JeRRy thinks
15 years ago
bout staying @ jakarta (hmm..crowded..too much poluttion..too noisy...)
latest #11
Joni Vaderಠ_ಠ says
15 years ago
but surely exciting idea kan, krn you don't have to be too far with your hunny bunny ? (LOL)
JeRRy says
15 years ago
JeRRy says
15 years ago
kinda almost exactly like that i think.... (unsure)
- Lin - says
15 years ago
hm.. kyknya hr ini jkt dah ga terlalu rame d...
JeRRy says
15 years ago
yeah, i still remember the feeling @ jakarta on big holiday...(feels so free to go anywhere without fear of traffic jam)
- Lin - says
15 years ago
note: today is not a big holiday.. but today is 'hari kejepit'. hehehe
JeRRy says
15 years ago
yah sama aja lah, kemaren big holiday ama 1 minggu kemudian juga, hari2 ditengah mereka bisa disertakan juga koq..hehehe
Joni Vaderಠ_ಠ says
15 years ago
halah,kyk mau gegeran ttg big holiday or not (LOL)
JeRRy says
15 years ago
bukan gegeran om, cuma tukar pendapat aja hehe (goodluck)
Joni Vaderಠ_ಠ says
15 years ago
*now this is exactly what i mean* (LOL)
sonnenvogel says
15 years ago
mendingan hunny bunny-nya diboyong ke sby :-D
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