[ OOC : Um hi guys. Um. I decided that... I'm gonna quit the group. Returning back here, umm well I feel kinda lost now.
latest #20
So, Anya and Vincze are now out of this. It's been really fun. Glad to have met you all. Bye.]
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I'm going to miss you ;;;3;;;; Anya ;;3;;
I'll stalk you even harder on tumblr ;;;3;;;; ;
But I love you so I must ;3;
So I should remove everyone from my list, right?
I already did it for Vincze
Yes, that would be awfully kind of you
IM me on MSN sometime. ;n;
okay I'll try to IM you sometimes~
Bye guys. Have a good day~
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