13 years ago
How is it possible that I have 18 undergrad credits in Political Science and 9 in philosophy but my degree is in Philosophy and Psychology?
latest #7
13 years ago
Worse, I don't remember taking any psychology classes...
13 years ago
Lanna asks
13 years ago
Maybe the courses were secret practicums in deep hypnosis and it was suggested you not recall them?
13 years ago
LMAO I'll put that in my application.
± Bin
13 years ago
It's because you figured the dean out, one drunken night in the Univ pub, and he was so flabbergasted someone finally did...
Ribbons says
13 years ago
This is actually true. Interestingly, I was 16. That didn't bode well for him. LMAO
± Bin
13 years ago
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