Turkey is
13 years ago
laying on his sofa frowning surrounded by piles upon piles of books.
latest #42
13 years ago
had let herself into his house, she'd made him some dinner again...
13 years ago
heard something and glances up from his position on the sofa but can't see anything because of the books. "Ello?"
13 years ago
smirked a bit when she saw the books, she carefully approached after having put the food in the kitchen. "Hey Sadiq!"
Turkey is
13 years ago
startled a bit and drops his book. "Princess? I wasn't expecting you." He picks the book up closing it neatly.
13 years ago
smiles at this as she leaned over a stack of books. "I hadn't called... I brought you dinner."
13 years ago
looks up at her and smiles. "You spoil me, you know. You don't want me getting used to this." He chuckles.
13 years ago
laughs a bit at that, "mm... I have no one else to spoil." She shrugged.
13 years ago
reaches up and pats her gently on the cheek. "Well then I'm glad you chose me." He grins.
13 years ago
smiles with that, "well I'm glad you don't mind me showing up like this. Anyway I made you rouladen and potatoes, with honey cake."
13 years ago
's expression brightens considerably. "Nooo...are you sure you don't want me to return the favour? And you know I love when you randomly
13 years ago
come and visit. This old Turks live isn't as exciting as before."
13 years ago
shook her head again as she fixed the flower in her hair. "Aw... I thought you still led a pretty exciting life." She straightened with
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that and yawned a bit, "No need to repay the favour."
13 years ago
props himself up on an elbow. "Well did you at least make enough for two?" He asks with a cheeky smile. "It really depends on your definiton
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of exciting."
13 years ago
nods a bit, "I was thinking you could share with Greece..." she tilted her head a bit, "this looks.... fun at least."
13 years ago
chuckles. "It's definitely not boring and I was thinking of sharing with you instead. Greece will be fine on his own."
13 years ago
nods a bit with that, "well if you don't mind me joining you then I'll gladly keep an old man like you company."
13 years ago
laughs. "I don't mind but be glad that I don't look anything like my age." He finally gets up and heads over to the kitchen to get things
13 years ago
13 years ago
nods a bit as she followed him into the kitchen. "You look pretty damn good for someone your age... but don't all of us nations?"
13 years ago
smirks. "Well I pride myself in that and yes....that's true too." He grabs a couple of plates and utensils and places them on the counter.
13 years ago
leaned against the counter as she nodded a bit. "You should, you've still got a great ass, not that I've been looking."
13 years ago
laughs. "No, not that you have been and I can't say that I haven't been admiring your chest but I haven't seen a fine set of them on many
13 years ago
others." He smirks as he starts dividing the food between them.
13 years ago
laughs a bit at that, "old pervert." She folded her arms under her chest as she watched him. "Some things never change."
13 years ago
winks. "Well at least you know where you got that from." He pushes the plate over to her.
13 years ago
smirks at that, "I'm not into having sex... I just enjoy watching two men go at it." She took a seat.
13 years ago
shakes his head and digs in. "Have you ever considered a threesome with two men?" He was just being nosy.
13 years ago
thought about that for a moment before she shook her head. "No... I did dream about sleeping with Japan once though... that was a weird
13 years ago
13 years ago
finds that interesting. "No...and Japan. Interesting." He goes back to thoroughly enjoying his food.
13 years ago
took a bite of her own food lapsing into silence as she ate quietly. That was a fairly awkward moment, on her part anyway.
13 years ago
breaks out into laughter. "Why are you so awkward about this?"
13 years ago
frowned a bit at this as she looked up at him, she set her fork down quietly. "Sex between two people other than myself is fine..."
13 years ago
nods. "Okay, okay, I understand."
13 years ago
sighs a bit as she pushed her plate away, she wasn't all that hungry to begin with. "Sorry... I've just never... been with someone..." well
13 years ago
Austria but that was hardly a romantic thing.
13 years ago
had always thought that her and Austria had been more than just convenience. "Ahhh..." He wasn't even sure what else to say. "But I always
13 years ago
thought...." He stopped himself. He didn't even know what he wanted to say anymore.
13 years ago
would point out that her and Austria were way better as friends than as anything more than that. She raised a brow at him when he didn't
13 years ago
finish. "It's all good though, so how's the food I hope I cooked it right."
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