13 years ago
carefully adjusts the red bow on the stuffed panda pillow one last time. He briefly considers letting Yao know that he's coming over, but
latest #70
13 years ago
quickly dismisses the thought. A surprise visit was just the thing to set the mood. ((OF CHAOS AND RAPEY DESTRUCTION LAWL WHUT JAPAN))
13 years ago
It doesn't take long before Kiku has arrived in China ((hurr, you know it)). He walks to Yao's house.
13 years ago
stubbornly guards the door. So far, nothing has appeared, but he keeps his pipe close by. No one will touch Kitai on his watch!
Zhōngguó wonders
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how long he should wait before asking him to come and sit down. Again. Maybe he'll get tired of it, eventually.
13 years ago
freezes in his tracks when he sees...him. He smile slides off his face and his gaze hardens into a glare. He walks up to the door, holding
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the pillow pet at his side. "What is Russia-san doing here?" His voice is harsh, ugly.
13 years ago
spies a figure coming slowly up the walkway to the door. He lifts his pipe high over his head and yanks the door open, not looking at the
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actual person on the doorstep as he swings wildly, aiming to crush the skull.
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barely manages to duck out of the way, doing an epic barrel roll in the process. He grits his teeth and pulls out his phone to dial Yao's
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number, still trying to dodge the pipe.
13 years ago
only vaguely hears his phone going off, as his attention is turned to Russia suddenly THROWING THE DOOR OPEN, and his mind immediately goes
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to the worst. He runs out after him, only to see him TRYING TO KILL SOMEONE and grabs his arm. "What the hell is the matter with you?!"
13 years ago
takes another mad swing at Japan, not yet registering who it really is, convinced that he is actually a killer from the Internet. He feels
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someone grab his arm and turns to grin at China. "I am destroying this creature that would dare touch you, yes?"
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back out of range and looks up to see China standing there, the light from inside spilling out around him. He dusts off his jacket. "Are you
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sure my touch is unwanted, Russia-san?" He asks dryly, still angry.
13 years ago
completely pales when he makes out the figure and *hears the voice* and he hurries towards Japan, instinctively fussing over him. He throws
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a fiery glare over his shoulder back at Russia, gripping Japan's shoulders tight. "I can't believe you. You *swore* to me you wouldn't hurt
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him! He didn't even *do anything*!"
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stiffens at the sound of the familiar voice and address. He slowly lowers his pipe and gives a low, mocking bow. "I *sincerely* apologize,"
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he directs scathingly at Japan. "I mistook you for an evil woman, yes? I was only half right, it seems!" He doesn't specify which half.
13 years ago
narrows his eyes and turns away. He picks up the stuffed PANDA PILLOW PET from the ground, making a quiet 'tsk' sound under his breath as he
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brushes some dirt from it. He tucks in underneath his arm; he would wait until they were inside to give it to Yao. He glanced over at
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the Russian, his lip curling into a sneer. "I accept Russia-san's apology," he says, contempt dripping from his voice.
13 years ago
keeps his hands tight on Japan's shoulders, briskly walking him inside and shooting another glare at Russia as they pass. He says nothing,
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though, to indicate if he wants him to leave or not.
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, never one to be discouraged by a lack of invitation, follows them inside, watching them intently, hoping that he can speak to China alone
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soon because despite his mocking, he really *is* sorry and wouldn't have hurt Japan (too much) had he known, but there's no way he'll say
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that with the other nation anywhere near.
13 years ago
scowls as he notices Russia following them inside, but doesn't comment on it. He waits until the door is closed before presenting the panda
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without flourish. "I got this for you," he says, looking away and flushing.
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pulls his head back a little, taken aback by the sudden brandishing of a gift and his mind needs a moment to adjust to the dramatic change
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in scenario, but then his face lights up. "Ah, it's so cute...!" He takes it with curious excitement, looking it over before throwing his
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arms around Japan (in that way that has *always* embarrassed the other). "Thank you!"
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goes very still, but does not draw back. Slowly, awkwardly, he brings his arms up and gently places them around the other man. "I-I, uh...
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I'm glad you like it," he says softly, trying and failing to not smile. He gives Yao a light squeeze before remembering their audience.
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turns bright red and tries to pull away from Yao's embrace while simultaneously trying to hold him tighter.
13 years ago
((XD He's like "Must not embarrass self... Must assert self... WHAT DO I DO AAA";-))
13 years ago
((...Face. DX))
13 years ago
((Ah, the inner turmoil of the emotionally repressed... |D ))
13 years ago
watches silently from the doorway. His fingers instinctively tighten around his pipe, though he knows he can't do anything. He does feel a
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little better at Japan's intense discomfort though. Small blessings.
13 years ago
Nope, you're not getting off that easy, Japan, and he nuzzles him with a laugh, only feeding off of his embarrassment. "You're so sweet when
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you want to be!" Whether that's a compliment or a jab is anyone's guess. But then he looks over Japan's shoulder and sees that Russia has,
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in fact, followed them in, and for a second he freezes. Well, he's still rather upset with him, so he carries on as he was; he holds Japan
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out at arms' length (with a fuzzy animal pillow poking at the back of his head) with a sigh and a smile before he heads into the sitting
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room, making a point not to verbally invite him in because, while he doesn't *mean* to exclude Russia, he doesn't really want to say
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anything to him right now...
本田菊 feels
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his face heat up even more and finally drops his own arms when he feels Yao freeze. They swing uselessly at his side for a moment before he
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follows China, deliberately turning his back on Russia.
13 years ago
lurks in the doorway to the sitting room, continuing to watch without a word. Despite everything--his annoyance, his jealousy, his general
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dislike of Japan--his smile loses a bit of its hard edge. Kitai is happy (even if it is with the wrong person).
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sits down on the sofa, smiling at Kiku as he takes a chair, but it fades when he notices Russia hovering awkwardly in the doorway. He closes
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his eyes with a heavy sigh and pats the cushion next to him (a little hard, but it's the thought that counts).
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grits his teeth hard enough to make a muscle in his jaw twitch, but says nothing. He keeps his hands clasped together in his lap and glares
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at the floor, trying not to pout.
13 years ago
does really smile this time as he comes forward and sits down next to them. He does his best to avoid eye contact with Japan, focusing on
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China's face with a slightly inquisitive look instead, silently asking, "What now?"
13 years ago
watches Russia as he walks to the sofa, as if to make sure he behaves himself, and then catches Japan's expression out of the corner of his
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eye. His mind races, trying to find a way to keep both of them happy... Dammit, why is that so hard to do...? He ends up absently playing
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with the panda pillow in his lap, not realizing it for a good couple of minutes; when he does, he laughs and gives a big smile. "He's so
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cute! I should name him..."
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doesn't smile back, but his hostility does fade as he looks away from Russia and back towards Yao. "Hmm," he muttered, tapping his chin
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thoughtfully. "do you have any in mind?"
Russia thinks
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about suggesting Pushi or Milashka, but ultimately remains silent. It isn't his present to name, after all. (Plus, he doesn't want his
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language attached to anything from the filth, but he imagines that he has nobler intentions as well.) "Xing, perhaps?" he muses. "Because it
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comes from the heart, yes?" He grins at Japan, just a little too malicious to be teasing.
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blinks up at him, pleasantly surprised by the use of his own language, and he grins at him (*completely* missing the jab; there are cute
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things in question, after all). "I like it! He can be Xing." He looks back down at the plush, waving its stubby little arms a bit.
13 years ago
glares briefly down at the floor before looking back up with a smile. "...it suits him," he says.
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