luxun8 says
15 years ago
may anti-flood rule pala ang plurk!!
latest #13
Cands asks
15 years ago
o? pano?
luxun8 says
15 years ago
ung sa isang plurk mo, i cant respond na more than 10 times, i have to wait for around 10 minutes before replying again... hahaha
The ED
15 years ago
luxun8 says
15 years ago
try mo!
Cands says
15 years ago
aba Plurk, mataray na kayo ngayon, parang Ed.
luxun8 says
15 years ago
ed oh
The ED
15 years ago
ang sama mo!
luxun8 says
15 years ago
si cands un! hahaha
Cands says
15 years ago
nananahimik ako dito ah
The ED
15 years ago
cool! we're talking on 3 different plurks..
luxun8 says
15 years ago
ed i have question
luxun8 says
15 years ago
The ED
15 years ago
wats ur question?
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