13 years ago
[Event 1] is patrolling the empty hall ways of his house. No one would trespass on his watch!
latest #189
13 years ago
jingles the key in the front door of the house. She huffed in frustration as it took a few turns for the lock to work; She'd have to get_
13 years ago
that fixed, though for the price of the house a wonky lock was tolerable. She kicked open the door and lifted a small suitcase up before_
13 years ago
walking in and looking around. It felt a little stuffy, but she was excited to be living out on her own! This would be GREAT!
13 years ago
hears the familiar sound of keys. Immediately he glowers and stomps to see who dared to enter. While she could not see him, he could see her
13 years ago
drops her bag and accidentally slams the door shut loudly. She dropped the keys on the floor besides her bag and hummed to herself as she
13 years ago
practically skipped through the halls, her nails trailing over the walls making a light scratching noise.
Basch is
13 years ago
pissed off. The doors lock loudly and the open windows all shut at once.
13 years ago
looks up. She was a bit confused, but the house did feel a little drafty so she figured it was the wind and shrugged it off. "I wonder what_
13 years ago
the kitchen's like~" She hummed to herself, having no idea where she was going. Once she got settled in she would go buy groceries.
13 years ago
follows behind her, glaring daggers. He was waiting until she opened the fridge to shove her inside and keep her there.
13 years ago
forces open multiple doors, peering in curiously. "No wonder this place was so cheap; it looks horrible!" She mused to herself as she shut
13 years ago
one of the doors. It was so dusty here!
13 years ago
scowls! His house was fine. In desperate need of repair. BUT FINE. "Get out!"
13 years ago
stood up a bit straighter and looked around for a minute. She could have sworn she had heard something… "Must be rats or something. It does_
13 years ago
smell weird."
13 years ago
takes in a deep breath. "GET OUT!" The windows began to open and shut and the lights began to flicker.
13 years ago
huffs in frustration. She didn't realize it was such a fixer-upper! "The wiring here must be bad, too. What a dump."
Basch thinks
13 years ago
this girl is stupid! Finally he loses his temper and ends up shoving her into the wall.
13 years ago
lets out a yelp and stared around. She rubbed her shoulders. That felt like someone pushed her! Her heart raced with adrenaline as she_
13 years ago
reached in to her jacket pocket for her phone and knife… There was someone else here, that was the only logical explanation. They were_
13 years ago
trying to play a trick on her! She would skin them alive!
13 years ago
snorts at her taking out a knife. That would do nothing. Instead, he chose to scare her worse by flinging it out of her hand.
13 years ago
scoffs. She was certain there was a logical explanation for that! She would just… leave it on the ground and go back to walking through_
13 years ago
the house and pretend nothing had happened.
13 years ago
would slam the doors in her face.
13 years ago
opens one of the doors and looks in the room curiously.
13 years ago
slams it in her face.
13 years ago
lets out a loud yelp and jumps back. Her face was red and felt very pained. She rubbed at her nose while wincing. She refused to cry over_
13 years ago
this, no matter how much it hurt!
13 years ago
shoves her into the closed door.
13 years ago
clenched her jaw to keep her lower lip from wibbling. She didn't know what was going on! This was so frustrating, and it hurt! She had_
13 years ago
heard of needing to break in a new place, but she didn't think it would be the house breaking her in!
Basch will
13 years ago
say it one more time! "Get out!"
13 years ago
closes her eyes tightly. At least then she won't cry in front of the invisible person that was taunting her. "I don't have to get out!" She_
13 years ago
said stubbornly, though her voice came out much weaker than she wanted it to thanks to the pain in her face. "This is my house now, so… You_
13 years ago
get out and leave me alone!"
13 years ago
picks her up and moves to the window.
13 years ago
flails frantically. What the hell was happening?! No one had ever warned her of this happening in a house!
13 years ago
dumps her outside.
13 years ago
glares at the house and grabs a large rock and throws it at one of the windows as hard as she could. She shouldn't have felt satisfied when_
13 years ago
it shattered, but with as shaky as they were she had to get them repaired anyway.
13 years ago
throws the rock back out at her.
13 years ago
ducks out of the way and throws another one!
13 years ago
stops it mid air and flings it back at her...along with a few more rocks.
13 years ago
managed to miss the first one, but was hit with the second one and may have been knocked unconscious.
13 years ago
did not mean to knock her out. He pokes his head outside and stares down at the girl. He sighs and realizes that he can't leave her there. _
13 years ago
He didn't want to kill anyone. He lifts her up and takes her back inside...and brings her up to the attic, which is where he lived for the_
13 years ago
most part. It was the only clean place in the house and where his stuff from when he was alive was located. No one could get into the attic_
13 years ago
when they had lived here. Basch kept it locked up tight at all times.
Thora has
13 years ago
a nicely bleeding wound on her forehead and remains unconscious as he took her to the attic.
13 years ago
allows her to rest on some old clothes and presses a cloth to her forehead with a sigh. Humans were so troublesome. He rather hoped he was_
13 years ago
not as bothersome when he was alive.
Thora was
13 years ago
not troublesome! She just wanted to live in a house on her own! Had she known this one was going to try and kill her she never would have_
13 years ago
taken it!
Basch will
13 years ago
care for her just until she wakes! He was not going to be nice to her now or anything. He still wanted her out. He didn't care about excuses
13 years ago
started to stir after a few minutes. Her head felt like it had exploded and everything around her was blurry and dark. She shot up suddenly_
13 years ago
in a panic only to reach up and grip her pounding head in pain. Moving so fast made it worse!
13 years ago
watches her silently, glad that she was up now.
13 years ago
backs in to something somewhat fearfully, her eyes still failing to fully come in to focus and the squinting causing her bruised face to_
13 years ago
hurt even more.
13 years ago
walks around, the floor boards creaking despite not having a body.
Thora has
13 years ago
a very bad feeling about this. She wasn't even sure where she was now… It took all of her strength not to completely panic, though it_
13 years ago
helped that she felt as though she had been hit in the head with a sack of bricks. It made doing much of anything beyond sitting a pain.
13 years ago
stops. "Rest."
Thora is
13 years ago
not comforted at ALL by hearing a random voice tell her to rest… If anything it made her want to get the hell out of there NOW. "Who are_
13 years ago
you?!" She demanded, her voice not nearly as strong as she wanted it to be.
13 years ago
frowns and retreats into the wall. "No one to concern yourself over if you leave after you recover a little."
13 years ago
closed her eyes to ease the throbbing. "I can't leave! I live here now!"
13 years ago
glares. "This is my house."
13 years ago
"I bought it! It's mine." She grumbled.
13 years ago
grumbles. "It has been mine longer."
13 years ago
"Who th- If it's *Your* house, why was it on sale?! I bought it! It's mine!" She winced as she raised her voice and rubbed her face.
13 years ago
realizes that fighting with her was not going to help her. "Just shut up."
Thora is
13 years ago
quiet, but only because it hurt too much to think of a retort, not because she was obeying him.
13 years ago
lets his activity fall so she can rest.
Thora is
13 years ago
too frustrated and pained to fight, and ends up snuggling an oddly shaped piece of furniture as she fell asleep.
13 years ago
watches over her, keeping some other spirits from entering the house. Damned things.
13 years ago
sleeps as peacefully as someone who has been hit with doors, rocks, and was tortured by a non-existent being could.
Basch wishes
13 years ago
he could do more but this was really all he could do. He waits for her to get up again.
13 years ago
continues to sleep fitfully.
13 years ago
decides that she has slept long enough and shakes her.
13 years ago
doesn't wake up.
13 years ago
shakes her more.
13 years ago
still doesn't wake up.
13 years ago
does not like how this is going. Perhaps medical care was in order...but how to get her there? ...Maybe he could try out that...Yeah. He_
13 years ago
would go with that. He allows himself to possess the girl, eyes blinking open. It felt strange to be in a human body after all these_
13 years ago
years of being dead.
13 years ago
shivers from the sudden coldness, but doesn't feel very awake.
13 years ago
stands up and looks around before feeling the pounding head ache. Ouch. Yeah. Time to go. He walked from the house, dried blood sticking to_
13 years ago
her hair and skin. This totally did not look bad at all.
Thora has
13 years ago
no idea what is going on, and feels very strange. She felt like she wasn't sleeping, but she didn't feel very awake.
13 years ago
just walks to the ER, gaining gasps and worried people. He ignored them all and checked her in. B|
13 years ago
sees the hospital and tries to wake herself up. She did not want to be here!! But every time she tried to move nothing happened!
13 years ago
only leaves her body when the doctors gave her pain meds and did everything they had to do.
13 years ago
glares at the doctors. Her confusion at what was going on made her even more frustrated than she was before.
Basch is
13 years ago
amazed he got out of the house.
Thora wants
13 years ago
to go home. She hates hospitals, and she hates being stuck on a bed, and it smelled horrible, and everything was so cold.
Basch thinks
13 years ago
she needs to stay. He will see to it she does.
13 years ago
grabs the blanket from the bed and curls up with it, glaring at everything in the room. She'd never accidentally checked herself in to a_
13 years ago
hospital before. She hoped this didn't become a common occurrence.
Basch will
13 years ago
have to be more careful. He forgot how fragile humans were. He wants to go home, but he realized he couldn't...
Thora wants
13 years ago
to go home, too! Hospital's made her uneasy…
Basch has
13 years ago
to wait for her or something. He didn't get it.
13 years ago
would think it served him right if she knew what was going on, or that he was there! She curled in to a ball with the blanket pulled over_
13 years ago
her head. Maybe if she closed her eyes it would magically go away and she'd be somewhere else.
13 years ago
decides to settle down in a chair and watch her like a creeper.
13 years ago
opens her eyes and groans loudly. She was still in the hospital. Dammit.
13 years ago
13 years ago
widens her eyes and looks around for someone else in the room.
13 years ago
goes quiet. Oops.
13 years ago
decides she had been hearing things and resumes scowling around the room from her blanket.
13 years ago
13 years ago
gathers all of the sheets and blankets and makes herself a cocoon like fort.
13 years ago
moves to read her medical charts.
13 years ago
stares out through a tiny peep hole in the mass mound of fabrics around her. This was so boring.
13 years ago
stares at the chart. "Thora?"
13 years ago
jumps back and pulls the blankets tighter around herself. "Who's there?!"
13 years ago
purses his lips. "Vash."
13 years ago
doesn't see anyone. "Where are you, and what are you doing here?!"
13 years ago
moves to sit on the edge of the bed. She can see the indent where he is.
13 years ago
stares at the indent. Her eyes were obviously playing tricks on her. "That doesn't answer my question."
13 years ago
huffs again. "I followed you."
13 years ago
"Why would you follow me?" She scowled at the indented spot, She would probably be staring at his butt if he were visible.
13 years ago
materializes his hand by accident. Too much energy in this hospital floating about. "None of your business."
13 years ago
tells herself that she is just seeing things, and it was not a hand. She wasn't feeling well.
13 years ago
keeps flashing in and out, though his face is always blank.
13 years ago
lays down and covers her head. She still felt sick to her stomach and her head was pounding uncomfortably. She was obviously unwell, so_
13 years ago
maybe being in a hospital was a good idea.
13 years ago
leans over to pull the blanket up higher for her.
13 years ago
hides her head under the blanket, nothing more than a few strands of hair peeking out.
13 years ago
grumbles at her and goes back to his chair.
Thora has
13 years ago
quit trying to rationalize anything. She is obviously delusional and should go to sleep.
Basch thinks
13 years ago
she should so they can get out of here sooner
13 years ago
doesn't realize that he is stuck with her, or that he even exists outside of her imagination. But she wanted out of there as soon as
13 years ago
Basch is
13 years ago
most certainly not in her imagination.
13 years ago
drifts in and out of sleep, certain that he is her imagination.
Basch is
13 years ago
happy when the doctor tells her she can leave the next day.
Thora is
13 years ago
happy as well! Now if only she could remember how to get home from the hospital…She didn't even remember going there. Was it left, or right?
13 years ago
sighs again. "Left."
13 years ago
doesn't question why she heard a voice and assumes it was the wind… but she listens and turns left.
13 years ago
follows behind her, a bit grumpily.
Thora has
13 years ago
no idea he is following her and decides to stop at a grocery store that they pass.
13 years ago
follows her in. He may or may not slip something into her things she's buying.
13 years ago
goes straight to the dairy department and starts tossing random cheeses and milks in to the basket. She hoped the refrigerator worked…
13 years ago
replaces all the cheese with swiss cheese when she is not looking.
13 years ago
looks down at her basket and frowns. She took out a couple of the Swiss cheeses, confused that she had put them in there. She left some of_
13 years ago
them though.
Basch is
13 years ago
disappointed and happy at the same time.
13 years ago
grabs some juice and crackers then goes to the check out. She would have gotten more but she didn't have her car and had to carry it home.
13 years ago
sneaks in some cleaning supplies.
13 years ago
frowns and puts them back. She had cleaning supplies in her car and wondered how they had slipped in to her basket. She thinks some kid_
Thora is
13 years ago
playing a joke on her.
13 years ago
slips them back in.
13 years ago
frowns and waits until she is buying everything to give them to the cashier and says she hadn't wanted them.
13 years ago
stuffs them into her bags when no one is looking.
13 years ago
doesn't realize it and leaves. She was starting to feel tired again and wanted to get home.
Basch is
13 years ago
glad when the anti-theft things didn't sound when she left.
13 years ago
doesn't think most grocery stores have them for small items… though she will be very frustrated when she realizes that he's caused her to_
13 years ago
steal something. She yawns and starts to walk back home.
Basch thinks
13 years ago
she is going to need more than what she has in the car.
13 years ago
doesn't plan on cleaning the entire house in one sitting, so she could go back and get more later when she needed it…
Basch thinks
13 years ago
he saved her a trip.
Thora will
13 years ago
have to go to the store soon again anyway to pick up more food. It hasn't saved her anything.
Basch will
13 years ago
clean a bit later.
13 years ago
can clean it herself… She stops at a crosswalk and looks around, having absolutely no idea where she is.
13 years ago
sighs. "Right."
13 years ago
goes left.
13 years ago
frowns! "Hey!"
13 years ago
turns around, but when she sees nothing goes back to walking.
13 years ago
turns her around.
13 years ago
blinks, then stubbornly turns back around and continues going in the same direction.
Basch is
13 years ago
not a happy ghost. "Turn around!"
Thora is
13 years ago
oblivious to him and keeps walking.
13 years ago
grumbles out a few curses and continues to follow.
13 years ago
frowns when she realizes she is even more lost.
13 years ago
| "Listen to me!"
13 years ago
"Who?" She looks around cautiously, holding her head as it pounded loudly. The pain killers from the hospital were starting to wear off.
Basch is
13 years ago
glaring at her, though she can't see him. "Me."
13 years ago
"I don't see anyone, so I'm going to assume I am hearing things because my head *really* hurts right now!"
Basch is
13 years ago
becoming very grouchy. He hasn't materialized fully for a human in so long, but he decides to now. "I am right here!"
13 years ago
stares at him and blinks a few times before passing out.
13 years ago
face palms.This girl was so useless.
13 years ago
isn't useless! She's just not used to this kind of stuff happening!!! Her body was weak as it was!
13 years ago
goes upstairs to let her calm down.
Thora is
13 years ago
going to assume that this was all a horrible dream. It made it easier to deal with.
Basch thinks
13 years ago
she is sorely mistaken.
13 years ago
can dream.
Basch will
13 years ago
give her that much at least.
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