LostRoxz has
15 years ago
a headache and needs something stronger than motrin lol
latest #13
Schleffen says
15 years ago
hahah oh man, go with booze
LostRoxz says
15 years ago
lol I would but I am all out:-(
SweetLemon1988 says
15 years ago
wow i totally have had a headache for like three days and you better not be drinkin
LostRoxz says
15 years ago
LostRoxz says
15 years ago
500 is
15 years ago
I like to hi
500 is
15 years ago
I trut my self I am open to you about every thing please dout think that Iam obsessing Its just what I feeland this is just aglimpse of
500 is
15 years ago
I don't know why
500 is
15 years ago
I was refusing
500 is
15 years ago
you make me feel like I con tell you any thing
500 is
15 years ago
Itrust you more than Itrust my self I am open to you
500 is
15 years ago
you are presnt this is soreal
LostRoxz says
15 years ago
ummm i'm a bit confuzzled what did I miss?
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