Kellye_Crane says
15 years ago
Hey Plurkers! (bye) I'm back from my holiday unplugging - hope all is well with you!
latest #14
15 years ago
howdy Kellye! Did Santa bring you everything you
15 years ago
rats! everything you asked for???
AZJazzyJ says
15 years ago
welcome back! We missed you
Kellye_Crane says
15 years ago
Thanks guys! Santa was good to me, and we had some nice family time. Good mental health break, and I'm refreshed! (dance)
15 years ago
B-) way to relax!
Kellye_Crane says
15 years ago
Hello webpenguin!
Kellye_Crane says
15 years ago
I do feel peer pressure to stay connected non-stop (have you seen some of those crazy Twitterers?!), but I know myself and a break is imp.
Kellye_Crane says
15 years ago
Here's to being a rebel! (woot)
15 years ago
I agree with taking a break. Very important.
Kellye_Crane says
15 years ago
Hooray for vacations! :-)
Tim Jackson
15 years ago
Welcome back Kellye! The digital fort has been held down in your absence, so never fret. Glad you got the chance to unplug and live a little
bear1 says
15 years ago
Hi and welcome back
Kellye_Crane says
15 years ago
Hi Tim and bear1 - hope yours was happy too!
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