treex says
13 years ago
To Dexter: Goals you must achieve
latest #21
treex says
13 years ago
succeed in life
treex says
13 years ago
get 3.8 GPA
treex says
13 years ago
lose weight
treex says
13 years ago
finish that EV training for your Sheer Force Nidoking
treex says
13 years ago
get off your ass
treex says
13 years ago
Dear treex: shut the fcuk up, I'm lazy
Kritz says
13 years ago
did you know that professing your goals will actually decrease the probability of you actually achieving your goal?
treex says
13 years ago
link me to said article
treex says
13 years ago
but I am gonna try for that 3.8 gpa
treex says
13 years ago
:-< I'm gonna lose a lot of sleep, and a lot of gaming time
Kritz says
13 years ago
cannot find eh ...
treex says
13 years ago
then shut up
treex says
13 years ago
Kritz says
13 years ago
walao =.= but i'm serious
Kritz says
13 years ago
Derek Sivers: Keep your goals to yourself
Kritz says
13 years ago
i don't even know why do i bother sharing this with a rude and unfriendly person
treex says
13 years ago
thank you Kritz, your never ending insight inspires me to unmeasurable levels
Kritz says
13 years ago
screw you
treex says
13 years ago
note that I did not get any "instant gratification" so this vid is moot
treex says
13 years ago
and lol @ the commercial?
treex says
13 years ago
but thanks Kritz
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