13 years ago
[Zombitalia] Antonio was rummaging around an old abandoned shed, trying to see if he could salvage something to use as a weapon. He already
latest #608
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had a hand gun in the gun holster under his arm, but the sound attracted them...And that's not what he needed so close to dusk. Pulling out
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a axe, he turned it over in his hands a few times before smiling. "This will do perfectly~" he said, swinging it too and fro.
13 years ago
[[For Lovi~ Cause we're rebels!]]
13 years ago
[[Fff Ger's gonna cut our throats]]
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[[-clutches throat-]]
13 years ago
Lovino was tucked behind a box, hidden from view. He clutched his shovel in his hands tightly, doing his best to breathe quietly. First, he
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had thought the figure that suddenly busted into his shed was one of the infected, but it wasn't long after that he determined it was just
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another human; he was too logical, plus he could still speak. But it didn't mean he wasn't a threat.
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He started to look around the shed more to see if he could find someway to carry the axe but still have his hands free. Being as careful as
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he could, he started lifting things up to search, but because he wasn't good at being quiet, he caused a domino effect. "No-!" he said to no
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one in particular as he knocked over more things.
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This guy was going to get them *killed*. He sprang out from behind the box and hit the Spaniard in the back with the shovel, growling under
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his breath.
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Antonio fell forward at the force of the hit. He wasn't sure what was that hit him so he turned and held the axe in the others face,
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prepared to use it if there was more of a threat. "W-what was that for! Who are you!?" He whispered loudly.
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Scowling, Lovino brandished his shovel, the blade pointed at the other male. "Shut it," he whispered, and then tried to hit the axe out of
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the Spaniard's hands.
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[[/Watching Zombieland -u-]]
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He clutched the axe in his hand tighter before lowering it. He repeated the same action with the others shovel, his eyes narrowed. This
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fight could continue some other time, not when there was the possibility of dying by the hands of the undead.
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[[D': I wanna waaatch!]]
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Lovino growled softly, eyes narrowing. "Fucking stupid," he hissed, backing away a step or two, not completely lowering the shovel.
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[[;v; /Makes a spot for on couch and snuggles?]]
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He threw is axe over his shoulder and held up his other hand in a surrendering manner. "Alright, alright, There's no need to be suspicious
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of each other...not with *those* outside." He whispered out, when he heard a particular loud grunt from outside. He stood in the same spot.
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[[/joins and snugglehugs]]
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"I could behead you, you know." He spun the shovel in his hands, and gripped it tighter. "Still not slightly suspicious?"
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[[;//v//; /Loves on]]
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Antonio raised an eyebrow at the others behavior. Sure they were in the middle of a crisis, but was that really the way to act? He lowered
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his axe from his shoulder and narrowed his eyes. "Is there something wrong with you....?"
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He raised a brow. "With me? Something wrong with *me*? You know what? You're what's wrong with me." This guy deserved an ass-kicking. How
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had he ever survived when he was so oblivious to being careful.
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"What have I even done to you?" He moved back a little. If he was going to get hurt, he thought it would be in a fight with the monsters,
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not by an angry Italian...
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"Why do you trust me?" He looked cold and serious, brows furrowed down.
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He scoffed as if it were the most obvious thing out there. "Well...last time I checked you weren't a bumbling dead person. I haven't run
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into living people in a while..."
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"I could hit you over your head and take your weapons." Lovino was in need of a new gun, or at least some ammo. "Kill you, if I felt like
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it." Though, Lovino had never killed a living person. He was sure he could do it anyways.
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He probably should of expected this. His shoulders tensed as he squeezed the handle of his axe just in case he needed to use it. "I'd
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defiantly like to see you try..." he smirked. "I think you're bluffing."
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He exhaled slowly, and dropped his shovel before pitching himself at the other, tackling him to the ground with as little noise as possible.
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Antonio fell back, holding his hands out to catch most of the weight of the other, groaning as his back made contact with the floor.
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He straddled the taller brunette's abdomen and pressed the heel of his palm on the other's chin, pressing his head back so his chin was
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pointing in the air, head tilted back. "Look like I'm bluffing?" he laughed, rolling his eyes.
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He ground his teeth in anger, glaring up at the other. His hand went up and lightly gripped the others neck, trying to at least have him
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choke up a bit. He arched his back up to throw the other off of him. Climbing on top of him, he kept his hand around the others neck to keep
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him down. Being slightly bigger then the other made it easier to gain the upper hand.
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His eyes went wide, yelping in shock, making a choking noise as he was flipped. *And the other wondered why he didn't trust people*. Lovino
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squirmed under the other, trying weakly to shove and kick at him.
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"Not sure why you need to attack me..." He raised his hand from the others neck, but stayed over him. He raised his eyebrow at his weak
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attempt to get out of the hold. "'re really feisty..."
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Lovino took a deep breath when the Spaniard let go of his throat, shaking slightly. It was scary, to feel helpless like that. The Italian
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stilled, but not before kneeing the other hard in the balls.
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Antonio's eyes bulged out of his eyes. His hands went to hold his injured body part and rolled off the other. "N-not.....c-cute....!" he
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gasped out in pain.
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He huffed, dusting himself off and standing, stretching. His fingers grazed over his neck, wincing slightly at bruises. "C'mon. Hurry up and
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stand already," he said, irritated, nudging the brunette with his foot.
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Coughing, he slowly stood on wobbly legs. "W-why would you do that...." He looked slightly sick, almost like he was going to puke.
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"Oh, quit complaining, it wasn't that hard. Now, come on, we're--" He broke off as the shed door slammed open, and he cursed softly under
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his breath as a reanimated corpse stumbled in. He smashed the zombie over the head with the shovel once he'd retrieved it, beating it to a
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second death.
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He was still trying to get over the fact that his balls felt like they were on fire. He watched the other beat the zombie with a strange
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fascination. While the other was beating the now even more dead monster, he noticed that the sound was causing more to shamble over to the
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shed. "I think we need to move..."
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"God dammit-- get up already!" He reached and snatched a pair of keys off the wall, opening a hidden door in the back of the shed.
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Scrambled up onto his feet. He grabbed his axe and moved towards the door that was just opened. He'd ask questions later...
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He scrambled out the door behind the other as zombies started to bust into the shed. Lovino was already fast before all of this started,
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sprinting towards a car and jumping into the driver's seat, door slamming shut.
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He swung his axe, quickly beheading a zombie in his way. He turned and saw the other getting in a car. He wanted to stop and ask how he
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found a working car, but quickly threw that thought out. Running over to the passenger side he jumped in as well, not really caring if the
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other didn't want him there. He slammed the door and stared at the other, waiting for him to *go*.
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Once the other was in the car he slammed the keys into the ignition and turned, speeding off like a bat out of hell. A good thing about the
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population being mostly zombies was that there were no idiot drivers on the road Lovino had to deal with-- especially slow ones.
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He should really just feel glad that they got out of that without getting *too* hurt, or dead, but the speed that the other was driving at
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did make him feel slightly uneasy. He struggled to put his seat belt on, clutching the seat beneath him.
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Lovino seemed happy at the speed, zipping down the deserted highway before slamming to a stop where he deemed it truly deserted, no zombies
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in sight. "...I've food, in the back," he mumbled.
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Finally getting his breath back, he looked over at the other with a weak smile. His life sure did change when he ran into this guy...He
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looked back at the food in the back, not wanting to make the first move, it wasn't is in the first place. "...Thanks..." he mumbled out.
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"Whatever." Lovino stretched out, reaching into the back seat, and grabbed a juice box of tomato juice. It was really the closest thing he
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could find to actual tomatoes, these days.
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He stared at the juice box the other had with wide eyes. It had been a while since he'd seen anything with any sort of Tomato flavor to it.
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" you have anymore of those?" he asked, silently praying the other said yes.
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He blinked, and blinked again before grabbing another one, passing it over. "Make it last." It'd taken him a while to track those down.
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He quickly took the juice box and was about to tear into it, until the words the other said sunk in. He slowly savored the drink, trying not
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to devour it. He sat there in the uncomfortable silence before speaking up. "....Sooo...Where are you from?"
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"Rome," he replied easily, stretching his feet onto the dashboard. "Born there, at least, but my family moved out here when we were little."
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"Wow, Rome~" he hummed in surprise. "I've always wanted to go there. What's it like??" He asked, getting a little too excited.
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"Nowadays? A wasteland, like here." His eyes got a faraway look, biting on his bottom lip as he stared out the window. "Back then, though...
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beautiful." You could get anything in the city. "Lazio in general is amazing."
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He whistled softly, trying to imagine what the other saw. Out of the corner of his eye he watched the other talk about it with such an
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expression. He looked a little more relaxed then before. "Well...that's what memories are remember wonderful things....?"
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"I guess having memories is pretty useless now, then. Not much wonderful to remember." His expression turned back to neutral coldness,
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glancing at the other. "You?"
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His face fell a little at the others coldness before a small smile formed. "Madrid. Beautiful city~ Lived there most of my life until my
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parents came here...our stories are almost the same~" he chuckled out, crossing his arms behind his head and grinning towards the other.
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He huffed and looked away at the smile, cheeks reddening. "Fancy." Spaniard, just like he'd guessed. Dumbass.
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Something occurred to the Spaniard; he didn't know the others name. But seeing as he was so apprehensive about even talking to him, he
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decided to go first. "Ah! I just noticed we don't know each others name, I'm Antonio~"
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Great. Knowing each other's names practically forced them to be attached. "...Lovino," he mumbled after a moment.
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He smiled, holding his hand out towards the other. "Nice to meet you Lovino. Cute name~" he smiled. He knew the consequences of knowing the
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others name, but he didn't want to pass up *not* knowing his name. He looked around at where they were. "Are you just moving from place to
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"I-it is not!" His cheeks went dark, swatting the Spaniard's hand away. Lovino averted his gaze, shrugging. "Yeah, I guess..."
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Antonio nodded his head. He'd basically been doing the same. "...Are you looking for someone maybe?" He didn't mean to pry, but that's just
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how he is, a naturally curious person...
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Lovino froze up, opening and closing his mouth as he groped for words. How had the elder male known?
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He tilted his head to the side at the others expression, not completely understanding it. "...So am I wrong?" he asked.
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His gaze went to his lap, expression unreadable. "....No."
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Antonio stayed silent for a little while, looking everywhere but at the other. "...I'm looking for my friends. We split up to move faster
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and promised to meet up later..." he said to try and take attention away from the other.
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"...Looking for my brother," he whispered softly, not elaborating on the words.
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"Aww, that's awfully nice of you...I'm sure he's fine." he said, even though he wasn't sure at all. Not knowing what else to do, he placed
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his hand on the others head, smiling. "You'll find him."
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He looked up shyly through his eyelashes, cheeks coloring darker. "...I hope."
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Antonio had to look away, his cheeks turning a little pink. Scratching the side of his face, he looked down at his unfinished juice box.
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"Don't w-waste that," he huffed, sipping the rest of his own tomato juice down before leaning into the back seat again, rear end in the air.
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He immediatly stuck the straw into his mouth to keep himself from saying-or doing-anything that might anger or upset the other. He sucked
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the juice in slowly, not hiding the fact that he's staring at his rump.
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After a few moments of scrabbling around, Lovino picked up two plastic-packaged biscottis of some strange flavor, scooching carefully back
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into the front seat and passing one over. "It's better with coffee, but it's food."
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His line of vision quickly changed, forcing him to look in the face of the other. Smiling like someone who got caught, he took his share.
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Lovino frowned at the other. "Why do you look guilty?"
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He chuckled nervously, quickly pushing biscottis into his mouth to keep himself from having to talk. "Mmofpf!" He spoke with his mouth full.
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Lovino wrinkled his nose in distaste. "Whatever, just don't talk with your mouth full. Gross." He opened his own biscotti, nibbling. "As
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long as you're not stealing or touching me..."
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Swallowing loudly, he looked away, finished his juice to put moisture back in his mouth. "I-I wouldn't think of doing that..." he said. He
Antonio was
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slightly upset at the way he was acting around the other-something must be wrong with him.
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"Good..." he grumbled, stretching out and shamelessly using the other's lap as a foot rest, yawning. Admittedly, the company wasn't awful;
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humans were programmed for at least some socialization. And there was comfort in numbers.
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humans were programmed for at least some socialization. And there was comfort in numbers.
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[[Ffffuuuuu cell phone BC]]
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[[xD /hugs]]
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He raised an eyebrow at the other, not understanding how *he* wasn't able to touch him, but Lovino could use him as a foot rest...Testing
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out the waters, he started to massage the others lower leg, acting as if it were happening unconsciously.
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He would have protested, but oh, it felt *good*. He groaned softly, legs stretching out. Maybe he could get the Spaniard to give him a foot
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He continued, working up and down the leg, glad he was hearing appreciative noises rather then yelling, or worse, another groin kick.
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Lovino let out another soft noise, relaxing. He could fall asleep like this... He unconsciously kicked off his shoes.
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He gulped nervously, moving his hands down towards his feet. He felt that maybe the other was letting him in it didn't hurt to
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keep hearing those noises from the other. He'd been away from human contact for a while, and he was only human.
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Oh, god, he was exhausted. It was hard to find a safe place to sleep all the time, which meant sometimes you had to go without. He let out a
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pleased noise when the other moved to his feet, yawning and stretching languidly.
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Since he was basically bumming a place to stay from the Italian, he figured he'd stay away to keep watch, letting the other sleep. He
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continued to massage the others feet, working from heel to toe.
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The Italian pulled a pillow from below the seat, cuddling up with it, basking in the massage. This had turned out much better than expected.
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He wanted to coo at how cute the other had been curling up against a pillow, but that would ruin...whatever mood was set. He was also
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growing fond of the noises the other made and wanted more. Keeping one hand on his foot, he moved the other up his leg until he was right
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under the knee, massaging that area.
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Half-asleep, he moaned softly, grip on the pillow tightening slightly. Oh god, that felt *glorious*... He could only imagine how much faster
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he would be able to run.
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He watched the other cautiously as his hand drifted up higher. He bit his lip in concentration, why he was doing this he wasn't sure, but
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something was telling him to do it.
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He didn't really find the action suspicious, especially in his sleepy state, and he nuzzled into the pillow, breathing deeply.
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Maybe it was the fact that they exchanged names, or that the other was extremely cute...whatever it was made Antonio weak. His hand started
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started to massage the inside of the others thigh.
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Lovino's eyes flew open, and he sprung up, aiming a kick at the other's jaw. "W-what the *hell*!" he yelped out, blushing furiously, moving
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backwards rapidly.
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The force of the kick sent his head into the window, not breaking it, but causing major damage to his head. He rubbed his jaw, making sure
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nothing was broken. "I-I guess I deserved that..." he said sheepishly. Half of his was angry because it was the others fault for making such
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13 years ago
[[/Belly full of delicious fish >//w//<]]
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"P-pervert!" he yelped, pointing an accusatory finger at the other. Way to gain Lovino's trust... Though, part of him (a small part...!)
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couldn't completely blame him. No physical or sexual contact for so long was probably rough, if you were used to having it (Lovino wasn't).
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[[Jealous! /no foood]]
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[[;nnn; /Feeds ;//v//;]]
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"I'm sorry...I'm not sure what came over me..." which was a complete lie, because he knew the consequences and he was willing to overcome
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those to have *some* kind of release...He raised his hand in mock surrender. "I won't do it anymore, promise!"
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He threw his pillow at the other angrily, growling. "Into the back seat! Now!" He was lucky Lovino wasn't cruel enough to threaten to send
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him out to the zombies.
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Antonio clambered over the seat to get away from the wrath of the Italian. "Lo siento!!" He said over and over.
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"Pervert!" he yelled again, flushing darker and hitting the other again. Though.... d-did that mean the Spaniard was gay too? He froze as he
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pondered it. What were the odds...
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Noticing the other pause in his hits, he tried to explain his case. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable, I just couldn't help myself,
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you were just really cute and making all these noises..." his rambling went on and on...
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"C-*cute*?!" He was *not*! Antonio trying to explain probably just dug him deeper... "Don't mess with my head!"
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He stopped mid rant to stare at the others face. "...but I'm not messing with your head..."
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Lovino blinked, blinked, and blushed deeply, scowling. "T-there's no way you're gay," he stuttered, disbelieving.
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He scratched his head in thought. What made the other think that? "Huh...? Is something wrong with that?"
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"B-because... i-it's not..." The other male was making it seem a *lot* like he actually was. Lovino blushed darker, fidgeting.
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" that mean you're gay?" He said, a slight grin to his face. Seeing him flustered meant that he had a slight upper hand to this.
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"S-s-stop smiling like t-that!" he yelped out, burying his face in his pillow. Arrogant bastard! He cursed in his head, embarrassed as hell.
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This was quickly becoming Antonio's favorite pass time. "But you didn't deny is it true?" He leaned closer.
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He stayed silent for a few moments, shaking slightly. "....M-maybe..." he whispered, brows furrowed.
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" you find me attractive...?" he asked, moving closer, hoping to hear the others answer if it was too quiet.
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He stuffed his pillow in the other's face, looking indignant. "G-get back, perverted dog!" he yelled, sorely tempted to hit the other.
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Antonio laughed at the other, clutching his stomach. This had to the best night ever since the world went to chaos. "F-fine fine, I won't do
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anything to you, happy?"
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"Swear it!" If he didn't, Lovino was kicking him out. He didn't want to get molested in his sleep by the bastard!
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"I swear!" He smiled. *He* wouldn't do anything to the other, but if Lovino just happened to *want* something, who was he to deny it?
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Lovino eyed the other up and down. "...I'm napping. Keep watch. Touch me and I cut your throat." He snagged his pillow and sprawled in the
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front of the car.
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"Aye aye captain." he said, still completely enthralled by the other. He tried his best to get comfortable in the back of the car, chuckling
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here and there at random thoughts. Not wanting to get another glare from the front, he decided to watch outside the car for any sudden
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He cuddled the pillow, and quickly drifted to sleep, more than tired.
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The later it got, the more tired he was. He tried to fight off sleep to keep the trust of the other. He heard a noise from outside and held
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his breath. Slowly turning to the window, he saw one of them shamble by the car, stopping only to look at it with a weird interest, then
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shamble off again. Antonio let go of the axe he was clutching for emergencies.
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[[Nnnnnn /Is supposed to be sleeping but drops a reply anyway >n>;;]]
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"F-Feli..." he mumbled weakly in his sleep, formerly peaceful expression contorted in fear and pain. "N-no..."
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[[Go to sleeeep~ /tucks in]]
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[[;v; /Tries <3]]
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[[/Can't sleep, entertain me ;n;]]
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[[Sorry! I'll try my best /was in shower]]
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He glanced over at the other, seeing the pained expression on his face. He knew he wasn't supposed to touch the other, but he felt that this
Antonio was
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one of those situations where it was okay. He leaned forward and placed his hand on the others head, running his fingers through his hair
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softly. "'s okay...Everything's alright..." he assumed that 'Feli' was someone close to him.
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[[And you didn't invite me? >w>]]
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"...Scared..." he whimpered softly, clinging to the other and shaking. Lovino had always been a vivid dreamer.
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[[Of course! Why didn't I remember that??]]
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[[;3 /Joins in shower, then~]]
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[[c: Best shower ever /snugglehugs]]
13 years ago
[[|3 /Purr]]
13 years ago
Antonio did the first thing that came to mind-he climbed into the front and pulled the other in his lap. He held the other close and
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continued to whisper reassuring things to him. If he just explained himself tomorrow, he shouldn't get in too much trouble.
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His frail body shook and Lovino clung to the other, whimpering. He looked *terrified*.
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The look on the others face chilled him to the bone. He held the smaller male closer to him, trying to calm him. "Its okay Lovino..."
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Slowly, he relaxed in the Spaniard's grip, falling back into usual sleep as if the nightmare had never happened. He buried his face into the
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other's chest.
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He was glad that was over. He leaned back, loosening his hold on the other and looking out the window, seeing the sun over the horizon.
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The sun was well up by the time Lovino woke up, groggy and hardly rested. "Ngh..." he mumbled, moving to stretch his arms-- and bumping into
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the other.
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Antonio wore a smile on his face, his arms slowly moving from around the other. "Good morning~" he looked sheepishly away frpm the other.
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He immediately began to wriggle and flail frantically, hitting the other. "W-*what* are you *doing*?!" the Italian screeched.
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Trying to both hold the Italian still and keep from getting hurt, he leans forward and hugged the other, keeping his hand down. "You were
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having a bad dream...I was trying to calm you down, that's *all*." He wasn't going to say aloud that maybe he accidentally groped him...
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He paled, going still after a moment. "...I-I was...?" he breathed softly.
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He nodded, reluctantly moving his arms from around him. "A-are you okay? Do you need anything?" He noticed the other look pale.
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"F-fine," he growled softly, shoving at the other. "Just g-get off..." Lovino was trying to save face.
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He slowly let go of the other, a concerned look on his face. "...Do you want to talk about? About Feli...?" he asked, not knowing who
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exactly Feli is.
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His eyes went wide, looking like a scared animal backed into a corner. "...W-what...?"
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"...It's a name you called out in your sleep..." he said. He moved away a little to give the other some space.
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He looked away, gaze fixing on the car seat beneath him. "N-no, I don't-- d-don't want to..."
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He shrugged, scratching the back of his head. "You'll keep having those dreams unless you...get it off of your chest..."
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"*I said I don't want to*!" the Italian screeched, eyes watering up. "Now shut up or you're going back into the back seat!"
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Antonio looked apprehensively at the other before completely backing off. He'd ask later maybe..."....What should we do...anywhere you need
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or want to go..?" he looked around the area they were at, not seeing a soul for miles.
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He let out a breath, biting on his bottom lip. "Nothing, really... unless you do..."
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He thought for a moment before he perked up. "Oh! I need to check this one place..." he said, mostly to himself, looking up in thought. "It
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shouldn't be too far from here...just need to..." he started mumbling directions to himself, preparing to set out alone.
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Lovino stretched, and sat up, jingling the car keys. "Then you're driving, I assume...?"
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Antonio broke out of his thoughts, tilting his head at the other. "Wha? Oh, I guess that would be a good idea..." he took the keys and made
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a move to get into the drivers seat.
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He slid over to the passenger seat with a yawn, buckling up and blinking at the other lazily.
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Antonio sat there for a while with a far off look in his eyes. He put the keys in the ignition but didn't start it right away. His mouth was
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smoothed out into a straight line as he rested his hands on the steering wheel.
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Lovino stared at the other, frowning slightly. What the hell was he doing? "Well?" he asked, irritation lacing his tone.
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"Right!" He started the car and pulled off with a determined look. After a few minutes of driving they pulled up to an abandoned bar. He
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looked at it through the window before turning the car off. Only a few zombies walked by but he stared at it as if it was the scariest thing
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13 years ago
This place almost screamed zombie breeding ground. "You sure?" he asked hesitantly, gripping his shovel anxiously.
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"Yeah, I just need to see something..." he reached in the back retrieving he axe. His face fell into a serious look before he turned to
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Lovino. "Ready?"
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"....Yeah..." He reached for the door handle, shaking a bit. This was exactly the type of place he avoided; normally grocery stores were the
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hardest slaying task he dealt with, and he did it for obvious reasons.
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Opening his door, he rushed out and towards the bar. He swung his axe, cutting the legs off of one, then kicking it to the ground. He turned
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and nearly missed being jumped on by ducking out of the way. Swinging the axe up he hit it in the chest sending it down. Running to the door
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,he kept it clear for Lovino. "Hurry, Lovi!"
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Lovino sprinted after the other. "Don't *stop*, dumbass!" he hollered, pausing for merely a second to behead the two fallen zombies with his
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shovel, knowing that they would still pursue them if the zombies hadn't died. It only took a bite to be infected.
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Pushing the door open, he let the other through before running in and closing the door. He grabbed what he could to barricade it and let out
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a sigh. "Well...that wasn't so hard..."
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"Don't relax so soon...!" he hissed, glancing around the bar nervously, thankful that it was daytime and visibility was good.
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He knew he should be concerned, but he wasn't as cautious as the other. Walking over to the bar, he glanced over the counter. "Nothing over
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here...I think we should be good..." he said
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He sighed and rolled his eyes, slowly allowing himself to relax. "So... what is it you're here for?"
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"Well...I just always like to check every bar I go to...just in case my friend is here..." he said, slightly sad that this place was empty.
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He knew it was stupid, but it was a the only connection he had left with the friends. "We joked and said we'd meet at a bar when things got
13 years ago
13 years ago
He blinked, and offered the other a soft smile-- so rare an occurance, it would be worth millions if caught on film. "I'm sorry..."
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He smiled sadly. "N-no, it's okay. I should of expected it...Plus I pulled you out here for no reason..." He had to look away from the
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others face, feeling bad.
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"No, it's alright... don't--" He broke off into a shriek as something grabbed his ankle and violently pulled him down, shovel skittering
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out of his hands and across the room.
13 years ago
Antonio jumped at the others yelling, immediately grabbed his axe and ran towards the other. Seeing the zombie that had gotten Lovino, he
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swung down, cutting the limb from its body and then driving his foot into the others head twice to kill it. At the sound of the things skull
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breaking, he moved to help the other up, his face hard and his shoulders tense.
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He was trembling violently, breath ragged, eyes wide with shock. He... he could have died... Lovino clung to the other, pale as a ghost and
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unable to stop the tremors from rocking his frail body.
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He sat his bloody axe aside, hugging the other close to him. "It's're safe..." he kept whispering over and over. He rubbed his
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hand up and down his back in a reassuring manner. "You're okay now Lovi..."
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His hands fisted in the Spaniard's shirt and he sobbed softly, shaking harder. The other smelled like mildew, dirt, and the overpowering
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tang of blood-- but then again, all the survivors smelled like that. Lovino did, too.
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He rocked back and forth in a calming way, holding the other close. His voice came out soft and deep as he continued to talk to the other to
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try and calm him down. His heart was still racing a bit from the ordeal, and his hands shook a bit too as he pet the other, but he tried to
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remain strong.
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His sobs softened, and then faded, Lovino's tears ceasing. He was still shaking with terror though, heart beating loudly. He couldn't even
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be embarrassed about the other's comfort.
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He unconsciously kissed the top of the others head, smiling softly. "See...everything is fine now..." He sounded like he was trying to
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reassure both himself and Lovino.
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He swallowed with difficulty, nodding weakly. "...C-can... we go back t-to the car?" he whispered softly, still trembling. The car was safe.
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Antonio nodded, understanding his reason. "Can you walk?" He asked, moving to stand both of them up. He studied how far they'd have to walk.
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Lovino nodded and moved to take a step, but once he did he winced and stumbled back onto the other, biting back a yelp. "I-I think it's
13 years ago
13 years ago
Antonio thought for a moment as to what they should do before kneeling and picking the other up. He walked over to get both his axe and
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the others shovel, before going over to the door. Surveying the area around the car, he turned and smiled at Lovino. "We're going to make a
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run for it."
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He yelped softly upon being picked up, clinging to the other and nodding his consent.
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With one last now, he slowly opened the door so it wouldn't make too much noise. He tried to make no sudden movement so he wouldn't attract
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unwanted attention. When he was a few steps from the car, one that was perched beside it made a move towards them. He opened the passenger
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side door to hit it in the face and sat Lovino down in the seat. Once he was sure the other was in, he turned back and smashed the shovel
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down on its head before running around to the driver side and getting in. He quickly started the car and drove off, escaping the attention
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they ended up getting. "Well...that wasn't so bad..." he tried to make light of the situation.
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Lovino trembled in his seat, though the speed of the car calmed him down a bit; and the fact that they were driving away from the bar was
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similarly reassuring. "Fuuuck..." he groaned softly.
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"Does it hurt a lot?" He glanced away from the road for a few seconds to stare at Lovino. When they were on a large expanse of road that was
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empty, he pulled over. Turning the car off he turned his attention to Lovino. He felt horrible that he was hurt because of him...
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"S-sort of..." he aquiesced, frowning at his ankle-- red and slightly swollen. Dammit, this was exactly the last thing he needed. His first
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instincct would be to put ice on it, but where the hell would they ever find some?
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Antonio gripped the steering wheel tightly in both thought and anger. "I should head back and find something for it...Since you're injured."
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He made a move for the door handle, about to leave. He wasn't going to take Lovino back out with him.
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"S-stop!" He spoke before he could even think about it, reaching over to grab the other's arm.
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He did what the other said, looking back at him. "Hmm?" He needed to something for the others ankle, so it would stop hurting.
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"Don't.... don't go..." he whispered, averting his gaze. He was scared to be alone, but most of all, he was *worried*... The Spaniard would
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be all alone out there.
13 years ago
Antonio smiled softly, leaning over and pet the other on the head. He figured that the other just didn't want to be alone. "I'll be back...I
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won't take too long." he said. He was apprehensive about leaving the other alone, but he knew he was strong.
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"D-don't," he begged in a whisper, a flush rising to his cheeks in embarrassment. He'd never *begged* for someone's company.
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The flushed look on the others face caused pink to dust the tops of his cheeks. "Well...if you put it that way...But we can't just leave
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untended...And I don't want you to get hurt again..." He said. It was weird that he was so attached to the other after just meeting him, but
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Antonio was a natural worrier.
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Being alone for so long, it wasn't surprising that they latched onto each other. People were even known to humanize inanimate objects when
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away from civilization for too long. "F-find a drug store," he offered, a pleading note in his tone. "You could handle t-that..."
13 years ago
Antonio nodded, starting the car again. He figured that staying with Lovino would ease his mind. He pulled up in front of a drug store,
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cutting the engine to stay quiet. "So I'll be right back..."
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"...B-be careful..." he whispered, blushing, hand moving to the lock door button.
13 years ago
Antonio smiled and leaned over, rubbing the others hair like a child. He opened the doors slowly, getting out and looking around. The faster
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he got this over with, the faster they could get out of here. He rushed in blindly, not knowing exactly where he was going. The place seemed
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empty and would stay that way if he stayed quiet. He found the aisle with foot wraps, but the biggest problem was getting some ice from the
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freezer that probably hadn't been opened in a while. He walked towards the freezer, and opened it with a loud squeak, ready to run if need
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be. Just like he thought, one of them flew out from the back towards him. Throwing a bag over his shoulder, he scrambled towards the door,
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almost losing his footing out the door.
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He locked the car door when Antonio left, and sat in the car for a few agonizing minutes, shaking with nervousness. His heart leapt when the
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the other appeared at the door-- and then plummeted to see the brunette running. He unlocked the car and reached over to throw open the
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Spaniard's door, crying out as he moved his injured ankle.
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He jumped into the car, not meaning to throw everything on Lovino, but in his frantic state, he didn't know what else to do. When one was
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running, they all joined in. Soon there might be a herd. Slamming the car door and starting the car, he drove off as fast as he could. When
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he gripped the wheel tightly, he finally noticed a cut he got on his hand from the ice bag. Then they got far away he slowed down, letting
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out a shaky breath.
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He was trembling violently, breath coming in shaky little gasps and nails digging into the car seat. He didn't know if he'd ever seen such a
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big group of them before... Lovino glanced over at the taller male, frowning at the cut.
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Pulling over and stopping the car, he threw his head back against the head rest. Putting on a fake smile he turned to the other. "Hope I got
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everything." His face was flushed from the running.
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Lovino nodded weakly, lifting up the leg with the wounded ankle, frowning nervously. He started to wrap the bandages around it, whimpering
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softly as he did despite efforts to restrain them.
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"Wait...Do you need help?" he asked moving closer to aid the other, taking the wrap from him and started doing it for him gently.
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He backed away from the ankle when the other took over, only grumbling a soft "Could've done it myself...." and huffing. It *hurt*, swollen
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and red, and Lovino could hardly imagine how he'd messed it up *that* badly.
Antonio says
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He smiled at the other. "But this way, you don't do a whole lot of moving." He really did it because he felt guilty.
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[[Stupid plurk]]
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His cheeks puffed, blushing. "W-whatever..." When the other was done, he picked up his wounded hand, inspecting the cut.
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Antonio looked surprised at his hand. "How'd that happen..?" he scratched his head in confusion, blushing at the other holding his hand.
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"I was thinking *you'd* know the answer to that one..." He pulled the hand closer and started to suck on the wound, as something of a reflex
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13 years ago
"W-what are you doing??" he stuttered out, staring at the other with wide eyes.
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He blinked at the other, raising a brow as if to say *what does it look like*. He continued to suck, waiting for the blood to clot.
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Antonio gulped loudly as Lovino continued to lick his hand. Why of all places did he have to get a cut on his palm...where he could feel the
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others tongue?
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He lapped over it one final time, and pulled away, judging it before fiddling through the glove compartment for some vodka to disinfect the
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wound. He didn't find anything odd about sucking on the wound, it wasn't anything he wouldn't do to Feli...
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He had to look away from the other while he was licking his hand, so he didn't see the other grab for the vodka. He was already a little
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attracted to the other, and he'd never met anyone who would do that for him...
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He only had a small airplane-sized bottle, but it'd do. Finding a shred of cloth, he wet it with the alcohol, gently rubbing over the wound.
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He hissed at the burning sensation, his attention turned back to the other. He was about to ask just what the other used was, but he was
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grateful for the help. "...Thank you..." He ground out, pink still dusting his cheeks.
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Lovino blushed slightly, looking away as he pulled out another ankle bandage, wrapping the brunette's hand. "W-whatever..." he mumbled.
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Smiling at the bandage that the other wrapped on his hand he reached back and grabbed some ice. "This will probably help your foot more"
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Lovino accepted the ice bag, pressing it gently against his ankle. Ah, it did feel cold...
13 years ago
Antonio sat back in his seat, sighing in relief. He was still a little flustered because he could feel the others tongue on his hand...But
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it was nice to be able to finally relax.
13 years ago
[[Cold up there should have been *good fff orz]]
13 years ago
The pain in his ankle faded some, Lovino returning it to the floor of the car and leaning back. "It'd be really nice to run into a doctor,"
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he joked half-heartedly.
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[[ffft in another rp Lovi's doing a doctor xD /shot]]
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[[/Huffs jealously >w>]]
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He chuckled, nodding. "Though those are probably rare..." It was a nice thought though. He stared out the window. He hadn't meant to sound
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so pessimistic, but it was hard to think any other way.
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"Mm..." He sighed softly, staring up at the car roof, reaching up and brushing his fingers over the fabric absent-mindedly.
13 years ago
Antonio sat there, trying to think of ways to pass the time. Talking about the others past was a sore subject, so he tried to go in
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another route. "Soo...what did you do for fun...before all this happened...? Any hobbies?
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"Arrt," he murmured softly, yawning and folding his arms over his chest.
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[[-u- Apparently my phone keyboard is a pirate. Arrrrrt.]]
13 years ago
13 years ago
Not noticing the others tired appearance he went on. "Oh? What, like painting, or something else...?"
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"Painting... charcoals... can't do it, nowadays." He still kept his sketchbook, but it was just too risky to try to even draw in pencil. He
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feared he would lose himself in creativity, and it'd be too late by the time he noticied anything wrong.
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"...Why not?" He said sadly. He wanted to see some of the others work.
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"Too dangerous," he replied as if it were obvious, eyeing the other.
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"...I guess..." he said, pouting a little. He threw his hands behind his head and leaned back more. "Did you lose any artworks?"
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13 years ago
"A lot of my paintings..." he murmured softly, pain in his expression.
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He panicked slightly, seeing the others expression. "I'm sorry...but was there some that survived...?"
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He nodded faintly, nibbling at his bottom lip and wondering why the other was asking these sorts of questions.
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Antonio ran out of things to ask without delving into the past. "...I just don't know that much about you...thought I'd try to..." He said
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apologetically. "Y-You're welcome to ask me anything if this is awkward!" he jumped up, a determined look on his face.
13 years ago
Ask him anything? "Do you know how to shut up?" he questioned, looking irritable, raising a brow at the Spaniard.
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"..." He probably should of seen that coming. He turned away, his face falling. "I'm sorry...just didn't want it to get too quiet." He
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looked out the window next to him, head resting on his hand.
13 years ago
Lovino sighed softly, the other's expression stabbing into his heart. He looked like a child that had just been informed of the death of his
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puppy... The brunette scooched over and used the other's lap as a pillow, flushing.
13 years ago
He looked surprised by the other other laying his head on his lap. In some weird way, he took this as an apology and smiled down at the
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other. But instead of thanking him like he wanted to, he just started to run his fingers through the others hair.
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"Nn..." He tried to protest weakly (his hair was gross and greasy and it was rather repulsive for the other to be running his hands through
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it), but it was calming in a way, so he went quiet, chest rising and falling.
13 years ago
Not didn't really take notice of the way the others hair felt. What he did notice was the one curl that was sticking up. Curiously, he tried
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to smooth it down, thinking that it was a cowlick or something.
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His breath hitched in his throat, and Lovino went bright red, headbutting the other hard in the stomach before springing into a sitting
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position, knees pulling to his chest. "Back seat! N-*now*!"
13 years ago
"Oof!" Antonio clutched his stomach and groaned loudly. He looked up at the other in confusion. "W-What did I do wrong!?" Was it bad that he
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was touching the other? Did he not like his touch?
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"J-just *go*!" he shrieked, pointning at the back seat. Of course the p-pervert would touch his curl! Lovino couldn't force down the strong
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blush that had risen to his cheeks, too nervous to look south to see if he'd *reacted* at all.
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Rubbing his abused area, he moved into the back of the car. He lifted his shirt to make sure he wasn't bruised or anything. Huffing loudly,
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he kicked his feet up and crossed his arms, staring at him. It was like staying with a kid...
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Lovino was *very* justified in his overreacting! When the other was safely in the backseat, Lovino glanced down, letting out a soft sigh of
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relief and pulling his knees away from his chest.
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And just when he thought he got a little closer to the other, he was back to square one. Antonio sighed. "So touching your head is off
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limits?" he asked, not noticing it was the curl that made the other angry.
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"N-no touching my curl," he mumbled, rubbing at his red cheeks and trying to straighten out his mussed hair.
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"Why's that...? Does it hurt?" He asked, reaching out towards it again, forgetting the pain to him it caused earlier.
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"D-don't touch it!" he yelped out, hitting the hand away angrily. Did this guy never learn?!
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He pulled his hand back, nursing it. "So it does hurt..." he said mostly to himself, staring at it. But it put such a pretty blush on the
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others face that he wanted to pull it again and again. But since he couldn't now, he'd have to find another way to keep himself awake.
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He didn't bother to correct him. "...If you want to sleep... I'll keep guard..." It was only proper, Antonio had stayed up when he slept.
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He shook his head. "No, I'm good. You've been through a lot today, so I'll keep guard again."
13 years ago
Lovino frowned slightly, then let out a soft sigh, rolling his eyes. "Fine, have it your way..."
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He tried to look awake and alert after saying that but the bags under his eyes said otherwise. Rubbing his eyes with the back of his hands,
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he had to hold back a yawn. "You should get some sleep..."
13 years ago
He nodded, and locked the car door. Even if Antonio fell asleep, they'd be relatively safe locked in. Lovino curled up on the seats, easily
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drifting to sleep, ankle propped up on the ice.
13 years ago
Antonio figured that once the Italian fell asleep, he could find out more about that curl. He waited and waited until he fell asleep without
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even knowing it. He woke up and only thought a few minutes went by until he looked outside and saw the sun.
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Lovino was still curled up and snoozing happily-- it wasn't like him to make any sort of effort to wake too early, even in times were danger
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lurked right around the corner.
13 years ago
13 years ago
Antonio leaned forward a little smiling at how nice the other looked in his sleep. He's not really one to learn from his mistakes most of
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the time, so he reached down and started running his hands through the others hair, though he did avoid the curl...for now...
13 years ago
The Italian made a soft noise in his sleep, shifting a little but not awakening in the slightest. Truthfully, he'd slept poorly, and the
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lack of truly restoring rest lengthened his sleep time.
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He was glad that the other looked peaceful in his sleep. After the other night, he didn't know if it was going to be a reoccurring thing or
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not. He didn't like seeing the other so upset. He moved his hand away from the other before he was hit for that as well, and leaned back in
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his seat, wondering if he should wait for the other to wake up to eat or just take some of the food...
13 years ago
Lovino rolled over, yawning, and stretched, curl quivering along with his body.
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If he wasn't too curious before...he was *beyond* curious now. He reached forward, poking the curl slightly before taking it in between his
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fingers, moving it up and down.
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"Ahn...!" His cheeks flushed red, Lovino's brows furrowing up as the other touched the curl, left defenseless in his sleep.
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He gulped nervously, thinking that the other could wake any second. But the blush on the others cheeks was telling him to keep going. He
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pulled on the hair a little, seeing what would happen then.
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A shudder went through him, and his knees drew to his chest, moaning pitifully. His cheeks bloomed even darker, hands gripping the car seat.
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His hand tightened around the curl slightly at the sound of the other moaning. His face grew red because of how lewd it sounded, but he
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didn't want to stop. Loosening his grip pulled at it again.
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Lovino shuddered, blood going south as the other yanked the curl yet again. "A-Antonio..." he moaned out, shaking, words slurred with sleep.
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All the blood in his face seemed to drain out and travel down to a certain part of his anatomy after hearing what the other moaned out. He
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moved forward a little in his seat towards the other, pulling on the curl more. His eyes were lidded a little as he watched the other squirm
13 years ago
13 years ago
Lovino squirmed pitifully as his curl was repeatedly yanked at, quivering nonstop. The brunette's knees hid how he was reacting, blushing
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darker and crying out softly.
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Too far gone to care about the consequences (but then again when did he?) he leaned forward attaching his lips to the others, letting go of
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the curl and sliding his tongue into the others. He had begun to start thinking with his other head.
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For all intents and purposes, he was still asleep; and though dream Antonio corresponded with the real Antonio's kiss, Lovino wasn't awake
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enough to respond.
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He took this as a good sign, delving deeper into the others mouth. One hand was tangled in the others hair, while he other made a slow trek
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down his back towards his bottom. He grabbed onto his and squeezed, but not too tightly.
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"Nghh--" Lovino moaned softly, breathing heavily, body still quivering as he was stuck in the inappropriate dream the other male set off.
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Deep down, he knew this was a bad idea, and he wasn't planning on going *too* far with the other. As soft and slowly as he could, he pulled
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the other into his lap, incidentally grinding their erections together.
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He brows furrowed up, and the Italian's eyes opened halfway, before going wide with shock, expression a mix of disgust and betrayal. He was
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frozen, shocked into an inability to react.
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Feeling that something was off when the other stopped making those delicious noises, he pulled back slightly and opened his eyes slowly, the
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lust still a little evident there. But his face drained of color when he saw the other awake. He froze, slowly moving his hands away from
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the other, gulping. "G-good morning....?"
13 years ago
He blinked, and again, chest rising and falling with each breath, and before he realized what he was doing he curled his hand into a fist
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and punched the other as hard as he could.
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[[I'm guessing somewhere on his face?]] Antonio's head flew back at the force of the punch, his hand going up to touch where he was just
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hurt. His eyes teared a little at the stinging pain.
13 years ago
13 years ago
The first punch didn't release his anger properly, so he hit the other again. "P-pervert! Rapist!" he screamed, feeling his skin crawl, eyes
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brimming with tears.
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He continued to let the other hit him repeatedly, taking the hits. But after a while, he couldn't take it. He grabbed the others fists
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before they could make contact with him again. "I-I'm sorry..." He wasn't sure what else to say since most of what the other was saying was
13 years ago
13 years ago
Lovino froze as the other grabbed him, breaking into violent sobs that shook his whole body. He felt so... so disgusted, defiled, wronged...
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*disappointed*. He'd trusted Antonio...
13 years ago
Antonio wanted to hold onto the other to stop his crying, but he wasn't sure how he'd react. He felt helpless, not knowing what to do. He
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let go of the others wrists and moved away from him thinking that he'd want to be as far from him as possible.
13 years ago
Lovino curled up at the other end of the car, crying hard into his knees. It wasn't just the incident, but more of the final straw (more
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like anvil, actually) that broke the camel's back. He missed Feli, and he didn't understand his emotions, and his curl-triggered fantasy had
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been about *Antonio* instead of anyone else...
13 years ago
Berating himself silently, he moved towards where his stuff was and quickly gathered it together. He made his way towards the door of the
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car, looking back at the Italian, his heart clenching at the sight.
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Where was his younger brother when he needed consolation and advice? The thought only choked him up, bawling harder and shaking with the
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force of the sobs. He didn't even notice the other's actions.
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The feeling in his chest got worse and worse as he watched the other. "L-Lovino...I'm really...*really* sorry..." he said, staying where he
Antonio was
13 years ago
. "I-I'll leave you please...stop crying..."
13 years ago
L-leave him alone? His crying didn't calm in the least, but he managed to choke out a small, quiet plea for the other to stay. He didn't
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want to be the reason for Antonio's death, and... he didn't want to be alone again. He just hoped he wouldn't regret the decision.
13 years ago
The Italian was too cute for his own good, but Antonio held back the urge to hug the other. He set his things down and moved far from the
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other. He'd have to do a better job at not touching the other or making him uncomfortable.
13 years ago
It was good that Antonio didn't touch him. Lovino would probably have a serious breakdown. "If-- if y-you've any... p-problems to d-deal
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with, d-do so now," he sobbed out, scrubbing at his eyes. His arousal had went away once he woke up, but he didn't know about the other.
13 years ago
"W-what are you-" he didn't get the jest of what the other was talking about until he felt an uncomfortable feeling below his waist.
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Flushing in embarresment, he turned away from the other to hide it. "O-Oh! No, I'm fine..." he lied, trying to think of things to make it go
13 years ago
13 years ago
Lovino wasn't going to check, curling up tighter as his sobs faded into silent tears, body still in shock.
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After a few moments of disgusting thoughts, he finally got his issue to go away. Looking over his shoulder, his face fell at the sight. "Is
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...there anything I can do for you...?"
13 years ago
If he were in the modd, he would have made a sarcastic, biting comment to hurt the other, but... he just wasn't. Lovino shook his head
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weakly, curling tighter.
13 years ago
13 years ago
He slumped forward, feeling completely useless. He wasn't sure what he should do..." have somewhere you want to go...?" He wanted
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to break the uneasy silence.
13 years ago
Lovino shook his head again. Ideally, he'd like to sleep this crushing feeling off... but he knew he'd never be able to fall asleep. His
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stomach growled loudly.
13 years ago
He looked up and got an idea of what they should do. Not saying much, he moved to the front seat, starting the car. He drove off slowly,
13 years ago
knowing that the other wasn't buckled in at all.
13 years ago
His eyes widened slightly as the car started, and he reflexively buckled up. He didn't feel like protesting wherever they were going.
13 years ago
He drove on for a while, his eyebrows scrunching in thought as he tried to remember the right turns. After a while of driving on the smooth
13 years ago
road, he turned off onto a dirt path, his eyes staring forward. He pulled up to an old looking house that stood next to a greenhouse.
13 years ago
Stopping the car he turned it off, just in case it alerted anyone or anything.
13 years ago
Lovino didn't even bother to look up, swiping tears from his cheeks. He didn't know what Antonio was doing, but he could do as he pleased...
13 years ago
Seeing that the other was uncaring as to what he did, he grabbed for his axe and went to open the door. "...lock the door..." he said,
13 years ago
smiling sadly at the other. He quickly got out and walked towards the greenhouse. When he got closer, he pulled a key that he kept around
13 years ago
his neck off and went to open the door. He was out of the others sight for quite some time before he walked back out, not really paying
13 years ago
attention to his surroundings. He was carrying something in his arms. Knocking on the window he asked the other to open the door, not
13 years ago
hearing the zombie crawling slowly towards him.
13 years ago
Lovino noticed the zombie, but decided that it was slow enough and that he wouldn't freak the other out. He opened the door carefully before
13 years ago
dragging the other inside, shutting the door and locking the car.
13 years ago
Antonio got situated into the car before he turned to the other. He was completely oblivious of the zombie outside right now. Giving the
13 years ago
other a small smile he held out a nice looking tomato for the other to take. " actually where I used to live. And I had my tomatoes
13 years ago
in the greenhouse to keep them from dying...well most of them are dead...I'm pretty sure that they aren't infected cause I tried one inside
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and I'm still okay...Thought you might want one?" he continued to hold it up, in hopes that the other would take it.
13 years ago
13 years ago
[[He's not sweet or cute, he's a rapist :/ Plus whatever happened to when you forced England to propose?!]]
13 years ago
[that's the other AU, will marry Nii chan as many time as possilbe =3=]
13 years ago
[marry Nii chan off]
13 years ago
*Tomatoes*. He practically drooled at the sight, reaching out and taking it, admiring it. Though he was shocked out of his daze when the
13 years ago
zombie starting scraping and pounding at the car violently.
13 years ago
13 years ago
[pet pet, Shower love on~ Just think Nii chan need a lot of people to love him]
13 years ago
[[-u- I currently have like 5 suitors, I think I'm all set.]]
13 years ago
[[rapist!?!?! D:]]
13 years ago
He jumped slightly at the sounds, turning towards his window. When had that gotten there? He dropped the other 3 tomatoes in the others lap
13 years ago
and turned the car on. He pulled off, leaving the zombie behind before putting it in reverse and backing up over it. He then pulled off
13 years ago
again, leaving behind his house.
13 years ago
Lovino wouldn't have been able to leave that easily, were it his house... Once the carcass was far away, Lovino eyed the tomato, sinking his
13 years ago
teeth into it. Though it hit him a second later to wonder if the other could have drugged it...
13 years ago
It was hard for him to leave his house again, but luckily he didn't go inside it, otherwise he'd want to stay. He kept looking through the
13 years ago
rear view mirror at his before it got harder and harder to see. Sighing, he glanced over at the other, seeing how the other was fairing.
13 years ago
"Don't worry...I didn't do anything to them but grow them..." he said as if reading his mind.
13 years ago
"Eyes on the road," he simply murmured in response, digging into the tomato more heartily because *oh, god, it was delicious*!
13 years ago
Antonio nodded, turning back to the road. He figured that he should just be quiet for the a while so the other won't get mad at him again.
13 years ago
Pulling off to the side of the road, he turned the car off, didn't want to use up gas or attract anything with the engine.
13 years ago
Lovino did have a gas can in the trunk, but it was still a good idea. He finished the tomato far too soon for his liking, licking the juice
13 years ago
from his hands and mouth.
13 years ago
"Was it good?" he asked, unable to stay quiet for long. He glanced at the other, but didn't averted his eyes again before the others' made
13 years ago
contact with his. If he was going to try and gain the others trust, then he wasn't going to make him uncomfortable anymore.
13 years ago
"...V-very," he mumbled, embarrassed to be caught licking the tomato juice. "...Thanks..." he whispered a moment after, blushing pink.
13 years ago
"No, it's the least I could do..." he smiled, leaning forward on the steering wheel, being mindful of the horn.
13 years ago
[[Fffft I've been writing too much smut. /Was just about to type something about moaning 8'3]]
13 years ago
He stayed quiet, genuinely grateful and unsure how to express it. He wanted to trust Antonio, but he was scared, too...
13 years ago
"You're welcome to the other one's too. I got them all for you. They were the only ones left in my garden, so I wouldn't want them to go to
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waste..." he mumbled out, his brain clouded with memories from his past and his mistakes with Lovino.
13 years ago
He only just noticed the box full of tomatoes, and grabbed another one, sinking his teeth in and groaning with near-orgasmic bliss.
13 years ago
The sound of the other enjoying his tomatoes brought him out of his thoughts. He watched the other eat with a look of hunger in his eyes.
13 years ago
For the tomatoes of course. His stomach made a loud grumbling sound, so he tried to cover it by putting his hands on his stomach.
13 years ago
Lovino blinked and glanced up at the growl, blushing. He handed a tomato over silently, nibbling on his lower lip and looking meek for once.
13 years ago
He shook his head, reaching over to push it back towards Lovino. "No, I'm good. They're for you." He said smiling, covering his stomach
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again to stop the growls.
13 years ago
"*Take it*," the Italian asserted, extending his arm again when the other pushed it back. He wasn't going to take no for an answer.
13 years ago
He took the tomato the other shoved in his face so he wouldn't get yelled at anymore. Taking a bite, he let out quiet groan at the taste
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that filled his mouth. His eyes closed as he leaned back in his seat. It had been a *long* time.
13 years ago
The groan made him blush, but he had reacted much the same way when he had the first tomato... Here they were, slumped in the car and in a
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blissful haze over *tomatoes*.
13 years ago
Finishing his tomato quickly, he smiled brightly. "Wow...It's been forever since I've had one. And they're still good." He sighed out.
13 years ago
"Of course..." he huffed back, scandalized by even the suggestion that tomatoes could ever not be good. He decided to save the rest, quickly
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finishing off the tomato in his hands.
13 years ago
"I'm glad you liked them though, it was kind of my hobby to grow them and then give them to others. I'm just surprised that there was still
13 years ago
some left. I didn't know if that plan would work...." he scratched his head, chuckling.
13 years ago
"Mm..." Lovino had never been able to grow tomatoes, because every time he went out of town and asked Feli to watch over them, the spacecase
13 years ago
would forget and they'd die. Feli... The memory stuck a small barb in his heart.
13 years ago
He noticed the other grow quiet, expecting some remark at the fact that his idea could of been a bust. "...are you okay?" he probably wasn't
13 years ago
the best person to ask that question.
13 years ago
"Fine," he whispered softly, curling. "I'm going back to sleep..." When the world was ending, sometimes there was really no better hobbies.
13 years ago
"Oh, Right. Have a good nap..." He said, looking out the window. Now he was left alone to his thoughts again...
13 years ago
It took him a bit, but the Italian eventually drifted off to sleep. The empty bliss was much better than having to face reality.
13 years ago
Antonio spent the time alone twiddling his thumbs, humming along to a tune in his head, and rummaging through his bag again and again to try
13 years ago
and stay entertained before his eyes started to droop. Shaking his head, he tried to stay awake. He didn't want his sleep schedule to be
13 years ago
messed up...
13 years ago
For once, Lovino's sleep was dreamless, and no sound came from the back of the car.
13 years ago
[[We should wrap this up ;v;]]
13 years ago
[[;x; probably...]]
13 years ago
[[We can always start something new -u-]]
13 years ago
[[truuue...but my brains fried from exams...;A;]]
13 years ago
[[;x; S-so you don't want to?]]
13 years ago
[[I do! Just I have nothing to contribute in the brain storming...]]
13 years ago
[[;;v;; Can/should we do AU? /Not much Zombieverse creativity right now]]
13 years ago
[[xD Yeah /in the same boat]]
13 years ago
[[Hmm... we could do the idea I asked you about a bit ago... or proposal, or first date...]]
13 years ago
[[decisions decisions.../proposal sounds nice cause of that doujin...]]
13 years ago
[[8'3 /Waits for you to decide <3]]
13 years ago
[[...but that first option...has been something I've wanted for a while...maybe we should do that...?]]
13 years ago
[[;//v//; If you want~ ;3]]
13 years ago
[[Would it bother you if I ask for you to start...?? =x=]]
13 years ago
[[Nope, it's my turn anyway~ /Will just clear up a few things over p!plurk]]
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