I still have no confirmed plans between 11th and when I go back (other than revision), has everyone else filled in when they're not free?
everyone bar Mike and Matt
god, they're too good to put in when they're away
Looks like I'll be here until the 19th at the latest, then at Holly's for the rest of the time, but that is subject to change
right, as it turns out, I should be free completely after this week
change of plans
As I said, no confirmed plans, so I'm free too (Dan didn;t seem to understand that bit xD)
so you're both free until May?
after the 11th, as I said
how about 17th-18th? or maybe 18th-19th?
mind if I clear up the calendar a bit? xD
sooo, narrowed it down to the week 17-24th
no two days together in which everyone's here previous to that
so, it's one of the following (from the early afternoon of the former to whenever you want to leave the latter):
17th-18th, 18th-19th, 20th-21st, 22nd-23rd
Left out 24th as it's Easter sunday (and the day before me and presumably matt go back) but I guess it could be done if push comes to shove
Also to bear in mind in case it affects anything, 22nd is Good Friday.
I would prefer not to have it on the last weekend really, need to pack and stuff