Soo Yeon is
13 years ago
playing with some kittens in a box on a nice lady's porch. *A*
latest #96
Mei is
13 years ago
back from taking Liling to the vet for a check-up, carrying kitty in a Hellow Kitty cat carrier.
13 years ago
and then Liling starts mewing when she hears SY's voice
13 years ago
stops and see girl and kitties. "Hey..."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
looks up and smiles brightly. "Mei! Oh hey! Come look. This lady has kitty cats!"
13 years ago
gets closer. "I see! They're all so cute..."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
tugs on her hand. "Sit with me."
13 years ago
nods and does so, opening a little the carrier so Liling can stick her head out.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
giggles and kisses Meifen chastely on the lips as she picks up a little kitten for Liling to inspect.
13 years ago
does not push SY away when she does so, and carefully pulls Liling out so she won't run away or something.
13 years ago
"Miao!" Sniff sniff. Liling pokes the kitty curiously.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
giggles and watches them, eyes wide and sparkling. "So cute..." The kitten looks curious and tries to catch Liling's paw. >u<
13 years ago
and Liling paws back. "Miaomiao!"
13 years ago
can't help laughing. "Much better, but be careful!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
giggles and leans her head against Mei's shoulder as she watches them close. "Awww this is so cute. >u<
13 years ago
lets her do so, more focused on kittunz. "So cute, yup. And Liling likes them, which is good."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at this and picks up another kitten, setting her in Mei's lap. "Awww yes. Liling is a good kitty."
13 years ago
chuckles and lets the kitten make self comfy on her lap, while Liling "meets" the other. "Nice..."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at her and cuddles against her, watching the kitties. >u< "Awwww sweet kitties."
13 years ago
Liling nuzzles the one she's playing with, and Meifen giggles. "Even better!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
giggles. "Awww they like each other! Maybe you should take the baby home!"
Mei thinks
13 years ago
of it. "I could only give a home to one of them, though..."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
grins. "And I could come over all the time and play with him!"
13 years ago
Liling starts licking the other kitty's head, grooming him.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
giggles at this and kisses her cheek, bringing a hand up to Mei's face while the kitties are distracted. "... How are you?"
13 years ago
blinks a little at that. "I... I've been busy yet fine, thanks?"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at this, looking pleased. "I'm glad then. I'd be sad if you weren't happy."
13 years ago
seems sorta dumbfounded to see SY act more serious. "... You mean it?"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
nods and plays with Mei's hair. "I do mean that."
Mei wants
13 years ago
to believe it. So she lets SY play with her hair as she watches Liling befriending the kitty that may become her "roommate"...
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at this and kisses her cheek gently, cuddling tight against her side. She was a bit starry eyed cause Mei was so nice to her.
Mei thinks
13 years ago
that if SY keeps behaving nice to her, she might give her a chance. They still haven't had their date, right?
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
would very much like their date! She'd take Mei to a very nice restaurant and buy her flowers! o//w//o
Mei likes
13 years ago
the idea! But first they have to get the kitty ready to take him home so he can keep Liling company from now on. . .
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at this and nods, picking the kitty up. "LEt's walk to your house." >u<
13 years ago
picks up Liling, who curls up against her. "We first have to tell the lady so she'll know there's one kitten less around. --
13 years ago
I'll ask my neighbors if they can either take the others in, or ask others if they can do it for them!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
nods and smiles. "That is very sweet of you Mei." She gives her an adoring smile.
Mei feels
13 years ago
how her face turns very red at that. "I... I'm just doing what I can, really!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
beams at her. "Of course that is it." But she still watches her with big puppy dog worshipful eyes. This lady was so nice *A*
13 years ago
still blushing a lot, pets Liling and nods at SY. "Let's go...?"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
nods and starts down the stairs with the kitten, hopping down onto the sidewalk. >u<
13 years ago
And some minutes later, the girls leave the house with two kittens "stashed" in Liling's cat carrier, by now big enough for them both.
13 years ago
"Let's see... Liling's cat bed will soon be small for them, so we'll have to buy another! And two bowls. And other things. And then let's--
13 years ago
-- print some flyers for the people in my building..." she then stares at SY. "What do you think, hm?"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at this and nods happily. "You're a very nice person Mei. I'll help you make really cute fliers!"
13 years ago
chuckles. "And if not for you, Liling wouldn't have her new friend to play with. So I'm gratefult o you, too."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
beams at her and nods. "I'm glad. What are you going to name the kitten?"
13 years ago
Ouch. "I... I had not thought about it! And i can't come up with anything now..."
Soo Yeon thinks
13 years ago
about it and tilts her head. "Can we name the kitty Sa-rang~?"
13 years ago
blinks. "Maybe! It's a Korean name... so what does it mean?"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at her and blushes a little. "Just a cute nonsense word~!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
(... She's trying to get you to name your kitty Love. =w= )
13 years ago
sighs and pets the cat carrier, getting a mew from Liling.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
giggles and nods. "Oh it is a very cute name for a lil kitten!" She walks close to Taiwan. "Want me to carry them for a bit?"
13 years ago
"is that so? It still has a cute sound, so Sa-rang it is!"
13 years ago
realizes the carrier's heavier than usual. "Ah, please do it!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
Beams at this and takes the carrier. "Liling and Sa-rang how cute *w*
13 years ago
hears some scared mews coming from it. "Hey, you're too fast! Be more careful!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
gasps and holds it carefully. "Waaaa sorry little babies." ;3;
13 years ago
hears some softer mews now. "Keep it up like now. They'll be fine if you do!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
nods and is very careful now as she walks so she doesn't scare the babies. She's focussing very hard to not scare them.
13 years ago
walks next to her, patting the carrier comfortingly and talking to the kittens so they will hear her voice and not get scared again...
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
looks up at Mei and beams. Oh this lady was so sweet and nice. Waaaa. "Are we there yet, Miss Wan." *A*
13 years ago
looks around. "Yuuuup. Very close! Two buildings away!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
beams at this. Then she could whisk the girl off and sweep her off of her feet like a prince *A*
Mei will
13 years ago
decide about that later. "Babies" = top priority! "Let's go home!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
nods and beams. "Yes! Home!" ;w;
13 years ago
And soon, they're there. Meifen takes the carrier and pulls kitties out. "Here, we're back. Sa-rang, this will be your house from now on..."
13 years ago
Sa-rang mews and sniffs around, with Liling not too far from him. "We'll have to keep an eye on them so they'll get used to each other..."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
giggles and puts the carrier down in the corner, going to pet the babies. "Waaaa they're so cute together."
13 years ago
Liling goes immediately to SY, with Sa-Rang being more intrested in checking on his new "home". "They are, indeed..."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
beams and plops down on the floor like a child, petting the kitty and cooing. >u<
13 years ago
sits next to her and carefully places Sa-rang on her lap. "Welcome home, Sa-rang..."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
beams. "Welcome home little Sa-rangii~" adding the i at the end to coo at the kitten like she might coo at a baby.
13 years ago
just mews and curls up for a nap. "Poor baby, looks like way too many things happened to him today..."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
leans her head on Mei's shoulder. "he's a sleepy baby. Maybe we should all curl up and take a nice nap huh? And when we wake up I'll take
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
you on a cute date!"
13 years ago
Liling is chewing on the border on SY's skirt instead, mewing a little.
13 years ago
looks at SY. "... Maybe? I did go out for a bir so I'm tired too..."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at this and nods. "It will be good for us both." She carefully picks Liling up. "Can I sleep in your bed with you?"
13 years ago
Liling keeps chewing on her sleeve, then. Meifen thinks that, if she brings the kitties, it'll be okay.
13 years ago
"All of us? I mean, you, me, and the kitties..."
Soo Yeon will
13 years ago
bring the kitties! "Yes! It'll be really fun! Like a group nap and we'll all cuddle up and be warm!" *A*
13 years ago
picks up Sa-rang. "If that's the case, I don't see why not..."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
beams. "Hurray!" She starts toward Mei's bedroom with the other kitty."
13 years ago
Liling mews loudly and paws paws when SY does that. "H-hey!", and Mei follows, trying to not wake up Sa-rang in the process.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
giggles at this and hugs Liling tight. "Shhhh it's okay baby." >u<
13 years ago
"Miao!" And she resorts to chewing n her sleeve again, mew mew.
13 years ago
gets to the room first, then. "Come bring her here, Korea. Let's get comfy and she'll calm down".
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at this and sets her down on the bed before crawling under the covers. "Okay!"
13 years ago
When she's done, Liling settles on Mei's pillow, and Mei places Sa-rang carefully next to her.
13 years ago
then shifts very slowly and carefully, until she can cuddle with SY without waking up the kittens. "Is this fine?"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
she smiles when Mei cuddles closer and she slips her arms around the other Asian woman, cuddling close. "This is perfect," she whispers back
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
13 years ago
hesitates, then leans on SY's chest a little more for cuddles. "Good...", and she closes her eyes, getting ready to sleep
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at this and strokes her hair gently, humming gently as they cuddle >u<
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