13 years ago
[Event 1] is sitting on a roof, blowing fire from his mouth for fun.
latest #55
Louise is
13 years ago
out of her woods, crossing the streets to get to the park. She needed to go to an area that was less disturbed.
13 years ago
's fire is illuminating the area on and off.
Louise is
13 years ago
curious about the lights, and moves closer, doing a slight detour to see what it is.
Gilbert is
13 years ago
trying to see how far he can get his flame. So far he had a pretty awesome record! He pauses when he hears something, his pupils turning _
13 years ago
into cat like slits.
13 years ago
shifts around the corner, her clothes(if you can call it that.) shifting around her. She looked up and tilted her head, nails clicking on
13 years ago
_the wall. Those were pretty flames, even if she was terrified of them.
13 years ago
stares into the dark in a predatory way. "Who is it?"
13 years ago
shifts and whispers, " Just a passing friend." She shifts into the light, her hair down to her waist and her nails tapping at her side. She
13 years ago
_then murmurs, " And you?"
13 years ago
stares at her when she showed herself, easily being able to see her in the dark. "...Practicing."
13 years ago
tilts her head before murmuring, " For what? If you don't mind me asking?" She was curious as to the other, having only lived in Germany
13 years ago
_before coming here.
13 years ago
puffs up a little. "Fire breathing!" To prove his point, he let out another breath of fire.
13 years ago
scrambles back, whining slightly. Seeing it from a distance was fine, but up close really scared her. The cloth around her form bunched up
13 years ago
_a little, her nails held in front of her body. She really didn't like fire.
13 years ago
blinks at her reaction before jumping down from the roof. Wings softened his landing. "Ah, you are...are you one of those plant monsters?"
13 years ago
looked up at the male and murmured, " Ja... I am a wood-wife... I am connected to trees and forests." She hesitantly moved forward, dropping
13 years ago
_her hand down and murmuring, " How is it you can breathe fire?"
13 years ago
listens to her. He had never held any interest in plant sorts. They were usually too terrified of him to talk. "Wood wife...huh? Ah! Me?! So
13 years ago
glad you asked! I am an AWESOME Fire drake~"
13 years ago
blinks at that and murmurs, " Ahh... so then awesome fire drake, it was nice to meet you, but I need to go to the park. I have a home
13 years ago
13 years ago
quirks a brow at that. "Oh, you live in that forest?"
13 years ago
smiles and murmurs, " I live in every forest here... even the park." She nodded a farewell and slid away, heading for her park.
13 years ago
follows her.
13 years ago
doesn't mind him following her, but if he sets fire to anyone of her trees he will have a pissed wood wife after him.
Gilbert has
13 years ago
no intention, though he would appreciate any dead branches for a fire.
13 years ago
moves through the park, finding and collecting dead branches to give to the male. She returns with them and hands them over, murmuring, " I
13 years ago
_have no use for my children's dead parts."
13 years ago
takes them eagerly. "Why thank you! This is a nice place."
13 years ago
smiles and murmurs, " It's home... I like to make sure my children don't get hurt beyond dying of old age or natural deaths." She brushed a
13 years ago
_tree with one hand, nails not even harming the tree.
Gilbert thinks
13 years ago
for a minute. "Hey...I'm looking for a house. How about I live here? In exchange I protect your place and you give me the dead wood~"
13 years ago
blinks at that before smiling, murmuring, " Sounds like a good deal..." She left the tree and circled the male, before planting a kiss on
13 years ago
_his forehead, whispering out, " You are welcome in my forests fire drake. my only desire is for it to be protected from woodsmen."
13 years ago
blinks at this, going a little red. "Got it! No one will hurt the woods while I am here!"
13 years ago
smiled and murmured, " Thank you... come, I need to show you a good spot for your home." She moved deeper into the forest, using her dress
13 years ago
_to keep from disappearing into the trees.
13 years ago
follows along after her, eager to see this place.
13 years ago
leads him to this huge tree, all hollowed out and dead. It is one of the bigger trees in the park, and was killed by bugs. She places her
13 years ago
_hand on it and murmured, " This tree can be your new home. It is long since dead, so if you wish you can refashion it as you wish."
13 years ago
eyes it with wonder. "Whoa! Really? This is pretty awesome! You sure you wanna give it to me?"
13 years ago
smiles mysteriously and says, " You told me you are going to help me look after my children. This is the least I can do."
13 years ago
hums excitedly before hopping into the tree to explore it. It was perfect for him. "Ah, this is great Lady!"
13 years ago
laughed and murmured, " I'm glad you like it." She moved to another tree and pressed her forehead to it, communing with her children.
Gilbert is
13 years ago
exploring every inch. "What was your name again?"
13 years ago
smiles and murmurs, " Meika..."
13 years ago
notes this! "I am Gilbert~"
13 years ago
" Nice to meet you Gilbert."
13 years ago
crawls into the tree to nest. He would start hiding his treasure here. "Danke, for this."
13 years ago
smiles and murmurs, " No problem Gilbert... i must go, my children need me. if you wish to speak to me, just call my name. I'll come as soon
13 years ago
_as I can."
13 years ago
nods. "Kesese~ Got ti!"
13 years ago
smiles and disappears, mumbling, " I need to check on my children. Good bye Gilbert."
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