Cesare Borgia
13 years ago
-adjusting his glasses, trying to read carefully, still fusing a bit over his new spectacles-
latest #26
13 years ago
13 years ago
(( glasses <3 ))
Cesare Borgia
13 years ago
(( Good thing coming out of that poison ))
13 years ago
*watching him carefully from across the room* How are they, brother?
Cesare Borgia
13 years ago
-looks up at Lucrezia, his glasses resting on the edge of his nose, tilts his head back, trying to look at her- Aah.. they are alright.
13 years ago
*smiles a little at his behaviour* Are they aiding your vision?
Cesare Borgia
13 years ago
-nods, pushing them back up the bridge of his nose-
13 years ago
*smiles more widely and rises from her seat, walking over to him and kissing the tip of his nose* I am so glad.
Cesare Borgia
13 years ago
-warm smile before closing his book, setting it on the desk- Are you doing alright my love?
13 years ago
Si. *she sits down next to him* Although... if you still wish to have someone under your employ to protect me, you may have to find someone
13 years ago
other than Faustina.
Cesare Borgia
13 years ago
-nods- You think? Her and Malfatto.. I don't know what to even do anymore.
13 years ago
*nods a little, looking sad* I don't think we should deal with them again. I don't want you to be harmed again.
Cesare Borgia
13 years ago
Nor you. I am sorry Faustina did not turn out the way you hoped. I can't seem to trust any of these fools.
13 years ago
*smiles sadly* No...
13 years ago
But we still have each other.
Cesare Borgia
13 years ago
I hope you can befriend someone who isn't one of my lackies, my love. -offers his hand to her-
13 years ago
*laughs humourlessly as she takes his hand* Who else is there? I cannot trust anyone at the villa.
13 years ago
((... Have Luc and Rebecca even spoken since they fought about ... boys, essentially.))
Cesare Borgia
13 years ago
(( -SHRUGS- Although.. Ces and Becca need to have their movie night ))
Cesare Borgia
13 years ago
There is always me, my love. -brings her hand up to his lips, kissing the top of it-
13 years ago
((buhyoo ;3; Yes they do! Can Luc sit in on the next one?))
13 years ago
*smiles warmly* Of course. I can always count on you, my love.
Cesare Borgia
13 years ago
(( HAHAH SURE! I think they were going to watch a gorey/ridiculous asian fighting movie ))
13 years ago
(( they haven't spoken since then, no ))
13 years ago
((Oh god. Luc will hate it XD))
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