Jo Hoppykins
13 years ago
ack, no bacon in the house :-(
latest #9
13 years ago
13 years ago
you should cure your own :-)
Jo Hoppykins
13 years ago
first, I'd have to grow a pig :-)
13 years ago
you don't need to, you can just get a joint while you are in town - belly is ment to work well
Jo Hoppykins
13 years ago
I've got belly in the freezer - but it's far too nice roast to chop up for bacon!
13 years ago
lol, you don't chop it up right away, you put it in a bag in the fridge with salt and other stuff for a week or so, then chop it, ment to be
13 years ago
divine, will look up the process and try it one day
Jo Hoppykins
13 years ago
I had to order my belly pork from Cork (hard to get around here), but might try it with a back joint of some kind ...
Jo Hoppykins
13 years ago
...though our butcher's rashers are really good - thick and with rind on - yummy!
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