Katharine has
13 years ago
discovered an enormous birds nest in the loft which explains all the early morning scratching that wakes me up.So glad it wasn't rodents!
latest #7
SaraR says
13 years ago
That is a relief!
Eingang has
13 years ago
squirrels in the rafters/attic walls in Canada. It's disconcerting. Will the birds go away on their own? Squirrels don't.
Katharine says
13 years ago
from what I can gather from the RSPB site. We can't move the nest whilst its active. The eggs should hatch during Apri.
Katharine says
13 years ago
The babies leave 3 weeks old and then it should be ok to dismantle. it.
Katharine says
13 years ago
It can't believe how huge and dense it it.
Katharine says
13 years ago
Its like a giant haystack and we'll need a fork to break it down.
Katharine says
13 years ago
I don't mind the noise now I know its only a mother bird tending to her nest!
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