ritaylee feels
13 years ago
happy. 終於吃到蝦仁蛋炒飯了 =)
latest #7
lightingdark says
13 years ago
不是說不想吃了嗎? 那天就要幫妳買了~~ :-o
Beach GNC says
13 years ago
what's so special about some silly fried rice?
13 years ago
I feel happy when I have good food too~hehe
13 years ago
Rita我們下次一起去吃Thai food laaa!
13 years ago
whmiao: I love pineapple fried rice !!
ritaylee says
13 years ago
haha mothing la~ just craving it =) and sheena yes i want banana leaf too! but you like are so hard to find, you're always hiding! hahaa
13 years ago
aiyo I'm too busy now but we can always hang out after the finals and in Taiwan : )
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