I wonder if I have ever done any of these introductory plurks?
latest #18
i have no idea so i suppose i will do it!
welll my name is catie. i am seventeen. i was born in japan and spend i suppose half my year in england and half in japan...
i am in michigan at the moment, which has been fantastic. see my grandfather has custody of me and his birthplace is the states, so when the
earthquakes occured, well, we could not go BACK there
but we could not stay there either...
we are moving to nevada soon and it will be the first time i have spent more than a few months somewhere because he is not planning on any
english is not my first language; people have tended to yell at me for 'talking too formal' and I have no idea what is on about that
i may attend interlochen this summer
i spent until... this year... not being able to talk to most people... but RPing really helped work out my social issues
possibly because i play a walking social issue
my first rp character was yoite from nabari
but black*star is really generally my only active, though i wish to fix that soon
I do not even know what people would want to know, haha!
that you are awesome and great and wonderful? nah your plurk always makes that obvious
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