AhChingZzz shares
13 years ago
where is my rainy days?? 雨天_孫燕姿
latest #20
sweetpotatochoong says
13 years ago
u c now~ going to rain liao la~
AhChingZzz says
13 years ago
raining no....the sound of the rain make my emotion stable and 平静 le
sweetpotatochoong says
13 years ago
==" haha~ dun emo gor gor~! wakaka
AhChingZzz says
13 years ago
i din emo la...jz too high le...nid smthg to make my emotion stable =)
sweetpotatochoong says
13 years ago
haha~ drink coffee ah u?
AhChingZzz says
13 years ago
nope.....dun kw y...today 心情有点不稳定 >""<
sweetpotatochoong says
13 years ago
haha~ gamble too much liao la~
AhChingZzz says
13 years ago
haha...no pun...b4 gamble zao like tis zo ><
sweetpotatochoong says
13 years ago
haha~ o~ sure watch A pian laz nite~
AhChingZzz says
13 years ago
wah~ let u kw zo....dun tell others wo....i watch B pian after A pian o...and watch C pian after B pian o...XD
sweetpotatochoong says
13 years ago
haha~ u reli high today la bang~
AhChingZzz says
13 years ago
haiz~ nt high also actually...jz the feeling weird weird de...sekejap down sekejap high =.=
sweetpotatochoong says
13 years ago
oh no~ u period ah? haha
AhChingZzz says
13 years ago
period will like tis de meh? i think so.....but my period duration is 1 years 1 =.=
sweetpotatochoong says
13 years ago
haha~ haha~ 38 la u ~
sweetpotatochoong says
13 years ago
sweetpotatochoong says
13 years ago
u nid to c doctor liao la
AhChingZzz says
13 years ago
haha..siao kia...no la...i very ok....no nid to c dcotor =)
sweetpotatochoong says
13 years ago
haha (tongue)
AhChingZzz says
13 years ago
blerk =p
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