Lightening thinks
16 years ago
Plurk's karma is very clever. I think Twitter is easier but keep using Plurk because I want the rewards!!!!
latest #6
joyce79s says
16 years ago
i like plurk better
Genaine says
16 years ago
i like plurk better because it's easier to respond to someone
Lightening says
16 years ago
I think it's better if you're only following a few. Thinking I'll use Twitter for blog promotion and Plurk for friends
joyce79s says
16 years ago
i like to look back at plurk at the end of each day and see all the housework i did (s_mmm)
Lightening says
16 years ago
hee, hee. I haven't done any since joining Plurk.
nbeltane says
16 years ago
yes i like plurk better too easier to understand the messages and respond
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