jonesy says
13 years ago
Scripting project #1 in SL done! Already I want to make changes. But it was a great learning experience. On to more.
latest #17
13 years ago
o_O - SL? Second Life aka .. "Sex Land"?
13 years ago
yessir. :-)
13 years ago
webRat is
13 years ago
kidding. :-) I spent like a week at that place before giving up. :-)
13 years ago
this is my second go round with it. I'dd not have looked at it again if a friend from City of Heroes invited me over.
13 years ago
*hadn't invited me....
13 years ago
I'm becoming very enamored with the build tools.
webRat says
13 years ago
Cool. Wife wanted to try to use SL as a teaching tool.
13 years ago
I can see it being usable for that on some level, but I'm not sure anyone's really cracked the "killer app" functionality for it.
13 years ago
Certainly it makes for a friendlier meeting space over text only.
webRat was
13 years ago
just there to hang out and play and stuff, but I got tired of having to worry
webRat says
13 years ago
about Linodes or the currency system and privacy, finding a building.
webRat says
13 years ago
ANd the place is so huge, I just didn't feel like exploring or caring. :-)
13 years ago
Yah. I get that.
webRat says
13 years ago
Annnd walking into a building selling sexual positions was just amusing. (LOL)
13 years ago
They get better when they muck up and you end up in the oddest places.
13 years ago
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