alster says
13 years ago
1 day left before my flight to USA bye bye philippines awwww :-(
latest #7
mitchiego says
13 years ago
(wave) take care
alster says
13 years ago
mitchiego: salamat (wave)
mitchiego says
13 years ago
:-D stay happy and glad... face all the NEWS out there and dont be afraid to encounter these things.... adios amigo
alster says
13 years ago
mitchiego: I will thanks :-)) you too my friend wish you luck and a nice career for you take care always :-D
mitchiego says
13 years ago
thanks... likewise... ^^, God Bless... have a happy trip :-)
capsule♫ says
13 years ago
:-( ayy bakit ammmm
alster says
13 years ago
purple_dunah: punta muna aq US...
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