CpWong says
13 years ago
Fucking piss off...!! Not problem of LKW friends...=)
latest #19
jas says
13 years ago
haha..... everything will b fine my dear..... think positif.... jus let it b..
Sam Bravo says
13 years ago
chill bro! lang jeng dit~
CpWong says
13 years ago
Ya...Nowadays damm bo mood....Every bad things happen at the same time!! Fuck up!
Tenjimaru says
13 years ago
wat happen bro ... i support ah sam lang jeng dit~
CpWong says
13 years ago
No worries bro...i still fine =)
Tenjimaru says
13 years ago
who is LKW ?
fish says
13 years ago
Tenjimaru: =='''
Tenjimaru says
13 years ago
Sam Bravo says
13 years ago
L = lim / K = Kok / W = Wing = LUCT = LimKokWing = LKW
CpWong says
13 years ago
CpWong says
13 years ago
betul betul ZHA DOU.....Study there almost 3 years d...still donno who is LKW...=.=ll
Tenjimaru says
13 years ago
ooo ic haha paiseh ...
CpWong says
13 years ago
Tenjimaru says
13 years ago
sorry sorry ... ごめんなさい[Gomen'nasai]
jas says
13 years ago
omg ==
CpWong says
13 years ago
Tenjimaru says
13 years ago
sorry sorry
13 years ago
come, god is here
Tenjimaru says
13 years ago
sorry mother !!
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