I would put up an open post but I haven't been accepted for membership yet
Hi there! I'm Naruto/Temari mun at ATW
Hi! I'm playing Kiba! I'll probably pick someone else up too, once i'm more comfortable with it
Yeah, I saw, gotta say, Naruto was really excited to have a Kiba ^^
;>> Kiba is a Naruto character? /obliviouuuuus
I'm excited to have a Naruto~ And yes, he's the one with the giant dog
*giggles* yes, and he's just as hyper as Naruto usually ^^, so you know, poor Mello
/laughs more cocky, I'd say
XD That means nothing to me. <3 I stopped reading Naruto pretty early in the series.
yeah, that, MORE cocky...
oh, ok. that 's how you do that
Who do you play, Chaggit?
Oh, dear god... Mello is going to start pulling his hair out, isn't he? XD
Fffffff. Plurk is not updating properly, so I'm not seeing stuff as fast as I normally would. ;>> But I play Mello from Death Note,
Heero Yuy from Gundam Wing, and an original character named Sef Xerxes.
nice! I read that this place accepts ocs. Uhm, is there a character limit?
It used to be 3, but I think now it's up to 4? ;>> I have no idea.
I'd have to ask the mods.
I wanna try playing a girl; i haven't played many characters yet, and I've never gotten to play a girl
I love Misa from Deathnote
XDDD Well, if you pick her up, I have a Mello for her to annoy.
Heero would probably just stare at her. ;>>
But... oh dear god. Heero + Naruto + Kiba is going to be a nightmare, isn't it? ;>>
My Mello muse is trying to cower. ;>> Just so you know.
hey, what is your background on Naruto? Could he and Kiba have been maybe old school friends?
Naruto will drag him out and make him have shenanigans with them, he's learning he can do that with Mello ^^
I'm sure we could figure something out ^^
Kiba wants to go barcrawling
Naruto grew up in an orphanage in a town outside Vegas, then went to the police academy, where he's been for two years, but he quit and now
I stayed vaugue with Kiba's history, so we can just say they knew each other from school?
he works backroom serving and entertainment
;>> One of these days, Mello is just gonna haul off and punch Naruto, you know that right? Also, plurk isn't always showing me everything.
So if I seem to be missing stuff.... I probably am. ;>>
...Naruto's kinda surprised it hasn't happened already xD
school won't work then, Naruto's 20 XD, but they could have met afterwards, would Kiba be doing something stupid that would have caught his
attention as a cop? speeding? *snickers*
ooh. Maybe he was drunk and did a strip-dance on the street?
and Naruto busted him, and they've been friends since?
lol, that could certainly work
now I just have to wait to be accepted to the community, and I can post something
you could always poke people on aim too and set up gdocs and set up logs
i'll do one with you, but i'm about to go eat with my hubby first, so it'd have to be after I come back
I've never used Gdocs before for RP
I play ANko and Canada =] I'm just a bit slow as an Rp player on ATW
different series from naruto lol
her mattie is a cutie
but i'll show you gdocs when i get back, they're pretty awesome ^^
but i'm off for a bit *waves*
*waves* ok, and thank you!
Kiba's kind of mean to shy people
lol that's alright, Anko certainly is the polar opposite
anko's fun. Kiba wants to drag her out on a bar run too
sure, why not. Kiba wouldn't get drunk where he works. Thats just bad form.
lol Anko's done it and danced on the top of the bar, she has no shame.
*pokes* sorry back so late, do you have aim?
yes, I do. Let me turn it on!