"Why play mind games with someone you like? because you think you have to, or you're too scared to be honest?"
latest #22
Is it bad this kinda made me think of Zeev?
Nope, it makes me think of him too.
Except I don't really want to associate him with a canadian teen show. XD
(it's on disney but not made by them)
"Life With Derek"? I've heard of this show...
the show which makes everyone shamelessly ship stepsiblings
No seriously. Type 'Dasey' into yahoo and see how much comes up. it's freaky.
i know two people who go IT'S INCEST but w/e
It's superficial incest when it comes to step siblings.
Well I mean it can be incest but if the two people don't regard each other as siblings, why does it even matter?
(Also i don't have anything against incest but that's another bag altogether)
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