N. Italy is
13 years ago
walking along with a bag in hand filled with ingredients~
latest #69
Louise is
13 years ago
looking around for a nearby liquor store since the beer at home is getting low.
N. Italy
13 years ago
sees Germany and runs righhhttt over~ "GERMANY! GERMANY!!" He waves excitedly at you!!
13 years ago
turns in surprise at the call and sees the male version of Italia come over. She braces herself for impact.
N. Italy
13 years ago
impacts at full force. Is that an explosion? The hug just won't seem to end!
N. Italy says
13 years ago
"Germany it's so great to see you! But, uh, you seem different..." Italy has never met female Germany before.... he is quite confused.
13 years ago
blushes really brightly before hesitantly hugging the other back. " Umm... it's good to see you too, Italia. I am the female representation
13 years ago
_of Germany."
N. Italy is
13 years ago
shocked! A female Germany?On one hand, it's Germany. On the other, it's female. Italy likes females! But Italy also likes Germany....
N. Italy
13 years ago
decides to ask the question: "so, does this means I can flirt with you or will you still hurt me? .... please don't hurt me..."
13 years ago
blinks at that before thinking and murmuring, " I-I suppose you can flirt... I won't hurt you... as long as you don't take it too far."
N. Italy
13 years ago
looks excited, and full-flirt mode appears!
N. Italy
13 years ago
"Ah, then hello there pretty lady! You are looking so lovely~~ You are so robust surely you work out! blah blah blah~"
13 years ago
blushes before crossing her arms and letting him flirt, rolling her eyes slightly before going back to looking for the liquor stores.
N. Italy
13 years ago
continues on in his usual way until a distinct and familiar squeal can be heard.... If Germany wants to find Italy, he's hiding behind her..
13 years ago
blinks when she couldn't see Italia and turns to see if he's behind her. She wasn't like other girls, flirting didn't really affect her.
N. Italy
13 years ago
can be seen hiding with a mini white flag in hand, mumbling something about "surrendering"...
13 years ago
turned and sighed, before shakily giving the other a kiss to the cheek, murmuring, " It was nice of you to flirt. Danke." She sighed and
13 years ago
_placed her hands on her hips, still trying to find a good beer store.
N. Italy is
13 years ago
a little freaked out by this new Germany. But, it's still Germany, so he decides to warily follow whether Germany wants him to or not~ yay!
13 years ago
sighs and moves off, looking and finding the liquor store. She goes inside and collects the beer, getting precise amounts and no more, and
13 years ago
_no less than the amount she wants to spend. She went to the cashier and organized everything, helping the bagging girl with the job.
N. Italy is
13 years ago
behind her, checking out the beers and wondering if any would compliment his pasta well~ maybe he should take a better look...
13 years ago
noted this and, after collecting her things, murmured, " Try something with a light flavor. I know my beers, and I remember Italia's pasta.
13 years ago
_Maybe one with a lighter texture." She hustled Italien to a smaller section with more fruity beers and began pointing things out, proving
13 years ago
_that, while somewhat different, she still knew her beer like any other German.
N. Italy was
13 years ago
delighted by the flavor options, but decided perhaps a wine would be better? He'd just have to share with his good friend Germany later~
Louise wants
13 years ago
him to use what he likes, knowing that if he was going for wine she would be of no help.
N. Italy asks
13 years ago
"Hey Germany!!! Where can I find some wine~?"
13 years ago
looked at him and murmured, " Over here Italia." She guided him over to the wine section, waving her hand and murmuring, " You can find any
13 years ago
_wine here according to country."
N. Italy is
13 years ago
quite excited!
N. Italy
13 years ago
looks to Germany and exclaims "hey Germany! Germany! Let me cook you pasta tonight! It'll be good I promise and we can hang out!"
13 years ago
smiled a bit at that and murmured, " Sure Italia. I have nothing to do tonight."
N. Italy is
13 years ago
very excited by this! "YAHOO! I'll make you something you'll love~!" He flails his arms a bit to emphasize his excitement.
13 years ago
smiles slightly and murmurs, " Calm down Italia... before you hit something." She looked at the wines slightly confused, but doesn't show
13 years ago
N. Italy is
13 years ago
singing to himself now~ "pasta pasta~ drink some wine~"
13 years ago
watches over him, forgetting how odd it is to see a woman being protective of a male if he is not her son.
N. Italy
13 years ago
finally settles on a bottle of red wine and carries it to the counter, nearly tripping on the way there.
13 years ago
kept Italy from falling when he tripped, pulling him back up and patiently waiting for him to finish buying the bottle of wine.
N. Italy is
13 years ago
feeling for his wallet.... still feeling.... wallet? "Ehm... Germany? Do you have any money?"
13 years ago
sighs and leans forward to pay the woman, giving exact change, but not bothering to organize the carrying bag for the bottle. It's only one
13 years ago
N. Italy
13 years ago
seems a little sad that he had to bother Germany again. But on the bright side, now they have wine for pasta! Yay!
13 years ago
sighs and murmurs, " You didn't bother me. You lost your wallet again?" She was used to italia misplacing or losing things.
N. Italy
13 years ago
*ooc: WOW didn't see this response. sorry!!! ><;;;*
N. Italy
13 years ago
makes a sad puppy face at you.
13 years ago
((-giggles- it's all right... I hope you don't mind my version of fem!germany. She's a bit more human than cannon is.))
13 years ago
sighs and shakes her head, murmuring, " Oh stop... Weren't you going to make dinner?" She wanted to switch the topic, blushing faintly
13 years ago
_because he looked cute doing that.
N. Italy
13 years ago
*ooc: it's fine! I love your interpretation of her! I'm more worried about my Italy. I've never rped him before haha*
N. Italy
13 years ago
smiles again. "Yeah! You're going to love it!!!"
13 years ago
nods and murmurs, " Then let's go."
N. Italy
13 years ago
toddles along after you, like a puppy following a reluctant owner. All the while, he can be heard humming random tunes.
13 years ago
doesn't mind, murmuring, " Shouldn't you be leading Italia? I thought we were going to your place?"
N. Italy
13 years ago
just happily relies "but I haven't been to your house in so long and your kitchen is bigger!"
13 years ago
sighs and nods, murmuring, " All right... follow me."
N. Italy is
13 years ago
13 years ago
leads him back to her house, moving easily through the crowd. She had learnt to do so when she had been hiding her gender in the world wars.
N. Italy is
13 years ago
excited to be at Germany's house again! 8D
13 years ago
leads him inside and guides him to the kitchen, setting things up for the italian male.
N. Italy is
13 years ago
already cooking, humming a random tune as he goes along.
13 years ago
watches and resists the urge to clean after him, knowing that he would probably clean up afterwards.
N. Italy
13 years ago
finishes his pasta dinner and yells "Ready!"
13 years ago
smiles and had set the table, murmuring, " Smells good, Italia..."
N. Italy is
13 years ago
all excited. "Yeah! I hope you like it!" He puts the scoops the pasta onto the plates, and sits down eager to eat.
13 years ago
nods and starts in on the meal, cutting it up and making it neat. She tried her best to not be so anal some of the time, but she couldn't
13 years ago
_stop a habit that had been with her, her whole life.
N. Italy
13 years ago
totally doesn't care as much and digs right in.
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