like it either then xD))
13 years ago
(( true. XD though I can coax it most of the times. I'll start the next one, okay? ))
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