Katharine is
13 years ago
definitely going to #relive11 this year bit.ly/fPNwJe
latest #14
lizit says
13 years ago
Funny how life changes - I was involved in organising relive08 and not planning going this time at all
Katharine says
13 years ago
Why's that Lizit ?
lizit says
13 years ago
I'm not doing anything with vws now and the cost is too high just to meet with old friends
Katharine says
13 years ago
I thought it was all virtual, so no cost.
lizit says
13 years ago
no it's a physical conf in MK and costs about £400 plus accom and travel - big ouch!!!
Katharine says
13 years ago
Is there not also an option to attend virtually for free? I thought on the last one that people could attend through secondlife.
Katharine says
13 years ago
Have I got this wrong?
lizit says
13 years ago
last time it was totally physical - this time I understand there is some kind of online festival, but they are not streaming conf
lizit says
13 years ago
we talked about streaming last time, but decided it was too risky - some talks were video'd and are on OU website
Katharine asks
13 years ago
why was streaming considered too risky? Was it due to stability of service?
lizit says
13 years ago
Tricky technologically - you have to record in real life then stream in SL - much easier when doing stuff from within SL
lizit says
13 years ago
there are other options, but you need techs that understand the VWs
lizit says
13 years ago
And Relive is not just about SL but VWs and VEs more generally
lizit says
13 years ago
I wonder if Eingang has considered submitting something - we had a couple of WoW presentations last time...
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