devilishkirana says
13 years ago
need another endorphin maker...
latest #6
RenoYeh says
13 years ago
large amount of physical exercise can make your brain generate endorphin~ XD
13 years ago
step on the dog tail...wait til 1 minute, and ye' will get Endorphin Rush!
devilishkirana says
13 years ago
Infinity_:if i trying imagine really..really hard on exercising..would my brain get tricky,and send out d endorphin?:-D
devilishkirana says
13 years ago
aedel: nah..just step on some very hot guy and i'll get endorphin need the dog ;p
RenoYeh says
13 years ago
well then, i guess you can find a hot guy and have lots of exercise with him (so wrong~~~ lol)
devilishkirana says
13 years ago
reno yeh: lol...u know some hot athletic guy that i can exercise with then?tell him to plurk me will you..:-D
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