Bitter Ocampo thinks
13 years ago
people shouldn't use the words gay, bitch, or retard(ed) as a pejorative
latest #12
Curry Bogard
13 years ago
homo na lang (aha) or maybe... `Hey! That looks JoJo` (lmao)
Bitter Ocampo
13 years ago
^why should any sexuality that isn't hetero even be considered an insult in the first place?
Curry Bogard
13 years ago
well, it's because... they just think: `It fuckin' fits to the description.`
Bitter Ocampo
13 years ago
That being "gay" is a bad, undesirable thing?
Curry Bogard
13 years ago
not really that `bad` in my opinion. The word `gay` can sometimes be a word of humour. It's the people that gives those words
Curry Bogard
13 years ago
a taint of negativity.
Curry Bogard
13 years ago
One person started that term then the rest (and we, as well) followed.
Bitter Ocampo
13 years ago
which is why I think more people should stop using it to mean something negative.
TheALVINtaker says
13 years ago
to me, "gay" or "fag" is the lamest insult I'll ever get. I usually receive it from American trolls on FB, but as soon as I say that to them
TheALVINtaker says
13 years ago
they get cockblocked.
Bitter Ocampo says
13 years ago
my point was it shouldn't even be an insult in the first place :/
TheALVINtaker says
13 years ago
I'm with you there~
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