13 years ago
[Gakuen] Antonio's shoulders slumped forward as he made the slow trek towards the counselors office. His teacher was angry at his poor
latest #784
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performance and was tired of his falling asleep in his class. Being a senior, it was a scary thing to not be doing so well in school, but
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Antonio could never really bring himself to care too much. His hands twitched nervously as he approached the counselors office, not knowing
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what it would be like (he never made an effort to go before). He knocked lightly, waiting for a reply from inside.
13 years ago
[[for France~ <3]]
13 years ago
((...wasn't i student counselor? I'll fix this))
13 years ago
France heard a knock on his door, he was currently going over the files of a girl that was pretty cute... And pretty crazy as well. He ope-
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ned the door only to find the secretary Gladys, telling him there was someone who had probably mistaken the offices of him, and the
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walked towards the right office after getting chewed out by the principal for wandering in. Actually paying attention to the signs beside
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the door, he walked in. " lost on the way here..."
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held the door opened for the other, smiling, a bit amused. "Ah, it happens, it happens." He says, pointing at the couch in the middle of the
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room. "What brings you here anyways?"
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fell down onto the chair offered , making himself comfortable. Crossing his legs, he shrugged. "I think I'm failing?" he mostly asked
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rather then said.
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"I see." He says, standing up and going over to his file cabinet. "Comment tu t'appelle?"
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had to think for a second what the other had said. "Ah! Antonio Carriedo" he said, finally understanding what was asked of him.
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"I think I've heard your name before. From many many ladies." He says, smiling as he took out the file with the other's name on it. "Here we
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go!" He says, sitting behind his desk and checking the papers in the folder.
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tilted his head to the side. "Why would they talk about me? Did I do something wrong...?" He asked, oblivious to the implications.
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"Because they felt sad you would never pay attention to them." He says, checking the pictures include on the file. "It says here you play
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soccer. And you're actually team captain!"
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perked up at the sound of his favorite sport. "Si! And this year we're defiantly going to go to the finals, our team is one of the best!" He
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leaned forward in his seat, a giant smile on his face.
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laughed shortly at the other's happy reaction. "I can see why girls like you." He said, absentmindedly. "So, everything's going well with
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that. Then again, your grades have been droping a bit this semester. What happened?"
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leaned back a bit in his seat to think. He wasn't really sure what it was that made his grades lower. "Well...the work got harder to keep up
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with..." Which was really a lie, since he always had time for soccer.
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"And why is that?, your classmates seem to be doing just fine." he says, quite intrigued of the sudden drop of grades.
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looked up at the ceiling in thought, trying to put the pieces together. He had been spending a lot of time with soccer, but when he wasn't
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playing soccer he was just lazing about. "Never really...found time to...actuallywanttodoit..." he mumbled out the last part, looking away.
13 years ago
"Well, congratulations. The 1st step to recovery is to admit there's something wrong." He says, standing up and sitting back on the
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threw his head back, sighing in defeat. Now he would have to listen to the other lecture on about how much he needed to buckle down and work
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work hard or else he won't get anywhere in life. In all actuality, he felt that his life was going well...
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"Now, I'm not going to lecture about it, because I hate giving lectures. I'll just give you a warning, you keep down this road, you
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won't be graduating anytime soon."
Antonio was
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slightly surprised by this...most grown up *loved* lecturing..."But how can I do's pretty late in the year..." he groaned out.
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"You still can get better grades this month, and on your final exams." He says, checking the calendar. "And I could always talk to some
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professors to give you a chance to recover from... these lousy quizzes."
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grimaced at the idea of actually having to do work. "They can't be...that bad...?"
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"You've been slacking off for half a year now. Any special reason for that?" He says, staring at the other.
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looked away from the blond man, as if he was protesting saying the reason behind his poor work. He didn't like delving into his private life
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very often..that's why he came to school.
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"Come on, you must have come here for a reason." He said, smiling at the other.
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"The teachers all get angry because I keep falling asleep in class...But I can't really help that...I-" he cut himself off. He wasn't about
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to make himself a pity case. He smiled, trying to turn attention from that. "I just get tired...h-have to save energy for soccer and all!"
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"Ever tried to cut off some soccer time?" He suggests, quite sure the other won't agree.
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figured the other already knew the answer to that question. But his face fell into one of the most pitiful expressions ever. "No, it's too
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much fun!"
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"Oui, I know, but you need to graduate, Antonio." Teenagers these days.
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" probably did well in school, how'd you keep up with the work load?" he asked, trying to turn the attention away from him. "Or was it
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not as much as now-a-days?" He figured the other wasn't that much older, but he'd put that in there to try and rile him up.
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laughed loudly, happy to remember his old school days. "Not at all, I almost stood back a year.
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But my father kicked my ass and made me study for what was left of the year. So here I am.
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was surprised. He believed all those with jobs in education were great students in the past. "Wow...never expected that from a councelor..."
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But this still didn't help his case. He hoped to get some sort of pity in the workload department...
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"But back to you, your coach could be forced to kick you off the team if you don't improve you grades soon." No, he wouldn't get any pity at
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hadn't really thought about that. He figured that since he was the captain, that he was safe. "B-but...I'm the captain of the team...they
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can't do that to me...can they?"
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"Yes they can, though they don't really want to." He says, smiling at the other. "And if you get kicked out, you'll probably loose your
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scholarship offers."
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shivered at the thought, though he kind of already knew that he would lose the scholarship offers. "I wasn't really planning on going off to
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college..." he said slowly.
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"Then what are you planning to do if you graduate?" He asked, wondering just what was going on in his head.
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"Well...I was planning on getting a job somewhere...possibly at a daycare helping out or cleaning or something..." he hadn't completely
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thought about it, he just knew that he'd need a job.
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"I see. That's your life ambition." He says, looking at the other amused. "I thought you would have wanted to become a professional soccer
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looked up at the ceiling with a dreamy look. "That would be nice..." he said absentmindedly. He *had* thought about it...he just knew it
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probably wasn't going to happen.
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"If you got the grades to stay on the football team, then you would probably get scouted and get a acolarship!" He says, patting the other's
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sighed in defeat. "There's no other way around there?" he said sadly. This just made his final year less exciting then it was
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"Not really... Unless.." He says, looking at the other with a bit of lust in his eyes.
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looked up at the other, not noticing the look of lust. "Unless?" he asked, leaning forward slightly. This is what he was hoping for-some
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help in getting out of this. He knew he could count on the counselor.
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"I can help you with your grades, change them if necessary." He says, liking how the other was so close to him. "I could use some
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incentive, though." He lifts up his chin and grins at him. "Do you know what I'm talking about?"
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continued to stare at the other, slightly confused. "...Do you want money or something?" he asked the other. "Cause I'm not sure how much I
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can give you..."
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"Its not money what i want..." He says, rubbing his cheek with his thumb.
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felt slightly uncomfortable with the other rubbing his cheek in that way, but continued to ask. "Then...what do you want?"
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"Your body." He whispered, grinning at the other.
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glanced down, then back up at the blond. " you want me to do some work for you?" In his mind he had an idea, but he didn't really want
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to believe it just yet. The though that it might be true did cause a blush to form on his face.
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"You could call it that.." He says, putting his arm over the other's shoulder.
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"So...manual labor?" he asked, not knowing how that sounded to the other. "Because...I'm good at that..."
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"You are? Is that why you were oblivious to the girls?" He enquires, it sounded dirty to someone like himself.
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"...what do the girls have to do with this...I help them out sometimes too..." he said, looking away from the other as he got closer.
13 years ago
(honest, i hate to rp France like this, but it was the only way i could see them getting together orz)
13 years ago
[[D: I'm sorry to make you rp him in a way you hate...]]
13 years ago
((/doesn't like forced stuff ;w; maybe if spain shows interest in him?))
13 years ago
[[Of course, I wasn't going to make it completely forced...]]
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(yay ;w;-))
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"Oh, so you are bi?" He asks, still getting closer to the other.
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blushed brightly. He was going to shy away, but something in him told him to fight back. "...A-are you?" his blush never leaving.
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"Oui." He whispers, grinning at the other and
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considering the blush on his face could be a good sign.
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leaned a little closer, unintentionally, at the others answer. His eyelids lowered slightly.
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leaned in to give the other a kiss, using his hand to raise the other's chin up.
Antonio was
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surprised by this, but not at all upset. He kissed back, his eyes closing completely now.
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took control of the kiss easily, his hand sliding down to the other's waist, pulling the other closer. Francis peeked through his slightly
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opened eyelids, satisfied to see he wasn't strugglund, and that he seemed to be enjoying.
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gripped onto the front of the others shirt, blush spreading across his face. He would of let the other take complete control, but something
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told him to fight back. Letting his tongue slip past his lips he ran it across the others lower lip.
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he gasped, a bit surprised by the other's sudden actions, leaning back on the couch, dragging the other to lie on top of his lap. He
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answered to the lick eagerly, sucking on it as it got his lips wet.
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moaned into the others mouth when the other let him in. His eyebrows furrowed up as he sat in the others lap, straddling his waist.
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francis' hand immediately moved to rest on the other's perfectly round ass, fondling it as he returned the kiss with even more lust than
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trailed his hands up to rest at the base of the others hair, tangling his fingers in the soft, blond waves. He arched up at the feeling of
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hands on his ass, moaning in appreciation.
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smiles, gently stopping the kiss, his hands still in place. "..You actually hoped for this, didn't you?" He says, softly fondling the
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other's buttcheeks.
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smiled, sticking out his tongue at the other. "Maaybe..." He tightened his thighs around the others legs. He leaned closer so that their
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noses touched.
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"That maybe sounds kind of fake..." He says, smiling back at the other. He moved his head up, to place a kiss on his nose.
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giggled lightly at the kiss. "You missed..." he leaned down and kissed him on the lips softly.
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"I didn't.." He whispers, before placing his hand on the other's cheek and deepened the kiss more, sliding his tongue past the other's lips.
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groaned into the others mouth at the feeling of his tongue in his mouth. His hands moved to hold onto his shoulders, squeezing lightly.
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squeezed the other's ass gently, sliding one of his hands into the other's pants.
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arched up, pressing his ass back into the hands that were touching it. He pulled lightly at the blonds hair, urging him to do more.
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His other hand went up into the other's shirt.
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"Do you 'ave any idea how much I love your ass, Tonio?" He says, squeezing it a little bit more roughly.
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smiled, shifting his hips back and groaning at the treatment. " much do you like it?" he breathed out, wanting to hear this.
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"So much, I want to fuck it every single day..." He whispers, a finger sliding in between the buttcheeks and pressing against the other's
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groaned, his mouth opened wide to let it out. His head fell forward onto the others shoulder. "Well then...why d-don't you?"
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"What do you think I'm about to do?" He says, using his other hand to take out a bottle of lube from his pants.
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muzzled the others neck, his face red. "'re going to fuck me...hard..." he groaned out, moving his hips forward to feel his bulge.
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"Is that a question or an order?" He asks, pouring some lube on his fingers and on his entrance.
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"...a c-command..." he said into the others neck, nipping at it lightly.
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smiled with lust, fingers pressing against Antonio's asshole.
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pushed back against the fingers, hissing in pleasure. He still hid his fact in the others neck.
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man didn't that
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felt good, he thought, getting even harder.
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"More...!" he moaned out, his hole clenching around his fingers.
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smiled pressing a finger pass the tight ring of muscles, wanting to please the other.
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bit down on the others neck when the finger pushed in, moaning into it and threaded his fingers in his hair.
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Groaned because of the biting, thrusting his finger in and out the other's delicious ass.
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pushed back on the finger as he lapped at the bite mark with his tongue. Sitting up he leaned forward and kissed the other on the lips.
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pushed in a second finger, starting to scissor inside of the other.
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opened his mouth to moan out and threw his head back. He moved away from the fingers slightly before he got used to the feeling.
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kissed him as he thrusted the fingers in and out of him, his erection rubbing against the other's.
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could feel the others erection against his, so he reached down and undid his pants. He pulled out the others member and started stroking it.
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felt his stomach flutter from pleasure and excitement, unconsciously rubbing against the other's hand. Trying to concentrate, the franc
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started to explore inside the other, easily finding the other's sweet spot with his expert fingers.
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inhaled sharply, moving away from the kiss. "*Ah!*" he pushed back onto the fingers to try and get them to press it again.
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rubbed against the spot, forcing Antonio back into the kiss as his free hand pulled down the uniform's pants further down.
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complied right away to the kiss. He started working on the others shirt, trying to get to as much skin as he could.
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"Wait.. Antonio..." He says, as the other tried to take off his shirt. "Have you ever done this before..?"
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stopped, his face flushed. He hadn't really thought about that, just acted on how he felt. ""
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Kissed his cheek, rubbing the other's back. "Its alright...I can teach you, cherie..."
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leaned into the others rubbing hand, his own hands coming to rest on his chest.
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Francis started to nibble on the other's earlobe, the hand on his back sliding down to his ass.
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opened his mouth to let out a breathy moan, leaning his head to the side so the other could have more access.
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when he was sure enough the other was used to the fingers inside
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, he pressed a 3rd finger in, hoping it wouldn't hurt too much.
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jerked up, eyes wide at the new intrusion. It wasn't horribly bad, mostly just awkward feeling. "Ah..w-wha?" He shifted his hips to either
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move away from the fingers or take more in; in this state he wasn't sure.
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kept kissing the other's neck, waiting a bit until he started to move his finger, stretching him out slowly.
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bit his lower lip to stop the yelp from escaping his throat. His hands clenched tightly at the others shirt, pulling slightly as he got
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used to the feeling slowly.
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"Sorry..." He whispers to his ear, starting to stimulate the other's prostate with his fingers again.
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arched his back suddenly, stifling his moan by biting his lower lips. His hips pushed back to get the other to do it again.
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"Ah... Antonio..." He moans, starting to kiss the other again as his fingers kept rubbing on the other's prostate.
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kissed back, groaning loudly. His eyebrows furrowed up as he started to thrust against the fingers, trying to take in more.
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"Do you want to feel more than that, chéri?" He says, rubbing his hips eagerly against the brunette.
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"Si....p-por favor...." he moaned loudly. His cock was swollen with need, his face flushed. He squeezed around the fingers inside him.
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Switched their positions, getting on top of the student, completely pulling off the blue pants of the uniform, along with his shoes. Francis
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leaned forward to kiss the other as his fingers stretched him a little bit more before he started to tease the other's entrance with his
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twitching cock.
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tightened his arms around the counselors neck, his mouth opening into the kiss at the feeling of his cock against his entrance. He lifted
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his hips to try to take the other in, growing impatient. He moaned lightly to voice his opinion of how slow the other was going.
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Francis smiles, pushing past through Antonio's tight ring of muscles, only getting more aroused to see the other so eager to have him in.
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threw his head back at the feeling, his fingers digging into the others back. His legs spread a little wider to take him in more.
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grunted, pleased to feel just how tight the student was inside. Francis carefully pushed further in, almost completely.
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looked up at the blond, his eyes glazed over with lust. He opened his mouth to tell him to go faster, but the only thing that escaped his
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lips was a breathy moan. "Ah...p-please...!"
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"As you please...." He says, pulling out a bit, only to completely thrust his lenght into his student moaning a bit as he felt the other's
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inner walls surrounding him.
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shouted out, his fingers pushing deeper into his back. He wrapped his legs tighter around the blonds waist, almost not wanting him to pull
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back out. The filling feeling he was getting was making his head fuzzy.
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"Sorry..." He says, giving him a kiss to try and distract him from the pain.
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kissed him back, whimpering slightly due to the pain. But it was pleasurable at the same time. He pulled back from the kiss and shook his
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head. "It's....okay...move please..." he said, his face flushed.
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couldn't wait any longer to start moving, starting slow, taking into consideration it probably was the other's first time.
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moaned at the movement, even though he thought he was ready for it. Beads of sweat started to drip down his face.
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placed his hand on the other's buttcheek, thrusting a little bit more harder this time.
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"Ah!" he buried his face into the others shoulder, chest moving up and down at each breath. His walls clenched around the other inside him.
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"Try and relaz..." He whispers into his ear. "You're too tight... I can't move..." He says, gently rubbing the other's hair.
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wasn't sure how he could with the feeling of being penetrated, but he let out a shaky breath and loosened his muscles. "...Is this g-good?"
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licks the other's lips before answering the question. "Oui chérie..." the tutor says, angling his entrance to brush the other's prostate.
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"Ah!" He never got enough of that feeling, throwing his head back in pleasure. He shifted his hips up so that the other would hit it again.
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"Chere... Remember to keep quiet..." He says, nuzzling the other's cheek. "We're not supposed to do this.. Oui?"
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clamped his lips together to muffle his sounds. He nodded slowly, eyes shut tight and eyebrows furrowed down.
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started to speed up his pace, trying his best to hit against the other's sweet spot as he thrusted in, pursing his lips to avoid the moans
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to scape his lips.
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had to bury his face in the others neck to keep his noises down. With every thrust, he lifted his hips to try and meet the others.
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"Antonio--!" He moaned, using his hand to rub the other's erection, starting to bump harder against the other.
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"Ah-mmh" he remembered mid moan that he was supposed to keep quiet. His fingers dug into the others back as the thrusts got harder.
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helped to keep him quiet by kissing him, thrusting steadily into the other, purposefully hitting his tight knot of nerves.
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kissed him back feverishly, his moans muffled by the others lips. His eyes shot open at the feeling of those nerves being brushed, blushing.
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"Tonio... I'm about to...!" He said in between pants and moans, not sure about just how long he could hold it in.
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shook his head, face contorted as he felt his own orgasm coming. "M-me...ah!" He couldn't form the sentence as he came, walls clamping down
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on the cock inside him.
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came once the inner walls of the other held him in oh so tightly, moaning antonio's name into his ear, still not pulling out.
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shuddered at the feeling of the others seed inside him, burying his face into the others neck.
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pulled his hair back, panting heavily, kissing the other's head as he murmured gentle words to the other's ear, still enjoying the
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afterwaves of his orgasm.
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couldn't comprehend where he was for a few seconds after his orgasm, but he sighed out softly when he heard the other whisper in his ear. He
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smiled softly, his arms lazily wrapped around the other.
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still panting, francis pulled away to look at the other's sweaty face. "Enjoyed?"
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smiled lazily, eyes drooping. " was...great." he said in between breaths. The idea of what he did in the back of his mind.
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kissed the student's forehead, before kissing his lips again. "Are you okay with all that just happened?"
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smiled, it looking a little mischievous. "Of course..." he didn't think that anything was wrong with what they just did.
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pulling out of him, the franc switched their positions, having his student on top of him. "I'm glad.." He whispers, as he caressed the
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other's back. "Do you want it to happen again?"
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hummed in pleasure as he felt the other slid out of him, resting his hands and head on the others chest. "and again and again and again." He
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said, rubbing his hand along the others chest.
Francis gives
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the other a small smooch on the top of his head, smiling. "I think someone will be getting an order to come here at least twice a week..."
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"Only twice?" he asked, resting his chin on the others chest to look up at him. "Why not anymore...?" A slight pout on his lips.
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"At least.. If I could I'd have you here every day..." He says, placing a kiss on his temple, smiling. "Besides, you need tp study."
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sighed exaggeratedly, closing his eyes. "Can' help me study..." but he knew if he asked the blond to help him study, they wouldn't
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get much done.
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"I can tutor you on weekends..." He says, hand sliding downwards to rest on the other's ass. "But on weekdays... I'm not pulling you out
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from any important classes." He says, giving the other a kiss on the cheek.
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pushed his hips back into the hands resting on his ass, groaning in pleasure and sadness that he wont get out of classes to visit him. "No
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13 years ago
"I'll take you out from... spanish class." He says, petting his ass. "Its the one class you seem to stand out in, other than sports and
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13 years ago
smiled brightly, leaning up to connect their lips in a kiss, his hands moving up into blond hair. He moved back slightly, lips barely
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touching the others. "Okay..."
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kissed those lips again before chuckling a bit, out of happiness. "But when I mean study, I do mean study. Your math grades are a shame,
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cheri." He says, mockingly frowning at the other before laughing a bit more. "But after we're done... That's another story."
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pouted, but his eyes looked happy, as he kissed back. "Well...I guess as long as we meetings up that's fine..." but he knew he was going to
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try and keep the other from studying.
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kissed him again as he started to fix the other up, sliding his undewear back up, groping his ass on the way.
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didn't want to leave the other, kissing the other deeper and wrapping his hands around his neck.
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"Mmmm... Toño.." he moans in between kisses, hands sliding under the underwear.
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"Hm?" He asked mischievously, trailing kisses down his chin and onto his neck.
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"You've been here for over an hour... The secretary will start asking questions if you stay longer, cheri." He says, feeling tempted by the
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other to go at it again.
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kept trailing kisses along his neck. "We could just be having a long session..." he moaned out, intent on going again. Once they started,
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didn't really want to stop. He thought he would be benefiting in school from doing this, but he was enjoying this more then he thought.
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"Isn't gym your next period? Aren't you supossed to love that class?" He says, giggling a bit as the other kissed his neck.
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perked up a little at the mention of his class. "Oh yeah..." he pouted, laying his head in the crook of the others neck.
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"Not so exciting anymore, right?" He says smiling at the other as he pulls up the pants.
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shook his head, knowing he'd have to get up at some point since the older male was fixing his clothes.
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"Come back when class is over, the secretary leaves early." He says,
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nuzzling him, not really wanting to let go.
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smiled happily, moving to stand finally. "Really?" He was hoping the rest of school would go by fast so he could come back.
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"Or I could just take you back to my place... Depends on how much time I can take you before your parents start to worry..." He smiled,
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kissing his cheek.
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"Hmm...well my parents are gone a I can stay out long..." he smiled softly, tilting his head to the side. "So sure~"
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"Then come here after class, Antonio.." He says, giving the other a small peck.
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was getting more and more excited, wishing that he was done with classes. "I'll rush back here!" He said determined.
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"I better finish fixing you up before you leave..." He says, sitting up on the couch.
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"Finish...fixing me up?" he didn't really pay attention to the way his clothing was on him, forgetting all about them.
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"Well, cheri.. you're sweaty, your hair is messy, and your shirt is still opened." He says, kissing Antonio's cheek.
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"Oh..." he said looking down at this state of disarray. "I guess you're right." he said, smiling foolishly, reaching down to begin dressing.
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fixes the other's hair, placing his hand on the other's cheek one he's done. "Go to the bathroom cheri..." He places a kiss on antonio's
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cheek. "You still have my cum inside..."
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blushed brightly, almost forgetting about that. He nodded slowly before turning to leave. Before he walked out the door he turned and
13 years ago
smiled at the blond. "I'll see you later...?"
13 years ago
he nods, smiling at the other blushing. "Of course, mon amour... I'll be waiting."
13 years ago
"Okay!" He was happy with that confirmation, smiling again and turning to leave the room. He couldn't wait until later.
13 years ago
13 years ago
[[Yes! /was going to ask]]
13 years ago
started to clean up quickly after the other left, knowing another student would sit in the couch where they had had sex in no time. He
13 years ago
quickly fixed himself up, tying his hair up in a ponytail. He too, couldn't wait until classes where over.
13 years ago
rushed to go clean himself up and await the rest of the day. Sitting in class, it was easy to know something was up with the brunette, but
13 years ago
he wouldn't say. When the final bell rang, he thought to run to the councilor office, but then that would look suspicious. He just waited
13 years ago
until the majority of the other students left before dashing to the room.
Francis was
13 years ago
waiting for the other, his stuff already gathered in his portfolio. He walked around his office, a bit impatient for the other to show up.
13 years ago
arrived, a little out of breath due to the sprinting he just did. Normally he wouldn't be so out of breath, but his heart was pounding in
13 years ago
his chest. He knocked lightly on the door. "Hola?"
13 years ago
opened the door quickly, dragging the other inside by pulling him from his arm and kissing him, not bothering in closing the door since his
13 years ago
secretary was long gone by now.
13 years ago
was shocked by the sudden kiss, but in no way denied it. He kissed back, hands moving to rest on the others chest.
13 years ago
"Ready, chéri...?" He asks, giving him a small peck as he hugged him.
13 years ago
"Of course..." He smiled back, leaning in closer and not wanting to let go.
13 years ago
he doesn't want to let go either, but reluctantly does, only to hold the other's hand as they walk out of his office.
13 years ago
looks down at their connected hands, smiling before looking back up at the other. " far are you from school...?" he asked, trying to
13 years ago
make small talk.
13 years ago
"Not too far by car." He says, smiling down at the other as they walked down the parking lot, opening the door to his car for his student.
13 years ago
"Thanks~" he said, getting into the car, the door closing behind him. He was a little nervous, but he tried not to let it show.
13 years ago
got into the car and started it, after giving the other a kiss on his forehead.
13 years ago
smiled warmly before looking forward, sending short glances over at the blond driving the car.
13 years ago
"Toño... Are you okay?" He asked, a little concerned over the other's actions.
13 years ago
"Hm? Oh, yeah! I'm fine." he said, smiling. It wasn't a lie, he was okay, just a little nervous about what the two had, no matter how much
13 years ago
he wanted it.
13 years ago
"We're here..." He says after a while, before he enters a garage and parks.
13 years ago
waited for the other to make the first move before he got out. "Wow, a garage? We don't even have one of these..."
13 years ago
"Its nothing much, my apartment is rather small..." He says, hoping off of the car, waiting for the other to get out to close it.
13 years ago
got out quickly, not wanting to make the other wait. "Still..." he smiled. He walked over to the blond, waiting to be lead.
13 years ago
"At least I get an elevator, I guess it compensates for the bad view." He says pressing the button and happily watching as the doors opened
13 years ago
13 years ago
stepped into the elevator, standing closer to the older male. He eyed the others hand, reaching out to grab it slowly.
13 years ago
smiled, giving the other a small peck as he waited for the elevator to get to his floor.
13 years ago
relaxed slightly after the kiss, watching the numbers climb. "How long have you lived here?"
13 years ago
"A few months now." He says, pressing another small kiss on Antonio's lips as the doors opened. "We're here..."
13 years ago
glanced over at the older male before stepping out of the elevator. "Which room is yours?" He asked, looking around.
13 years ago
"Apartment number 341..." He says, quickly walking towards his apartment, still holding the other's hand as he opened the door. "Welcome,
13 years ago
make yourself at home..."
13 years ago
looked around the nicely furnished room, smiling at how inviting it felt. But that still didn't stop him from treading slowly. Walking over
13 years ago
to one of the chairs, he sat down on the edge. "It's very nice~" he said, looking back at the other.
13 years ago
"Merci. Want something to eat, or drink?" He asks, patting the student's hair.
13 years ago
"No I'm okay...I was actually thinking of something else..." he mumbled under his breath, light blush on cheeks.
13 years ago
grinned at the other, walking towards him and placing his hand over his cheek. "Wouldn't you prefer my bedroom, that chair seems a bit
13 years ago
13 years ago
"I think your bedroom would feel a lot better..." he smiled back, standing so they were chest to chest.
13 years ago
Puts his arms around the other's waist, pulling him up quickly. "Yes, I think my bedroom is a better choice..."
13 years ago
leaned his head up, nuzzling the bottom of his chin, groaning softly. "Then lead the way..."
13 years ago
((going to bed orz))
13 years ago
[[I fell asleep not but a few minutes after you said that -u-;;]]
13 years ago
((lmao XDDDD *pets*))
13 years ago
walks with him towards his bedroom, pushing the door open quickly. "Ah... I'm sorry about the mess..." He mumbles, looking at the unmade bed
13 years ago
and his laundry scattered everywhere around the floor.
13 years ago
chuckled at the mess before turning back to the older male. "It's fine, your bed is probably going to get messier anyway..." he said softly.
13 years ago
"I can agree to that..." He whispers to the other's ear as he gets closer, hands sliding to the other's waist.
13 years ago
(poke poke poke poke)
13 years ago
[[...thought I did ;A; Sorry!!]]
13 years ago
slids his arms around the others neck, leaning up to connect their lips. He had been waiting for this all day, and not he was getting it.
13 years ago
hugs him, pulling him closer as he gently replies to the kiss, very carefully pushing the other towards the bed as he fondled his buttcheeks
13 years ago
13 years ago
moans, trying to press his rump back into the massaging hands resting on it, moving backwards to the bed and falling onto it, pulling the
13 years ago
older male with him.
13 years ago
falls on top of the student, amused by the other's eagerness. He broke the kiss as his mouth started to trail down Antonio's cheeks, sucking
13 years ago
gently on his jawline.
13 years ago
writhes slightly, hands fisting at the others shirt coller. He lifted his head to give him more access, moaning lightly at the feeling.
13 years ago
his hands caress the other's arms, up and down, before they move towards the other's shirt, blindly unbottuning
13 years ago
Antonio's unifot.
13 years ago
13 years ago
raised his arms to rid himself of the shirt, then going to work on removing the others shirt, unbuttoning it as quickly as he can.
13 years ago
"Easy boy... We have all the time of the world right now, no need to rush..." he whispers to the other's ear licking the earlobe as he
13 years ago
slowly pulled the other's shirt off.
13 years ago
sighed softly in slight frustration before groaning at the feeling of the others tongue on his ear. His hands pulled lightly at the
13 years ago
blonds hair. He was just too excited...
13 years ago
giggled a bit beefore he started to lick on the other's neck. "A bit eager, aren't we, Antonio?" He whispers as his hands tease the other's
13 years ago
13 years ago
arched his back up into the teasing. "A-ah...I just...was really...happy to...b-be with you again..." he said blushing brightly.
13 years ago
"Don't worry... I've been as impatient as you are ever since you left my office... " He says, licking the other's nipples.
13 years ago
let out a shaky breath at the feeling, face flushing even more. His fingers threaded through the others blond hair, pulling him closer.
13 years ago
Smiles, gently sucking on the other's nipple, his hand squeezing the other one.
13 years ago
opened his mouth wider to let out a low moan, his legs moving to wrap around one of his legs and lightly rubbing against it in need.
13 years ago
smiles, moving on to leave a trail of wet kisses, going towards Antonio's belly button.
13 years ago
stiffens slightly at the feeling, stomach muscles going taunt. His lidded eyes watched as the other continued down.
13 years ago
"Your skin is so soft..." he mumbles, sucking the other's lower belly, his cheek grazing the other's growing bump.
13 years ago
"A-*ah*!" he let out a loud gasp as he felt his sensitive erection being brushed over. "Please..." he begged, wanting more.
13 years ago
giggled quietly, kissing the bump over the uniform's fabric, hand gently squeezing the other's ass.
13 years ago
13 years ago
[[Gah! I always forget I didn't answer...]]
13 years ago
His hips arched up into the hand, and a loud gasp shooting out of his mouth at the squeezing. "A-ah!!" His head thrown back in pleasure.
13 years ago
The older one unzipped the other's pants, rubbing his nose against the warm buldge.
13 years ago
"W-wait...what are yo-*ah!*" he moaned out when he felt the other rub against his arousal, fighting the urge to raise his hips.
13 years ago
"Shh..." He said, gently tugging out the other's pants, leaving the other only wearing his briefs, knowing he wouldn't be wearing them for
13 years ago
much longer. "Lay back and enjoy cherie..."
13 years ago
watched as the other looked up at him with a look of excitement on his face, mouth open to take in breaths. His face was flushed bright red
13 years ago
as he fisted the sheets beneath them.
13 years ago
licked over the thin fabric of the other's underwear, making it wet with his saliva, hands fondling Antonio's buttcheeks.
13 years ago
closed his eyes tightly, feeling the warmth from his mouth over his cock. "F-Francis...!" he said rather impatiently and breathlessly.
13 years ago
Francis grinned at the other, pulling his underwear down with his teeth, licking over the now exposed member.
13 years ago
His mouth opened wide in a silent moan, his cock twitching in need as he felt the other tongue move up his shaft. A hand flew down to tangle
13 years ago
in his blonde hair.
13 years ago
used his tongue to play with the head of the other's cock, licking over its base and up to suck on the tip of it.
13 years ago
"A-*ah!*" he moaned loudly, trying to keep his hips from thrusting up into the warmth around his cock.
13 years ago
took the tip into his mouth, making it wet with his saliva and sucking it lightly, enjoying the sound of the other's moans.
13 years ago
arched his back up, toes curling into the bed and cried out. Somehow, this felt more overwhelming then their first time. His face was bright
13 years ago
red from arousal.
13 years ago
blew some hot air on Antonio's cock, before going down, to suck on his balls, as his hands kept taking care of his lenght.
Antonio was
13 years ago
shocked at what he did next, not expecting it. His eyes shot open at the feeling, fingers tightening in the others hair.
13 years ago
sucked a bit on the soft skins, licking them gently before going back to take care of the twitching cock.
13 years ago
"P-please...!" He moaned, not sure his much longer he could continue with this torture.
13 years ago
smirked, taking the length into his mouth completely, sucking him.
13 years ago
wasn't used to so much stimulation to his cock, so he shook his head, trying to warn him. "P-please...F-Francis...I'm...!"
13 years ago
he listened to what the other said, but he didn't mind. He looked up to the student, before his tongue pressed against the sensitive skin
13 years ago
of the head of the other's cock, sucking with more strenght
13 years ago
threw is head back against the bed, one hand fisting the sheets beneath him and the other lightly tugging at the blond hair. He shifted his
13 years ago
hips up more and moaned out. He didn't want to come just yet...
13 years ago
francis pulled the other's lenght in and out of him, wishing the other would just let go.
13 years ago
did just that, moaning out loudly and coming into the others mouth. His face was bright red as his body fell limp against the bed.
13 years ago
swallowed the white substance licking his lips as he crawled back up, only to find his student with pretty, flushed cheeks.
13 years ago
reached up to wipe a bit that was on the corner of his mouth. "S-sorry...I" he was still coming down from his orgasm to form
13 years ago
the right words.
13 years ago
“Shhhh..." the franc smiled, giving the other a small kiss on the lips. "I don't mind... Rather...your face was as cute as ever just a momen
13 years ago
*t ago.." he grinned at the other.
13 years ago
blushed even more, smiling at the way the other grinned at him. "Really?" He asked, his hands moving to run up and down the others back.
13 years ago
"Yes, really..." He says, nuzzling the other's cheek as he caressed the other's abdomen.
13 years ago
smiled more as his stomach twitched slightly in the caressing. His own hands traveled towards the others waist, feeling the need to help him
13 years ago
out now for doing what he did.
13 years ago
Kissed the other a bit more wantonly, his arm surrounding his waist to pull him closer.
13 years ago
Kissed the other a bit more wantonly, his arm surrounding his waist to pull him closer.
13 years ago
kissed back, sighing softly into the kiss. His hands traveled to the front of his pants, rubbing his erection lightly.
13 years ago
pressed his hips against the rubbing hand, finding it a bit hard to concentrate on the kiss.
13 years ago
grasped his clothed erection a bit more firmly, the corners of his lips turning up lightly at the feel of the others hips moving with his
13 years ago
hand. He slipped the hand under the waistband of his pants, finally touching what he was craving.
13 years ago
"Plus fort.." He whispered in between kisses, amused to see the other learning so fast.
13 years ago
fully grasped the other mans cock, stroking it from the base to the tip. He moaned at the warmth, mouth open to take in a breath.
13 years ago
moaned as he broke the kiss, leaning in to lick the other's neck, careful not to leave any marks.
13 years ago
didn't mind if marks were left, he liked being owned by the other. He ran his thumb over the slit of his cock. He threw his head back more,
13 years ago
allowing him more room to explore his neck.
13 years ago
"Merde..." the other cursed, biting his tongue to hold back a moan. "I want to be in you...Now..." He says, biting the other's neck lightly.
13 years ago
looked up at him, his eyes hooded. A smile made its way onto his face at the words. "Then why don't you...? I want that too..."
13 years ago
smiled back, giving him a sweet, quick kiss. "Hand me the lube..."He said, pointing at a bottle near the other.
13 years ago
blindly reached for the tube, mind fogged over from all the lust. His cock was slowly hardening again at the prospects of being filled to
13 years ago
the brim again. He handed the tube to the blond, hips lifting slightly at the anticipation of it all.
13 years ago
Francis pulled off his pants completely, kneeling on the bed as he switched positions. He gently spread apart the other's legs, leaving a
13 years ago
small kiss on his hip. He poured some lube on his fingers, and reaching for the other's ass he started to rub the tight ring of muscles.
13 years ago
arched up, his eyes opened wide at the feeling. He knew that this wasn't their first time, but he was still sensitive from then and his most
13 years ago
recent orgasm. "F-Francis...!!"
13 years ago
"Huh...?" He says, stopping the movement of his fingers. "Should I be more careful?"
13 years ago
pursed his lips together, eyebrows furrowing up. He couldn't form the words he wanted right away, so he just shook his head. His hand moved
13 years ago
down to grasp onto the wrist of the hand that was trying to push into his entrance and applied more pressure so that one digit was in.
13 years ago
"You don't have to force yourself, Antonio..." He whispered to the other's ear, reluctant to wiggle the finger the other's had forced inside
13 years ago
13 years ago
"I'm not...f-forcing..I want it...please?" He pleaded, trying to get the older male to push the digit in deeper. He lifted his hips to help.
13 years ago
saw Antonio's big green eyes staring at him, and couldn't help but to blush, pressing a kiss on the other's lips, pushing his finger in
13 years ago
deeper into the other.
13 years ago
closed his eyes harder, moaning out loudly at the feeling of the finger going deeper. He kissed back as best as he could, one hand pulling
13 years ago
on the back of his head to kiss him harder.
13 years ago
let his tongue play with the other's as he moved his finger, rubbing his inner walls as he looked for his sweet spot.
13 years ago
let the other explore his mouth, groaning out more. His inner walls started to squeeze around the finger until suddenly he moaned out louder
13 years ago
, back arching up. It was obvious that his sweet spot was found.
13 years ago
"Bingo..." He whispered, smiling as he quickly pushed another finger in, gently scissoring the small knot of nerves.
13 years ago
"*Ah!*" He lifted his hips more to accommodate the fingers more, hands gripping the others hair even more.
13 years ago
with his free hand, he poured some lube on his twitching cock, already impatient to be inside the other.
13 years ago
peered down, trying to see what he was doing, but was cut off by another brush over his prostate, moaning loudly. He blushed bright red,
13 years ago
breath coming out labored as he also was getting impatient.
13 years ago
gave the other a few more rubs to his prostate before he pulled out the fingers, giving him a small kiss. "Ready, chérie?"
13 years ago
nods, the corners of his mouth turning up slightly. "More then...ready..." he said, softly, spreading his legs wider.
13 years ago
pulled apart, using his hands to help himself to penetrate the other, moaning as he felt the tightness of the other's ass as he pushed in.
13 years ago
shut his eyes, mouth open and letting out a silent scream at the feeling of penetration. His hands flew to grip onto the others back, nails
13 years ago
digging into his skin.
13 years ago
started to suck onto the other's neck, kissing and licking in an apologetic way so as to distract the other from the pain. he slowly
13 years ago
pushed in a little bit further in
13 years ago
bit his lower lip to stop the sounds from leaving his mouth. He was still adjusting, but he knew it wasn't anything he couldn't handle, as
13 years ago
he lifted his hips to force the other to be fully inside him.
13 years ago
moaned as the other took him completely in. Francis leaned forward to kiss the other, holding him close. "Tell me when its okay for me to go
13 years ago
on, ouais?"
13 years ago
nodded, not trusting his voice completely yet. "Nngh...Mmm-I'm" he moaned out, not liking the stillness.
13 years ago
started to thrust in slowly at first, kissing the other and leatting out soft pants as he felt the other being deliciously tight inside.
13 years ago
groaned deeply, his back arching up. He unintentionally tightened more when the other started moving.
13 years ago
caressed the other's sides as he started to thrust in faster, harder, angling himself to touch the other's pleasure point.
13 years ago
lifted his legs to drape over the others fast moving hips, hips moving with the thrusts and trying to keep up, however loving the speed.
13 years ago
grunted as he pulled out and slammed back inside the other, hopefully hitting his small knot of nerves.
13 years ago
"F-Francis...ah!" He moaned out, head thrown back in bliss. As his bundle of nerves was hit, he clamped his walls tighter around his cock.
13 years ago
grabbed the other's cock as he continued to thrust, jerking him gently.$
13 years ago
opened his eyes as best as he could, looking up at the blond through his lashes. His face was flushed and his mouth open, taking labored
13 years ago
breaths as he lifted his hips more. "F-faster...!"
13 years ago
grinned, doing as the other wished, picking up the pace, panting and grunting as he felt sweat drip off his face.
13 years ago
opened his mouth wide to let out a throat-y moan, eyes shut tight. His hands ran up and down the elders back, leaving scratch marks.
13 years ago
"An-..Antonio..." He said in between moans, loosing control of himself and thrusting in and out of the other, pulling him up from his hips
13 years ago
and back down to his cock.
13 years ago
"P-por...favor....Francis....!" He moaned, legs wrapping tighter around him, never wanting to let him go.
13 years ago
"I'm-- I'm close!" He said, finding it hard to talk as the other only seemed to get tighter inside.
13 years ago
"C-come in me..please!" He pleaded, his face red as he felt every inch of the others cock inside him. He involuntarily tightened around him.
13 years ago
moaned loudly as he came inside the other, still giving him some shallow thrusts after his orgasm,
13 years ago
came just as hard at the feeling of being filled. It was a weird sensation, but he didn't hate it. His come covered his lower stomach.
13 years ago
panting, the franc smiled at the other, leaning in to kiss him, hence covering his stomach with the other's cum as well.
Antonio was
13 years ago
still out of it, his eyes hazy and his mouth open to catch his breath. He didn't know that the cum was getting smeared on the blonds stomach
13 years ago
as well.
13 years ago
didn't really mind. He carefully pulled out from the other, brushing his hair back. His hand moved up to rest on the other's cheek, grinning
13 years ago
at the other slightly.
13 years ago
winced slightly at the feeling of the other pulling out, snapping out of it. It wasn't painful, more so it was still sensitive. His eyes
13 years ago
focused on the others smile, mirroring it softly. "That was...."
13 years ago
"Amazing..." He said in a whisper, bringing the younger one closer into a hug.
13 years ago
nodded, returning the hug lazily. He groaned, finally feeling the cum between them. " we're both messy..." He said softly.
13 years ago
"its a nice kind of mess.." He says, placing a small kiss on the other's nose. "Besides, it'd be nice to clean up in the shower..."
13 years ago
smiled wider, a sigh escaping his mouth at the kiss. "That would be...nice." he ran his hands up and down the others back.
13 years ago
((sorry ;A; i got caught up watching no.6 orz /will reply now))
13 years ago
"Ouais... But right now..." He says, pulling the other on top of him, arms around his waist. "Lets cuddle some more."
13 years ago
smiled, closing his eyes and burying his face in the crook of the blondes neck. "I have no problem with that..."
13 years ago
((It's okay~ ouo<33))
13 years ago
Gave him a small sweet peck, placing his hand on the spaniard's cheek. "I really enjoyed this.."
13 years ago
got a little nervous when the other said that, lifting his head to look up at him. "Is this...?" A one time thing is what us wanted to ask.
13 years ago
understood what the other meant when he noticed the anxiousness in his eyes. "I really like you..." He says, gently rubbing his cheek. "I've
13 years ago
never done this with a student before. I have no plans of stopping to do this with you.." he says, smiling at the other. "specially because
13 years ago
I like you, a lot."
13 years ago
blushed at the words and cheek rubbing, a big smile working its way onto his face. Leaning forward a bit, he placed a small kiss on the
13 years ago
others chin, since he was still a little tired from their 'exercise'. "I like you a lot too...and I'm glad you don't do this with other
13 years ago
13 years ago
laughed a little with the other's final comment. "I'm glad you're the only student I do this with."
13 years ago
looked up at him, slightly skeptical and nervous. "Won't you...get in trouble...for this...?" He didn't want the other in trouble for him.
13 years ago
"As long as no one but us know about this... I think I'm safe." He says, giving the other a carefree smile. "Though, we must be discreet."
13 years ago
nodded, his face falling into a thoughtful one, causing his lower lip to poke out in his 'concentration'. "Discreet, right!"
13 years ago
playfully bit his lower lip, grinning while doing so. "You're adorable..."
13 years ago
blushed more, burying his face into the others chest to hide his embarrassment.
13 years ago
rubbed his nose against the other's cheek, trying to get him to look at him agains.
13 years ago
peeked up at the other, his face still slightly red, but he was smiling slightly at the way the other rubbed his nose against his cheek.
13 years ago
"Donne moi un kiss~" He whispers, mixing the languages, smiling back at the other.
13 years ago
smiled even more, lifting his head up more. He obliged the older male and placed a light kiss on his lips.
13 years ago
replied happily to the small kiss, slowly making it a little bit more deep.
13 years ago
ran his hand up and down the others bare chest, kissing back just as enthusiastically. His eyes closed tightly, moaning softly.
13 years ago
searched for the other's hand blindly, intertwining their fingers as they continued to kiss.
13 years ago
tightened his hands in the others, moving up slightly to get as close as he could to make the kiss as deep as possible.
13 years ago
let his tongue past the other's lips, his free hand behind his neck, gently caressing the skin.
13 years ago
parted his mouth more, moaning louder at the others taste. His other hand laid flat on his chest.
13 years ago
bit the other's lip gently, slightly pulling from it playfully.
13 years ago
groaned, liking the feel of the other pulling his lip, latching back onto his lips. He was slowly becoming turned on again.
Francis was
13 years ago
also getting around, mostly because of the noises their kissing was doing. His hand slowly descended to the other's back, resting there
13 years ago
for a few seconds before going lower, to Antonio's hips.
13 years ago
shifted into the hand on his hip, one of his hands going to wrap around his neck tighter to never let go.
13 years ago
"you want to do it again...?" He asks, thinking the other should be a little bit in pain..
13 years ago
nodded slowly, not caring that he was still sore. If his...lover wanted to, he would. He blushed and smiled at the usage of 'lover'.
13 years ago
"I'd rather take a bath with you... I'm not as young as you, you know?" he says, laughing a bit.
13 years ago
opened his eyes wider at the suggestion. "Right! W-we could do that..." He said slowly, afraid be came off as too eager earlier.
13 years ago
"Maybe... The shower is a better place for 'that'" He says, whispering to his ear, biting his earlobe.
13 years ago
"Well...we do need to get cleaned up..." He said, smiling softly at the others nipping, his hand lazily running along his chest again.
13 years ago
"I believe we do.." He says, pulling away and getting up from the bed.
13 years ago
followed after him, sitting up and wincing softly at the sore feeling. He covered it with a smile, his eyes obviously studying the others
13 years ago
body with interest. But in a loving sort of way; he may have the stamina to go again, but the soreness stopped him.
13 years ago
quickly prepared a bath, pouring inside a dust that quickly turned into bubbles. "Hop in..." He said to the other, smiling gently.
13 years ago
almost took it literal, slipping into the bath water rather quickly, wincing at the pain the sudden movement caused. But he sighed in
13 years ago
pleasure at the feeling of the warm water.
13 years ago
"I'll join you in later..." He says, sitting out of the bathtub and stretching his hand towards the other, gently tugging on his hair.
13 years ago
stared at the other curiously, leaning against the edge of the tub. "Why? I...can make space...?"
13 years ago
"I just feel like pampering you..." He said, taking the water hose and spraying some water gently on the other's hair.
13 years ago
slid his eyes closed and sighed in happiness as he felt the water running through his hair. He was going go against the idea, but it felt
13 years ago
too good.
13 years ago
"Close your eyes..." He said, picking up the shampoo and pouring it into his hand.
13 years ago
did what the other said, leaning back slightly to await what was going to happen. He smiled softly, thinking how nice the other was.
13 years ago
gently started to scratch the other's head with the tip of his fingers, careful the shampoo didn't go into the student's face. He started to
13 years ago
hum a song as he cleaned up the other.
13 years ago
kept his eyes closed, but smiled happily at the humming. What he wouldn't give to do this for the older male instead of it happening to him.
13 years ago
gave Antonio a kiss on the cheek when he was done washing his hair.
13 years ago
He chuckled at the kiss on his cheek. "You're very good with your hands..." he said, not trying to sound perverted at all.
13 years ago
"I used to work at a spa to pay my studies, I gave massages." He explained, though he thought the other should have realized earlier that.
Antonio was
13 years ago
slow at realizing things..." must of gotten a lot of clients~"
13 years ago
"Scoot over, I'm coming in..." He said, after leaving another kiss on the other's cheek.
13 years ago
did just that, bending his legs and bringing his knees to his chest. "The water isn't as warm as it was though..."
13 years ago
"That's fixable..." He replied, sitting behind the other. He opened the water tap, raising the water level but making it more warm.
13 years ago
leaned back against the other when he was settled in, sighing in content. "I hope it doesn't over flow..." he said, worried about the floor.
13 years ago
"I don't care if it does..." He said, nuzzling against the other's neck.
13 years ago
tilted his head to the side to let him, running his hands through the bubbles. "Shouldn't we wash you now?"
13 years ago
"You don't really have to.... I'd rather have you like this for a little longer.." He said, playfully licking his earlobe.
13 years ago
chuckled softly, running his fingers along the others calf. "That's not very productive then..."
13 years ago
"I guess you're right..." He said, handing the other the loofa. "Come on, get me clean, I'm dirty." He said, laughing.
13 years ago
turned around in the tub, splashing them a bit. He lathered up the loofa and started on the others chest, concentrating.
13 years ago
"That tickles..." He said with a small smile as he observed closely the other's actions.
13 years ago
continued on his merry way, washing the others neck, arms, and back. "'ll have to lift your legs for me to wash..." He looked through
13 years ago
the water at the others legs; the water being the barrier keeping him from cleaning him fully.
13 years ago
kept giggling from the tickles as the other continued to wash him. "Where are you washing?" He wondered, raising his legs, spreading them
13 years ago
apart and placing them on the sides of the bathtub.
13 years ago
"Well...I'm washing you'll be clean..." he reasoned, rubbing the loofa along his calf and thigh.
13 years ago
Francis smiled, tilting his head back as the other continued to scrub his body ever so gently.
13 years ago
stopped scrubbing, dumping the loofa in the water and lifting it to rinse the other off.
13 years ago
"Come here.." He said opening his arms up for the other.
13 years ago
dropped the loofa and moved into his arms, facing him. He had a giant smile on his face and his cheeks were dusted pink.
13 years ago
gave him a small peck as he embraced the other, arms around the Antonio's waist.
13 years ago
gave him a small kiss back, leaning into the others chest and snuggling close. "I hope I'm not keeping you from anything..."
13 years ago
"I think I may be keeping you from doing homework..." he said, just noticing that.
13 years ago
pouted, burying his face in the others neck. "I don't want to be doing homework..."
13 years ago
"Oh but you must." He said, pinching his butt cheeks.
13 years ago
yelped slightly, jumping up a little. "But I don't want to..." he sighed out sadly.
13 years ago
"Yes, but you must do them anyways."
13 years ago
pulled back a little to look up at the blond, trying to pull the innocent look, poking his lower lip out. He hoped that maybe it would get
13 years ago
him off.
13 years ago
raised an eyebrow at him, pinching his nose gently. "I can't have your grades going worse."
13 years ago
sighed, nuzzling the others neck and wrapping his arms around the other to try and change his mind. "But..."
13 years ago
gave him a small kiss. "No buts. You're doing homework."
13 years ago
buried his face in the others chest, drawing circles with his fingers. "There...isn't anything else...we could do...instead?"
13 years ago
"Not while your ass is all sore and your homework's not done." He said, rubbing the other's back.
13 years ago
"But...I could help you out...?" He offered, looking up at the blond and moving even closer to him, if possible.
13 years ago
"Shouldn't it be the other way around?" He said. gently scratching the other's back. "Me helping you with your homework? I could give you a
13 years ago
kiss everytime you get an answer right" He said winking at the other.
13 years ago
tried to look upset, but it was hard since that sounded like fun. "...okay...can I get long kisses for each right answer?"
13 years ago
"2 minute long kisses maximum." He said, now rubbin the other's cheek.
13 years ago
(( ;A; ))
13 years ago
(( FFFUU I have the worst memory...))
13 years ago
"Only 2 minutes...?" he asked, smiling mischievously. He wanted a lot more then that...
13 years ago
((oh, its okay ;W; ))
13 years ago
"Yes, only 2 minutes, if we take longer we'll end at midnight, and I doubt your parents won't ground you after that."
13 years ago
glanced away, pouting slightly. "I'm...sure they won't care..."
13 years ago
"On contraire, I bet they'll be dead worried if they get home and you're not there." He said, grabbing the other's chin and making him face
13 years ago
him again.
13 years ago
stuck his lower lip out to try and look innocent. He didn't want the other to send him back just yet; he wanted to stay.
13 years ago
bit his lower lip, smiling. "Puppy dog eyes don't work on me, cheri."
13 years ago
"Why not...?" he said, pouting even more and making his eyes wider to try and change his mind.
13 years ago
"Because." he says, giving the other a peck. "We must get your homework done and get you back home."
13 years ago
"...Fine.." he said, sighing in sadness. He rolled over in the water, sitting with his back to the others chest.
13 years ago
"Oh come on, Antonio." He said, rubbing his lover's back. "You can't spend the night here. Its not because I don't want you to, its because
13 years ago
you're underage, you live with your parents, and up to some point we must keep appearances. Do you understand?"
13 years ago
let his head fall back on the others shoulders, as a sign that he understood. He just didn't like the idea of going home. "I understand..."
13 years ago
"If it were for me, I'd never let you leave my side..." He whispered to the other's ear.
13 years ago
looked up at the other, his face flushed slightly. He smiled softly and pecked his lips lightly.
13 years ago
pecked him in return. "Now, we should get out of here before our fingers get wrinkled."
13 years ago
nodded, smiling softly before standing in all his glory, dripping wet.
13 years ago
"you're doing that on purpose right?" He said, also standing up, hugging him from behind.
13 years ago
smiled innocently, glancing back at him. "Doing what on purpose?"
13 years ago
"You know what you're doing." He said, stepping out of the bathtub, handing the other a towel.
13 years ago
pouted, hoping to draw the other in, but took the towel regardless. He dried himself and left his hair wet.
13 years ago
kissed the pouting lips, placing another dry towel on top of the other's hair. "Don't want you getting sick"
13 years ago
looked up at him through the towel, smiling. "If I got sick, would you take care of me?"
13 years ago
"I'd sleep by your beside and make sure you don't lack anything."
13 years ago
wrapped his arms around the others, burying his face in his chest. "Then maybe I should get sick..."
13 years ago
13 years ago
"But if you got sick we couldn' kiss.. or do more." He said, hugging back, drying his lover's head.
13 years ago
13 years ago
(unposted post, forget it, just reply =w=)
13 years ago
bit the inside of his cheek. "We could just...ignore that part of it...?"
13 years ago
"I don't want you getting sick, you'll be in pain.." he says, kissing the other's cheek.
13 years ago
turns to catch lips in a kiss before he can pull away completely. His arms tightened around him.
13 years ago
kisses him briefly, pulling away a bit. "Come on, Antonio, we need to get dressed and do your homework..."
13 years ago
sighed, but smiled softly. "Okay, if you say so~"
13 years ago
"You want to put your unifor back on, or can I lend you some clothing?" He says, as he puts on underwear.
13 years ago
smiled at the idea of wearing the others clothes. "Could I borrow something...?"
13 years ago
"Yes, pick anything you'd like." He says, pointing at the closet and a nearby drawer.
13 years ago
walks over to the closet and looks around. He settles for a short sleeved, v-neck that was bigger on him slightly. He just wore his old
13 years ago
boxers again since he didn't really want to put his pants on.
13 years ago
put on a similar looking shirt, only that it was black. He quickly dried his hair, getting closer to the other once he was done. "Lets go to
13 years ago
the kitchen, we can work there." He says,giving the other a small peck.
13 years ago
nodded, following the other out like a puppy. He was still upset at having to do work, but as long as he got kisses, he was fine. Sitting
13 years ago
down at the table, he lugged some books out, setting them down, but not doing anything with them. "What now?"
13 years ago
"Now you do homework. Whichever you find the most hard to do." He said, putting on his reading glasses as he sat beside the other.
13 years ago
pouted, dreading this part the most. He pulled out a thick math book and some paper. "Well...I don't like math, so..." He opened up to the
13 years ago
page required.
13 years ago
"Aha, I know that from you report cards." He says, watching over the other, handing him a pencil.
13 years ago
took the pencil and let it hover over his paper for a while, almost as if he was willing it to write on its own. "Well...?"
13 years ago
"which part you don't understand?"
13 years ago
looked down at the book, pouting slightly. "Well, this formula makes no sense..." He said, pointing to a fairly simple algebraic equation.
13 years ago
looks at the equation, sighing a bit. "Look at the example above it, its the same thing."
13 years ago
looked at the other like he was crazy. "It's not the same...those numbers are different..."
13 years ago
"Yeah, but the principle is the same..." He says, pointing out the only thing that changed was the number, not the procedure.
13 years ago
"...oh." he said, eyes showing a little understanding. His cheeks flushed in embarrassment as he attempted the problem, getting stuck from
13 years ago
time to time. " it right?" He looked up at the other male, hope in his eyes.
13 years ago
Francis checked the problem, giving the other a small happy nod. "Its correct."
13 years ago
"So that means...?" He said with a giant, childish smile, leaning in closer.
13 years ago
"Yeah.." He said, leaning in as well, pressing his lips against the other's.
13 years ago
kissed back eagerly, sighing happily. He turned and started to wrap his arms around the others shoulders, hoping to keep them busy.
13 years ago
parted his lips, dryly kissing the other, arms around his waist.
13 years ago
smiled slightly into the kiss, his fingers getting tangled in the others hair. He pressed harder into the kiss.
13 years ago
licked the other's lips, hands caressing the other's back. "I think its time for the next problem..."
13 years ago
whined softly, trying to tighten his arms around the other so he didn't have to let go.
13 years ago
"Toño...You promised..." He said, giving him a series of small pecks as he tried to loosen the arms around him.
13 years ago
"That wasn't enough..." He said softly, his arms loosening.
13 years ago
"Then solve the next problem quickly.." He whispered to his ear, grinning at the other.
13 years ago
turned back to the book, picking up his pencil and looking at the next problem. " this how it goes?" He asked, showing what he did.
13 years ago
took the other's pencil and made a small correction. "You missed a sign, but other than that its perfect."
13 years ago
smiled, turning back to the blond before launching himself, attaching their lips.
13 years ago
made the kiss even more pationate than the last one, playing with the other's tongue, feeling his heart beat race.
13 years ago
moaned softly, his hands threading into his hair. He held on tightly to the older male, hoping he could climb onto his lap.
13 years ago
his hands drifted off to the other's ass, squeezing a bit as he continued to kiss him.
13 years ago
shifted forward slightly at the squeezing, groaning loudly. He met the others tongue halfway, trying to explore his mouth.
13 years ago
let the other explore his mouth, squeezing his buttcheeks even more, loosing track of the 2 minute kissing.
13 years ago
obviously didn't care for the time, straddling his hips to get closer.
13 years ago
"Toño..." He says in between kisses. "Your homework..."
13 years ago
shook his head, pressing his lips against the others harder and holding him tighter.
13 years ago
"I mean it..." He said, nevertheless, kissing back.
13 years ago
grinned, pulling back only slightly, his lips still touching the others. "But which is more fun...?" He asked.
13 years ago
"This... " He said, kissing the other again, but pulling away completely after a little while. "Finish your homework..."
13 years ago
sighed loudly and exaggeratedly before he turned back to his homework. "But there's so much more to do..."
13 years ago
"That we'll do after you finish your homework." He said, making the other's hair messy. "Because I bet that when I drop you home you'll fall
13 years ago
asleep immediately and not do the rest of your homework."
13 years ago
pouted, but picked up the pencil and started on the next few problem. He finished 5on his own before he looked at the blond. "Are these
13 years ago
13 years ago
nodded, a bit suprised. "See? It isn't that hard if you put in a little bit of effort, right?" He said, pulling the other closer for a hug.
13 years ago
" isn't hard if I have something to look forward to~" he said, smiling brightly. He leaned into the hug and buried his face in the
13 years ago
crook of his neck, kissing the skin lightly.
13 years ago
pulled away slightly to kiss the other, smiling. "I know.. How many problems to go..?" He asked, a bit impatient.
13 years ago
glanced back down at his assigned work. "...if I said I'm done, would you believe me...?" He asked, seeing if he could try.
13 years ago
"No." He said, laughing. "I'm serious, you must finish your homework."
13 years ago
put his best innocent look before giving up. "Well...I think there's only...3 more to go..." He said smiling. But it quickly fell when he
13 years ago
didn't know what to do. "Uhm...?"
13 years ago
"Kiss me.." He whispered to the other's ear, smiling.
13 years ago
didn't need to be told twice. He turned and kissed the other softly, closing his eyes in bliss.
13 years ago
his hands went up the other's shirt, gently caressing the skin as he replied to the kiss.
13 years ago
clenched his hands in the others shirt, pressing harder into the kiss. He maneuvered until he was sitting in the others lap, back arching.
13 years ago
deepened the kiss, one hand, once again, settling on the other's ass, rubbing to his heart's content.
13 years ago
groaned, pushing his ass back into the groping hand. He ran his hands up and down the others chest, parting his lips slightly.
13 years ago
parted his lips as well, kissing the other impatiently, licking his lips.
13 years ago
moaned louder, his hands going up to wrap around the others neck and pull him closer. He let his tongue come out and brush against his lips.
13 years ago
pressed his tongue against the other's locking their lips together as he explored the other's mouth.
13 years ago
let the other explore his mouth, brows furrowing down. He wasn't about to give in just yet. He ran one hand from around the others neck and
13 years ago
down his chest again, before resting it on the man's lower stomach teasingly.
13 years ago
"Toño... Just 3 excercises more.." He said, pulling away slightly, and takin the other's hands into his own. Man he had a lot of self
13 years ago
13 years ago
shook his head and leaned forward again to kiss the older male. He, however, had no self control.
13 years ago
"Antonio." He said, pulling apart a bit more. "3 more problems and I'll pamper you until you can't take it anymore.."
13 years ago
13 years ago
((Didn't know if you wanted to keep switching accounts))
13 years ago
sighed, resting his forehead on the others shoulders. "...okay..." He sat up and looked back down at his problems. "So...this is the first
13 years ago
one...right...?" He asked.
13 years ago
((/using another browser))
13 years ago
"Uhuh." He said, his arms still around the other's waist, his self control already failing a bit.
13 years ago
smiled, leaning into the other. He started onto the next one, going too fast and messing up on part of the equation, getting the answer
13 years ago
wrong. "How about this one?"
13 years ago
"Wrong... Check the problem again.." He said, thinking he wasn't really helping the other concentrate.
13 years ago
"Ohh..." He said, a little upset. He tried it again, fixing his problem. "How...about now...?" He looked up at him, hopeful.
13 years ago
"Its perfect. How many more?" He asked, nuzzling against the other's neck.
13 years ago
" if we ignore it...but 2..." He said softly, tilting his head to the side. He half paid attention to the next problem, skipping a
13 years ago
step by accident.
13 years ago
"You skipped a part..." He said, pulling away, thinking that way it would be faster.
13 years ago
pouted, not liking the other moving away from him. He took one of the others hands and wrapped them back around him so he couldn't move back
13 years ago
from him. He fixed the problem and looked back at the older male.
13 years ago
"Its correct" he said, tickling the other. "One more to go, right?"
13 years ago
chuckled, leaning back more on the other one. "One more to go..." He whispered, looking down at the last problem and staring on it.
13 years ago
"Do it properly... I'll reward you~" He said teasingly.
13 years ago
felt all the pressure and excitement that went with that statement. He finished the problem hesitantly, turning to show him. "...well?"
13 years ago
gave a look at the problem and smiled, grabbing the other and taking him to a nEarby couch. "You're done..."
13 years ago
smiled brightly, wrapping his arms around his neck. "I guess I am~ What should we do now?" He asked, pulling the other close.
13 years ago
"I told you I would reward you... So tell me to do something and I'll do it, ouais?" He says, smiling at tthe other.
13 years ago
"Alright...hmm...? He thought, trying to be fast so he didn't stall anything. "Can't...we just do..everything??" He smiled innocently.
13 years ago
"You mean do everything?" He asks, nuzzling his cheek lovingly.
13 years ago
"Mhm...everything possible..." He said, smiling and nuzzling the other back. His hands traveled down the older males back, moving closer.
13 years ago
"Really..?" He says, his arms around the other's waist, nose rubbing against his forehead.
Antonio says
13 years ago
"Si, really....por favor~?" He asked, pulling back and smiling slyly, looking at the older male with slightly narrowed eyes.
13 years ago
"Alright..." He thought if after so much sex in one day any other person would be snoring... Not that kid in his arms obviously.
13 years ago
was a very energetic individual. There were times when he enjoyed taking it easy (during classes) but when he knew he would enjoy something,
13 years ago
he was completely awake and ready. He leaned forward, nipping at the others ear. "But...only if you want to..." He never considered their
13 years ago
age differences until now.
13 years ago
started to kiss him, Francis did want to have sex with him again, and though he wasn't as young as Antonio, he had a very good stamina for
13 years ago
working out regularly. He rolled the student's shirt up, rubbing the tanned skin with his fingertips.
13 years ago
arched up against him, smiling into the kiss as best as he could. He let out a deep groan, grinding down on the older man.
13 years ago
"Raise up your arms..." He whispers to the other's ear, trying to get rid of his shirt.
13 years ago
did as he was told, immediately wrapping them back around the others neck when his shirt was off.
13 years ago
smiiled before he kissed his lover, hands rubbing on the firm back, going lower to play with the edge of Antonio's boxers.
13 years ago
kissed back with equal enthusiasm, his hands playing with the other hair. He arched his back, groaning at the feeling of the others teases.
13 years ago
"You want to do it here or do you want to go back to my room?" He says, giving him a small kiss.
13 years ago
didn't think he could wait. He leaned forward, resting his forehead against the others. "'t be bad..."
13 years ago
smiled. "Such impatience.." He says, pulling down Antonio's boxers, revealing his buttcheeks.
13 years ago
smiled as innocently as he could, lifting his hips lightly to allow the other to pull his boxers down.
13 years ago
"I'm still fully dressed..." He says, giggling a bit.
13 years ago
noticed the other was right, grinning. "Then we have to change that..." he said. His hands messed with the bottom hem of his shirt and
13 years ago
lifted it up.
13 years ago
helped, raising his arms to let the other completely get rid of the shirt.
13 years ago
leaned forward to nuzzle the others neck, running his hands along the others chest.
13 years ago
"I'm still only half-naked, cheri..." He says, nuzzling back, cupping the other's ass with his hands.
13 years ago
smiled against his kin, pulling back and looking down at his boxers. He reached down and started pulling the waistband down.
13 years ago
his erection slid out of the boxers, and he groaned as the other's hand lightly passed over it, pulling the other closer once his pants
13 years ago
were gone.
13 years ago
gripped onto the others stiff member, stroking it slowly and smiling more. "Better...?"
13 years ago
"I should be the one doing that... Its your prize!" He says, kissing him.
13 years ago
"Hmm...but you you can get a prize too..." He said against the others lips, kissing back.
13 years ago
"Its prize enough to have you here..." He says, in between kisses, disheveling the other's wet hair.
13 years ago
ran his fingers up and down the others bare chest, kissing back happily. His rolled his hips forward to grind against the blond, trying to
13 years ago
get some kind of reaction out of him.
13 years ago
He did react, moaning into the kisses as the other grinded against his erection. His hands squeezed his ass, in hope for more closeness.
13 years ago
sighed into the kiss, arching up at the squeezing. He wanted to get as close as he could, blushing in need.
13 years ago
parted his lips, pressing his tongue against antonio's lips. "Do you want to top this time?"
13 years ago
blushed bright red at the idea of topping the other, the idea never crossing his mind. "I...I can do that...?"
13 years ago
Nods, giving him a small kiss. "I guess you already know the process by now." He says, rubbing the other's blushing cheeks.
13 years ago
nodded shyly, the blush growing more at the rubbing. He let out a soft sigh and smiled, kissing the other softly, his hands wrapping around
13 years ago
his neck.
13 years ago
smiled, finding it cute that the other blushed so much. Francis kissed the other's neck, nuzzling him lovingly.
12 years ago
wasn't used to most of this, so he felt a little embarrassed for not completely knowing to do. It was different when he didn't have to do
12 years ago
much. He tightened his legs around the others waist, hand traveling back down to grab onto the others cock, stroking it slowly.
12 years ago
Figured out the other didn't know exactly what to do first, so he grabbed Antonio's hand -the one that wasn't jerking him off, that he was
12 years ago
doing right- and placed it over his own mouth, pulling Antonio's middle and index finger inside of his mouth, sucking and licking them.
12 years ago
opened his mouth to question but was stunned silent at the feeling of the others mouth wrapped around his fingers. He flushed red, groaning
12 years ago
softly at the feeling.
12 years ago
pressed his tongue against the tip of Antonio's fingers, giving the other a lascivous look before closing his eyes. He pulled the fingers
12 years ago
after a few more seconds, kissing the palm of the other's hand. "Do you know what you have to do now?
12 years ago
12 years ago
nodded, pushing the other down slowly and pressing the now wet fingers to his entrance. He looked a little nervous, but pressed one in.
12 years ago
He moaned, writhing a bit, breathing in as the other pushed the finger past his tight ring of muscles. It had been a while since the last
12 years ago
time he hadn't topped. But the pain wasn't all that bad. "Go on..." He said, in a low voice.
12 years ago
nodded, his mouth pulled into a straight line. He pushed the finger in deeper, the saliva helping it move better. He almost groaned ay how
12 years ago
tight it felt inside the older man. It was obvious that this didn't happen often for the blond.
12 years ago
Francis moaned, spreading his legs further apart as he tried to relax and breathe softly. "Its alright.." He said to the other, his hand
12 years ago
reaching for Antonio's cheek.
12 years ago
smiled slightly, pushing the digit deeper to see if he could find his prostate. He leaned into the others hand on his cheek, still blushing.
12 years ago
rubbed his cheek with his thumb. "Push it a little more bit in..."
12 years ago
felt sorry for having to be taught. But then again, it was like another lesson. He followed the others instructions, pushing the finger in
12 years ago
deeper and curling it slightly to try and find that gland that would drive the older man crazy.
12 years ago
"There you go..." He says, bucking his hips against the other's fingers. Francis gave him a small smile. "you can continue."
12 years ago
pressed a second finger against the tight ring of muscles, forcing it into the hole to stretch. He groaned softly at the feeling; it was
12 years ago
obvious that the older man hadn't been stretched in a while, meaning it was going to be quite pleasurable for him.
12 years ago
Francis gasps, moaning as he took the second finger in, gently smiling at the other. He was starting to get hard again.
12 years ago
12 years ago
gave a nervous smile back to the older male, stretching him as gently as anyone can. It was quite obvious that he was hard; just watching
12 years ago
the other while he prepared him was erotic.
12 years ago
12 years ago
rubbed the other's cheek, smiling at him. "Its alright, you're doing just fine..." He says, pressing his hips against the other's fingers.
12 years ago
stretched him a little bit more before pressing a third finger to his entrance, his breath speeding up in anticipation.
12 years ago
"Its alright... I'm ready." He says, not complaining about the 3rd finger, Francis was rather impatient."
12 years ago
"I want you in... ouais?"
12 years ago
Antonio nodded, pulling his fingers out slowly. He was also getting impatient, but he was still rather nervous. Lining his cock up with the
12 years ago
blondes entrance, he started to push in, clenching his teeth.
12 years ago
"Good... Good.." He says in between moans, keeping still and trying to relax as the other pushed in.
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