13 years ago
[Event - 1821 Constantinople ]
latest #85
Greece is
13 years ago
feeling so unsteady these days but has to remain strong!
13 years ago
can't believe this is happening. Everything is spiraling out of control and he feels as if he's losing a hold of what is important to him.
Greece wishes
13 years ago
that Turk would stop sneaking up on him! He glares at him, trying not to show any sign of weakness.
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"You're actually going to do this?" He finally speaks up. He sounds tired and tense.
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looks fidgety, and begins to pick up random items and stuffing them inside his rucksack. 'You knew this day would come.' He says in a
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guarded voice.
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watches him for a bit before stepping forward and grabbing his shoulder roughly. "You keep forgetting you belong to me." He growls. "What
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makes you think I will allow this....or sit back and watch you leave." He wanted to add me but refrained.
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struggles with Turkey, growling at him. 'I don't belong to you anymore! I'll fight you till only one of us is left standing just to get
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freedom from you!' He puffs, lowering his voice 'You brought this on yourself.'
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felt as if he was stabbed through with those words. "I did no such thing you filthy brat. I was kind to you." That was a half truth.
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wrestles into him when he realises he isn't getting free anytime soon. 'It's time you stop treating me like a second class citizen and
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learn I am a power to be reckoned with. I'm no child anymore and I will not serve under you any longer.'
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releases him and steps back. "Fine, go..." He hisses. "But you'll regret this."
Greece is
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surprised it was that easy, but shifts uncomfortably at his threat. He heads straight for the door, almost thinking Turkey should be
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stopping him right now, but he wasn't. He opens the door, now realizing he needs help with his belongings.
Turkey thinks
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that he shouldn't need help since technically all those things belong to him. He watches him with a hard expression. He was not going to let
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him go this easily.
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frowns, knowing he'll get no help from the nation now glaring at him. He struggles as he pushes his boulder-like bags out of the house
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and onto the garden path. Athens, here I come!
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slams his door close nearly breaking it off his hinges and storms off to the balcony. He'd give him a head start and then follow. Two could
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easily play at this game. He was not going to let the Greek go. He just couldn't.
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trudges down the path. Occasionally he rummages through the bags and abandons some of the more heavier items. By the time he reaches the
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roadside, he has managed to pull the bags over his shoulders and tries to hitchhike to Athens.
Turkey has
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waited long enough and this time breaks down the door as he storms out throwing on his coat and heading after the Greek. The littered goods
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that the Greek left around was an easy trail to follow and he knew that the stupid boy wasn't going to get very far. He could almost see the
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outline of his figure not to far off. "Heracles! You are not leaving!!!" He shouts out.
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half turns and then begins running. Actually, he's just hobbling a little faster than normal under the extra weight. 'I am! I've left and
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there's nothing you can do to stop me!'
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picks up the pace and starts sprinting after him. He's making good time since he doesn't have extra weight at all.
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can hear him approaching and he quickly decides to abandon it all and runs through some trees.
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turns into the trees and follows him. These are his lands so nothing foreign to him. He is almost in hands reach and decides he's going to
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risk it and tackles him to the ground.
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swears loudly as he is tackled and he tries to buck the Turk off him. 'Are you crazy? That hurt!'
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pins him to the ground. "I'm not and I don't care if it hurt. You disobeyed me."
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manages to turn his head to glare at him. 'I have disobeyed you before, and by Zeus I will disobey you again! You can't keep me like this!'
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's eyes narrow and he adjusts his position grabbing Greece's arms and holding them together so he can't escape. "I can." He growls. "And I
Turkey will
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. You are mine and you will always belong to me." He wasn't going to be nice about it at all.
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struggles despite the obvious issue of not being able to get out of Turkey's hold. 'England has other ideas!' He snaps, pushing his body
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back and into the Turk to turn them over. 'I'll start a revolution, you'll see, and I'll be out of here in a flash.'
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pins the Greek firmly against his chest. "England? You've been speaking to that fool!" He hated the westerners. They were always placing
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their noses in buisness that did not concern them. "He knows nothing but savagery! He's lying to you!"
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begins to feel around any parts of Turkey he can reach. The nation must be carrying a weapon he can steal. 'He thinks I can overcome you,
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and I believe him! He's no fool, he's just what I needed.' His eyes flash round to meet Turkey's. 'You seem worried, Sadiq.'
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's eyes widen. "Why would I be worried? I have everything under control." Of course, that was a huge lie. His empire was declining at a
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rapid rate and so was his health. Not only did he fear losing Greece but he also feared the day he would seemed to be drawing
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had none of these worries, or thoughts. To him, Turkey would always exist. That's just the way things were. He knew nothing of the Turk's
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fears. He did, however, know that all was not well in his lands and that his master of sorts was going through an ill patch. Now was the
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time to act and become free! 'Not for much longer, Sadiq, I'm getting stronger and you won't be able to contain me much longer. England
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told me about revolutions.'
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wanted to strangle him. "You stupid brat!" Did he not see what he was doing. He was only trying to protect the Greek. "Are you really going
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to listen to a monster like him?"
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'Monster?' He scoffs, 'He's showing me the light, pointing the way-he's no monster! He doesn't want me to serve him.' He looks pointedly
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at him.
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"Do you not realize that he's not doing this to help you, you fool. He wants to get something out of this too." Greece was stupid and naive.
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looks at him with confused and worried eyes. 'What would he want from-? You're wrong! Stop lying, England is just looking out for me!' He
Greece wishes
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his voice didn't carry so much doubt.
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growls in frustration. "No, he's not. I'm looking out for you!"
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'Well that would be a first!' His limbs have grown tired at struggling and so he just lets himself relax, hoping to be too heavy for Turkey
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to hold up so they can rest on the grass. 'I've nothing to lose, why would you be looking out for me?'
Turkey is
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much more exhausted than he should be and just rolls off of him and lays beside him. He felt so weak these days.....However, he wasn't sure
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how to answer the Greeks question. "Because I would be..." Because you mean a lot to me.
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lets himself fall across Turkey, keep his head turned to his face. 'You would be...? Distraught if you lost a servent?'
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Turkey wants
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to hold him close but refrains. "I just would be...okay." He grunts out as he adjusts the Greeks position a little bit.
Greece wishes
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he had a little more energy to stubbornly refuse to be adjusted, but he is so tired now he just goes with it. He looks hurt but tries to
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hide it. 'Nice to know my absence would not affect you greatly...'
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's silent for a long time before speaking up. "Just shut up." He says instead of what he wanted to actually say.
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glares up at him. After a moment he returns with 'You shut up.' Childish, but efficient.
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places his hand over the Greeks eyes and pats it firmly. "Don't speak to me like that."
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cringes and tries to swat his hand away. 'I'll speak to you how I like, and call you names because I'm old enough to.'
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rolls his eyes. "You're still a braty ungrateful kid. I'm going to take you home now.
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doesn't disagree with that sentiment, but lies on him awkwardly. 'Home. Home is where you are loved!'
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does love him but won't ever say it. "You are loved at the palace..." He says as he keeps a hold of the Greek and starts getting up. "By
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your cats and the humans that work there."
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pushes the Turk's head away from him, but doesn't move to get out from his hold otherwise. 'I bet they love me more than they love you.'
Greece thinks
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that at least of the cats.
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frowns and grabs the others wrist trying to pull it away from his face. "Not possible. I do much more for them than you."
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'You order them about and feed them bad cat food.' He retorts, settling himself in his grasp. He may as well be comfortable.
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quirks a brow...he had been talking about his people but cats worked too...? "What the hell is bad cat food?" He was offended that the Greek
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would even think he would feed someone or something anything then good food.
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notes that they are in some awkward half sitting half laying embrace and finds it a little uncomfortable jugding on what had just happened
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in the past hour or two.
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