noelle (z_z) says
15 years ago
latest #14
ötaKECAreö asks
15 years ago
why??.. :-))
noelle (z_z) says
15 years ago
ngayon lng ulit ako inabot ng alas tres hahaha
ötaKECAreö is
15 years ago
like thiS aLmOst eveRyday..
noelle (z_z) wonders
15 years ago
kung paano ka nakakatagal :-))
ötaKECAreö wonders
15 years ago
fOr mySeLf toO.. maybe i reaLLy am a vampiRe.. (LOL) :-P
noelle (z_z) wonders
15 years ago
if you're a twilight fan :-D
ötaKECAreö is
15 years ago
aN avid fan Of the boOk!!.. :-))
ötaKECAreö has
15 years ago
nOt seen the mOvie thOuGh.. :-P
noelle (z_z)
15 years ago
:-)) sbe na e..
ötaKECAreö is
15 years ago
aCtuaLLy afraid that the mOvie miGht dissapOint meh.. :-P
noelle (z_z) says
15 years ago
then don't watch nlng:-)) anyway u've read the book
ötaKECAreö is
15 years ago
stiLL curiOus thOuGh.. (LOL) :-P
noelle (z_z) is
15 years ago
not a fan of twilight :-)
ötaKECAreö thinks
15 years ago
yOu wiLL like the paRadOxiCaL love stOry Of the bOok.. :-P
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