ask my current gf, can i use my effort to help her...? "No..." Alright, i dun, as u r my beloved now, i let God's will to do d decision...
latest #32
Tobi^Isamu^ says
13 years ago
bro, that is the 1 question you shouldn't have asked .. lolz ..
Bypasser says
13 years ago
Tobi^Isamu^ says
13 years ago
i respect her n i dun wan any misunderstanding btw her n me n d her in future time...
Tobi^Isamu^ says
13 years ago
its good you thought so .. but some things are better left unsaid ...
not until she found out one day... n creates another havoc, aka End of World...
Tobi^Isamu^ says
13 years ago
well it depends on how well you handle the situation lo ...
i'm sucks when comes to women
Tobi^Isamu^ says
13 years ago
haha .. practice makes perfect bro .. :-) sometimes you can use it to test if they still love you
Tobi^Isamu^ says
13 years ago
but other times, its best to keep it quiet .. cos girls are very jealousy and tend to keep their men only to themselves
retardedly_cute says
13 years ago
ya meh (unsure)?!
she, my ex, she did told me she still has feeling towards me... otherwise she won't called....
but y, n how come she chose to be there....? T-T
RC: not meh?!
retardedly_cute says
13 years ago
the way i act so far .. i sound like typical girly girl meh? kns of cos i resent that billy punya comment!
Tobi^Isamu^ says
13 years ago
RC, yes ... lolz .. like my fiancee, she said she dont mind and stuffs, but in the end, she minds, ALOT!!
retardedly_cute says
13 years ago
lol i only know 1 thing .. if we girl says whatever kan .. it's not WHATEVER lol!
retardedly_cute says
13 years ago
we mind .. when we said whatever .. hahaha!
itulah kita lelaki akan kata: "celaka betol ni~!" (rofl)
Tobi^Isamu^ says
13 years ago
i know, RC ... that's why there are things best to be kept silent ...
Tobi^Isamu^ says
13 years ago
retardedly_cute says
13 years ago
lol once upon a time someone told me this jk .. on how to keep a successful relationship.
retardedly_cute says
13 years ago
it boils down to 3 phrases ... lol.
retardedly_cute says
13 years ago
its' yes dear, if u say so dear & finally, i love you dear.
retardedly_cute says
13 years ago
cos manala tau suddenly she ask, do i look fat in this .. & then u tak dengar u go .. yes dear, if u say so dear .. u still got back up.
retardedly_cute says
13 years ago
u can go well of cos dear, i love you dear.
retardedly_cute says
13 years ago
lol .. of cos jk only la .. relationship is moar than that :-P!
Tobi^Isamu^ says
13 years ago
haha .. for me, i just say, no matter how you look like dear, you are always pretty in my eyes
Tobi^Isamu^ says
13 years ago
that is why i chose you to be my wife, and not other girls out there
Tobi^Isamu^ says
13 years ago
retardedly_cute says
13 years ago
lol lek jai wor!
Tobi^Isamu^ says
13 years ago
of course!! else you think how i get my current fiancee? lolz
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